Wan-Ruo Ma, Lu Liu, Ge Wang, Jia-Li Bai, Bao-Zhen Hua
The rectum is an important part of the alimentary canal responsible for ion and water reabsorption of insects. However, it has rarely been studied in the larvae of Panorpidae, the largest family in Mecoptera. Here, we investigated the ultrastructure of larval rectum of the scorpionfly Panorpa liui Hua, 1997 using light and transmission electron microscopy. The rectum comprises tracheal muscular layers, connective tissue, non-cellular basal lamina, junctional cells, rectal epithelium, cuticle with irregular outlines, and a central lumen...
September 6, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Martina Lento, Maria Luigia Vommaro, Simone Flaminio, Pietro Brandmayr, Anita Giglio
Solitary bees play a crucial role in ecological systems, contributing to the pollination of crops and wild plants. All females are reproductive, and their habitat requirements include nesting sites, food resources and nesting materials. Although these activities require the ability to detect biotic and abiotic stimuli in the environment, the sensory system of these species is poorly studied. In this study, the antennal sensilla of five solitary bee species belonging to three Apoidea families were investigated using scanning electron microscopy...
September 5, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Alexander Kumpanenko, Dmytro Gladun
Sapygidae is a small family of Aculeata (Hymenoptera), which is divided into two subfamilies Fedtschenkiinae and Sapyginae. The morphology of the skeleton of the sting apparatus in some European species of Sapyginae, which are kleptoparasites of wild bees from the families Megachilidae, Apidae and Colletidae, was examined. Significant differences in its skeletal structure were noted between Sapygina decemguttata and representatives of the genera Sapyga and Monosapyga. The sting of Sapygina belongs to the decurved type, while Sapyga and Monosapyga have a sting close to the coiled type...
August 23, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Zhi-Teng Chen
Perlidae stands as the most diverse family within Plecoptera, with evidence suggesting possible adaptation to warmer aquatic environments. Tracheal gills are hypothesized to have played a pivotal role in this radiation process. This study presents the description of a fossilized stonefly larva with gills, preserved as a fresh exuvia in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber from northern Myanmar. The larva was classified within the family Perlidae based on distinctive morphological traits, including toothed lacinia and sharp-cusped mandibles, slender palps, glossae shorter than rounded paraglossae, and highly branched gills on the sides and ventral surface of thoracic segments...
August 10, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
J Matthias Starck
Schizomida is an enigmatic group of arachnids that is traditionally considered the dwarfed sister to Thelyphonida. Schizomids are of interest for evolutionary morphology, because they show a number of features like a tripartite prosoma dorsal shield (pro-, meso-, metapeltidium), formation of three sterna, a complex prosoma-opisthosoma transition and a metasoma. By analyzing the body organization of Schizomida and comparing it to Thelyphonida and other arachnids, this article provides evidence for independent evolution of some of these features in Schizomida...
August 1, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
J Matthias Starck
This paper tests hypotheses of independent parallel evolution of the rostrosoma among euchelicerate taxa by analyzing the microscopic anatomy and histology of the rostrosoma of Uropygi (Schizomida and Thelyphonida) and comparing it with the morphology of the snout region in other euchelicerates. The study employs analysis of multiple histological serial sections, μCT-imaging, and graphical as well as computer-based 3D reconstruction. Results of the study are that Thelyphonida and Schizomida share the same morphology of the rostrosoma...
July 25, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Sarah R Losso, Javier Ortega-Hernández
Trilobites were extremely abundant and diverse euarthropods from the Paleozoic Era, but our understanding of their non-biomineralized ventral morphology is restricted to localities with exceptional fossil preservation. The Ordovician-aged Walcott-Rust Quarry in New York State preserves exceptional trilobite fossils as calcite casts in three-dimensions with little to no deformation, providing a valuable view of their ventral morphology. Appendages of the two most abundant trilobites, Ceraurus pleurexanthemus and Flexicalymene senaria, have been known for over 150 years but the original preparation of the specimens as thin sections has led to significant disagreement about their anatomy...
