Sara E Wetter-Wren, Alexandra C Himelhoch, Kimberly A Driscoll
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Although pervasive inequities in the health outcomes of youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) exist, the role of provider bias in these inequities is not well-understood. The purpose of this review is to synthesize evidence from existing studies on the associations between patient characteristics, provider bias, and patient health. RECENT FINDINGS: Fourteen articles were included. Determining the extent of the effects of provider bias on patient health is limited by a lack of consensus on its definition...
January 18, 2024: Current Diabetes Reports
H A Dissanayake, N P Somasundaram
PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: This review summarizes the new developments in polyagonist pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes. RECENT FINDINGS: Several dual- and triple-agonists targeting different pathogenic pathways of type 2 diabetes have entered clinical trials and have led to significant improvements in glycaemia, body weight, fatty liver, and cardio-renal risk factors, with variable adverse event profiles but no new serious safety concerns. Combining agents with complementary and synergistic mechanisms of action have enhanced efficacy and safety...
January 2024: Current Diabetes Reports
Kendall Gow, Amineh Rashidi, Lisa Whithead
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Medication adherence plays an important role in improving health outcomes related to diabetes and comorbidity. The potential factors influencing medication adherence and how they contribute to health behaviors have not been synthesized to date. This review synthesized qualitative studies that identified factors influencing medication adherence among adults living with diabetes and comorbidity. RECENT FINDINGS: Twenty-eight findings were extracted and synthesized into four themes: perceived support, lack of knowledge, medication issues, and the importance of routine...
December 19, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Bige Ozkan, Chiadi E Ndumele
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Among subtypes of cardiovascular disease, obesity has a potent and unique association with heart failure (HF) that is unexplained by traditional cardiovascular risk mediators. The concomitant rise in the prevalence of obesity and HF necessitates better understanding of their relationship to develop effective prevention and treatment strategies. The purpose of this review is to provide mechanistic insight regarding the link between obesity and HF by elucidating the direct and indirect pathways linking the two conditions...
December 15, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Sandeep Chandra Shrestha, Setu Gupta
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aims to collect all the data regarding imeglimin and present it as one of the options for managing diabetes. RECENT FINDINGS: It is a new drug that has recently been approved as an oral anti-diabetic drug, either as monotherapy or in combination with other oral antidiabetic drugs including insulin, with modest HbA1c reduction, and a fairly safe profile. Imeglimin was first approved in 2021 in Japan and China and is available in India from October 2022...
December 5, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Candice A Myers
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The built environment impacts obesogenic behaviors and in turn body weight outcomes. This review summarizes recent research demonstrating environmental impacts on dietary intake and obesity with a specific focus on the neighborhood food environment. RECENT FINDINGS: In the previous five years, an abundance of reviews and research studies have been undertaken to elucidate how the neighborhood food environment impacts diet and obesity. This includes studies using primary data collection and secondary data analyses in various populations across the globe...
November 27, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Vivian Cao, Alisha Clark, Brooke Aggarwal
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Vasomotor symptoms are frequently experienced by women during menopause and have been linked to obesity. Severity of menopausal symptoms is a distinct construct from presence of symptoms, and the relation between severity of symptoms and obesity is less established. The purpose of this brief narrative review was to summarize evidence from recent studies on associations between menopausal symptom severity and measures of obesity. RECENT FINDINGS: Sixteen articles were identified that specifically assessed and reported on the severity of menopausal symptoms in relation to measures of obesity including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio...
November 24, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Lihua Pan, Nelson C Y Yeung
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Interests have been emerging in using positive psychology interventions (PPIs) to improve diabetes self-management (DSM) behaviors (e.g., blood glucose monitoring, physical activity). To explore the impact of those interventions on DSM behaviors, we summarized the evidence of PPIs on self-management behaviors among both type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients between 2012 and 2022. RECENT FINDINGS: Among the eight studies identified, different study designs and types of PPIs were apparent...
November 1, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Alan Reyes-García, Isabel Junquera-Badilla, Carolina Batis, M Arantxa Colchero, J Jaime Miranda, Tonatiuh Barrientos-Gutiérrez, Ana Basto-Abreu
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Taxes on sugary drinks and foods have emerged as a key strategy to counteract the alarming levels of diabetes worldwide. Added sugar consumption from industrialized foods and beverages has been strongly linked to type 2 diabetes. This review provides a synthesis of evidence on how taxes on sugary products can influence the onset of type 2 diabetes, describing the importance of the different mechanisms through which the consumption of these products is reduced, leading to changes in weight and potentially a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes...
October 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Katarzyna Wnuk, Jakub Świtalski, Tomasz Tatara, Wojciech Miazga, Sylwia Jopek, Anna Augustynowicz, Urszula Religioni, Mariusz Gujski
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease that may lead to severe complications. The main methods of preventing or delaying the onset of T2DM include lifestyle changes. The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of workplace interventions aimed at preventing type 2 diabetes. An umbrella review was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. Searches were performed in Medline (via PubMed), Embase (via OVID), and Cochrane Library databases...
