Alexander C Knobloch, Alexander R Kim, Kara R K Babo, Sara J McCall, Carlton J Covey
Pediatric hip pain can have orthopedic, infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, or nonmusculoskeletal etiologies. Organizing the differential diagnosis by symptom chronicity and a determination of intraarticular versus extraarticular pain, as well as the age at pain onset, can be helpful to hone in on the cause. Clinicians should consider plain radiographs in cases of acute trauma, with concern for bony pathology, or in patients with unexplained limp or hip pain, with musculoskeletal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging used as advanced imaging when indicated...
September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Thomas M Neubauer, Justin J Chin, R Dillon Hill, Yao-Wen Eliot Hu
Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome remains difficult to diagnose. Meanwhile, our limited knowledge and understanding make treatment decisions complex. The list of differential diagnoses for exertional leg pain is broad. Oftentimes, patients exhibit confounding and coexisting diagnoses. However, accurate and rapid diagnosis of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is essential to reduce potential lasting damage to the popliteal artery. A combination of clinical history, physical examination, ankle-brachial index, along with dynamic and static imaging such as duplex ultrasound, computed tomography angiogram, and magnetic resonance angiography, aids diagnosis...
September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Gerardo Capodosal, Diane Holden, Wyatt Maloy, Jeremy D Schroeder
Thoracic outlet syndrome is a complex syndrome that manifests with symptoms based on the presumed injury or impairment of the neurovascular structures in the thoracic outlet space with its intricate anatomy and pathophysiology. The thoracic outlet is a specific anatomical region with three distinct anatomical spaces - interscalene triangle, the costoclavicular space, and the retro-pectoralis minor space. Thoracic outlet syndrome is classified into neurogenic, venous, and arterial thoracic outlet syndrome and often poses diagnostic challenge to implicate a specific condition or cause...
September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Taylor North, Dave Robinson, Brennan Boettcher, Sanj Kakar, Adam C Johnson, Elena J Jelsing
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September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Kyle P Lammlein, Julie A Creech-Organ
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September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Pooja Sharma, Joseph Powers, Logan Pierce
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September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
William W Dexter, Matt Migliozzi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
E Randy Eichner
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September 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Jessica Sher, Christopher W Lewis, Cindy Lin
With an increasing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles driving a prominent public health crisis, digital health tools such as wearable technologies are revolutionizing clinicians' ability to track physical activity and exercise. Despite their ubiquity in the consumer market, these technologies have not yet been fully incorporated into clinical practice. Though these tools promise efficacy and accessibility, a careful review of the current literature is important to understand the challenges and future promise of clinical implementation...
August 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Katherine Wilson, Michael Oca, Leo L T Meller, Matthew R Allen, Michael B Strauss
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August 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Robert S Phillips, Lee R Ryder, Ebony Jackson Clark
As physical therapists and exercise professionals, we have an obligation to promote health and well-being through participation in sport and recreational/physical activity. We play an active role in facilitating and encouraging movement for a large percentage of the population, including our transgender patients/clients. It is integral that we include transgender individuals in supportive and inclusive atmospheres of play, and it is critical for us to lead the conversation around the inclusion of the transgender community in recreational activities and sport...
August 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Nolan Fox, Nicholas Fox, Alan P Jacobsen, Roger S Blumenthal, Lili A Barouch
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetic heart condition occurring in up to 1 in 200 patients in the United States, many of whom are young and otherwise healthy. This condition puts those affected at increased risk for adverse cardiac outcomes, including sudden cardiac arrest and death, with particular concern for this to occur during exercise and other forms of exertion. Recent studies aimed at evaluating the risk of exercise in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients have suggested that moderate and even vigorous exercise may be safe for certain patients...
July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Andrew R Jagim, Jill S Moschelli, Lisa M Woodroffe, Craig A Horswill, Susan A Bloomfield, Robert A Oppliger
Female wrestling has grown exponentially over the past decade. Within the United States, 46 states now recognize female high school wrestling, and 153 colleges have programs. It is on track to become an NCAA championship-level sport in 2026. A primary health and safety risk among this cohort pertains to rapid weight loss strategies. These can lead to intentional caloric restriction and decreased body fatness, with the perceived goal of attaining a competitive advantage. Low energy availability and low body fatness are associated with a number of health concerns including menstrual dysfunction and loss of bone mineral density in girls and women...
July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Beatriz Arrillaga, Andreas Konrad, Iker García
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July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Jeff G Konin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Paul J Kehoe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
E Randy Eichner
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Chantal Nguyen, Matthew Kaufman, Adrian Vallejo, Sarah DeParis, Anne Friedlander, Levi Frehlich, Michael Fredericson
Exercise leads to robust cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and psychological benefits that improve quality of life and longevity for older adults, but accompanying improvements in athletic parameters are less well explored. The aim of this review is to summarize some of the most common exercise modalities, namely, Pilates, martial arts (tai chi, Japanese-style karate, hard martial arts), locomotion (brisk walking/jogging and running), Masters sports, resistance training, and high-intensity interval training, in improving athletic performance for older adults...
June 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Paige Dyrek, Nicholas Tsitsilianos, Kelly C McInnis, Adam S Tenforde, Joanne Borg-Stein
Achilles tendinopathy is a common overuse injury that is traditionally managed with activity modification and a progressive eccentric strengthening program. This narrative review describes the available evidence for adjunctive procedural interventions in the management of midportion and insertional AT, specifically in the athletic population. Safety and efficacy data from available literature on extracorporeal shockwave therapy, platelet-rich plasma, high-volume injectate with or without tendon scraping, and percutaneous needle tenotomy are used to propose an algorithm for treatment of Achilles tendinopathy for the in-season athlete...
June 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
Jessica N Buttinger, Joshua M Romero, Jacob L Sellon, Nirusha Lachman, Ryan C Kruse, Brennan J Boettcher
Hip pain is a common concern among athletes. With gluteal tendinopathy, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis predominating sports medicine and musculoskeletal practices, less common etiologies may be overlooked. Complex pelvic anatomy and variable pain referral patterns may make identifying an accurate diagnosis challenging. Employing a systematic approach to evaluation and having a thorough understanding of hip region anatomy are essential. A potentially overlooked cause of anterolateral hip pain is iliotibial band origin tendinopathy...
June 1, 2024: Current Sports Medicine Reports
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