September 20, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Graham D Ogle, Gabriel A Gregory, Fei Wang, Thomas I G Robinson, Jayanthi Maniam, Dianna J Magliano, Trevor John Orchard
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 14, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Sean M McNabney, Nana Gletsu-Miller, David L Rowland
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Sexual dysfunction is commonly associated with overweight/obesity, but the underlying physiological and psychosocial mechanisms are not fully understood. This review contextualizes the obesity-sexual (dys)function relationship, describes recent insights from the medical and social science literature, and suggests opportunities for continued research. RECENT FINDINGS: Although sexual dysfunction has been historically evaluated as a consequence/outcome of obesity, it is increasingly considered as a harbinger of future metabolic comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease...
August 26, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Graham D Ogle, Gabriel A Gregory, Fei Wang, Thomas Ig Robinson, Jayanthi Maniam, Diana J Magliano, Trevor John Orchard
PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: Current global information on incidence, prevalence, and mortality of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is limited, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. To address this gap in evidence, JDRF, Life for a Child, International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, and International Diabetes Federation have developed the T1D Index, which uses a Markov mathematical model, and machine learning and all available data to provide global estimates of the burden on T1D...
August 23, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Sasiwarang Goya Wannamethee, Janice L Atkins
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a growing public health problem in older adults. Whether SO confers higher risk of cardiometabolic disease and mortality than obesity or sarcopenia alone is still a matter of debate. We focus on recent findings on SO and cardiometabolic health and mortality in older adults. RECENT FINDINGS: SO is associated with increased mortality compared to non-sarcopenic obesity, but similar mortality risk compared to sarcopenia without obesity...
August 11, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Ziyue Zhu, Samuel Yeung Shan Wong, Joseph Jao Yiu Sung, Thomas Yuen Tung Lam
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Numerous observations have indicated an increased risk of developing various types of cancers, as well as cancer-related mortality, among patients with diabetes and obesity. The purpose of this review is to outline multiple-cancer screening among these patients through a team-based approach and to present the findings of a pioneering integrated care program designed for patients with obesity with a specific emphasis on cancer prevention. RECENT FINDINGS: A community-based multi-cancer prevention program, which provides all services in one location and utilizes team-based approaches, is reported to be feasible and has the potential to enhance the uptake rate of multiple cancers screening among patients with diabetes and obesity...
August 3, 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Dedeepya Konuthula, Marcia M Tan, Deborah L Burnet
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aims to elucidate the limitations of diagnosing metabolic syndrome in adolescents as well as challenges and opportunities in the identification and reduction of cardiometabolic risk in this population. RECENT FINDINGS: There are multiple criticisms of how we define and approach obesity in clinical practice and scientific research, and weight stigma further complicates the process of making and communicating weight-related diagnoses...
August 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Om Saswat Sahoo, Rhiti Mitra, Arghyadeep Bhattacharjee, Samarjit Kar, Oindrilla Mukherjee
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aims to analyse the consistency of reports suggesting the role of Diabetes Mellitus in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). RECENT FINDINGS: There have been numerous controversies citing the prevalence of H. pylori infections in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This review investigates the possible crosstalk between H. pylori infections and T2DM and also designs a meta-analysis to quantify the association...
August 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Soumya Kurnool, Karen C McCowen, Nicole A Bernstein, Atul Malhotra
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To synthesize the existing literature regarding the complex interplay between sleep disturbance, obesity, and diabetes. The review emphasizes the three pillars of health being diet, exercise, and sleep, with the notion that if one is ignored, then the other two could suffer. RECENT FINDINGS: Sleep deprivation is associated with incident obesity, perhaps mediated by dysregulation in leptin and ghrelin - hormones important in regulation of appetite...
July 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Kelly Engle, Grace Bacani, Curtiss B Cook, Gregory A Maynard, Jordan Messler, Kristen Kulasa
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Inpatient glucose data analysis, or glucometrics, has developed alongside the growing emphasis on glycemic control in the hospital. Shortcomings in the initial capabilities for glucometrics have pushed advancements in defining meaningful units of measurement and methods for capturing glucose data. This review addresses the growth in glucometrics and ends with its promising new state. RECENT FINDINGS: Standardization, allowing for benchmarking and purposeful comparison, has been a goal of the field...
July 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
Calvin Ke, Emaad Mohammad, Juliana C N Chan, Alice P S Kong, Fok-Han Leung, Baiju R Shah, Douglas Lee, Andrea O Luk, Ronald C W Ma, Elaine Chow, Xiaolin Wei
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: There are gaps in implementing and accessing team-based diabetes care. We reviewed and compared how team-based diabetes care was implemented in the primary care contexts of Ontario and Hong Kong. RECENT FINDINGS: Ontario's Diabetes Education Programs (DEPs) were scaled-up incrementally. Hong Kong's Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Program for Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) evolved from a research-driven quality improvement program...
July 2023: Current Diabetes Reports
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