July 20, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Maria Petrova, Ekaterina Bogomolova
Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) are marine chelicerates. Current pycnogonid phylogeny based on molecular data remains uncertain and contradicts traditional morphological perspectives. To resolve this conflict, understanding their inner anatomy is crucial. The reproductive system of sea spiders shows promise as a source of phylogenetic signal, yet our knowledge in this area is limited. This study presents the first description of the whole female reproductive system of a sea spider at the ultrastructural level. We suggest a more detailed functional regionalization of the ovary based on the ovarian wall ultrastructure and distribution of oocyte developmental stages...
June 6, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow, Nobuo Gokan
One of the least studied eyes of any beetle taxon are those of the scarabaeoid family Passalidae. Some members of this family of around 600 species worldwide are known to have superposition eyes (Aceraius grandis; A. hikidai) while others have apposition eyes (Cylindrocaulus patalis; Ceracupes yui). In C. yui of nearly 3 cm body length (this paper) the retinal layer is very thin and occupies approximately half of an ommatidium's total length, the latter amounting to 284 and 266 μm in the respective dorsal and ventral eye regions...
May 24, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Jakub Prokop, Kateřina Rosová, Martina Pecharová, Pavel Sroka, Angelika Leipner, André Nel
Permopsocids are small acercarian insects with mouthparts specialized for sucking. They are closely related to Hemiptera and Thysanoptera. The earliest known representatives are from the Early Permian. Here evidence is presented that the Permopsocida occurred even earlier in Pennsylvanian (Moscovian) deposits in the Piesberg quarry near Osnabrück (Lower Saxony, Germany). This material is assigned to the Permian family Psocidiidae; Carbonopsocus mercuryi gen. et sp. nov., based on the wing venation diagnosed by the unique branching pattern of the main veins, the shape of the areola postica being longer than wide, the angular shape of the pterostigma, the ir crossvein directed proximally mid of pterostigma (apomorphy) and the vannus formed by the three veins of PCu, A1 and A2...
May 4, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Masako Katsuki, Kaoru Uesugi, Tomoyuki Yokoi, Takane Ozawa, Devin M O'Brien, Douglas J Emlen, Kensuke Okada, Yasukazu Okada
Mate choice and male-male combat over successful mating often cause disproportionate exaggeration of male trait relative to body size. However, the exaggeration is often not the only trait involved with male-male combat and mate choice: suites of co-expressed traits may function together as a coordinated unit. When this occurs, dimorphism may be expected for these additional, non-exaggerated, structures. S. femorata males have disproportionately large hind-legs used in male-male combat over females. During the fights, fore- and mid-legs are used to keep males in positions where advantageous for leverage...
May 4, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Zsolt Bálint, Gergely Katona, Krisztián Kertész, Gábor Piszter, Balázs Tóth, László Péter Biró
Beside the more than two thousand normal specimens of Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775) yielded by rearing experiments, there was one perfectly bilateral dichromatic individual first considered to be gynandrous. On the basis of analysing genitalia traits, wing surface covering scale micromorphology, and the spectral characteristics of the blue colour generated by the cover scales, the gender of the specimen has been identified as female. This exemplar was investigated in comparison with gynandrous specimens from the collections of the Hungarian Natural History Museum exhibiting various degrees of intermixing of blue and brown coloration...
April 29, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Romano Dallai, David Mercati, Pietro Lupetti
The ultrastructural study on the female reproductive system of the beetle M. brevicauda (Mordellidae) confirmed the positive correlation between the length of the sperm and the size of the female seminal receptacle (Spermatheca). The spermatheca of the species is characterized by an apical bulb-like structure where the spermathecal duct forms numerous folds filled with sperm. At this level many bacterial cells are present intermingled with the duct folds. Some are organized in large structures, such as bacteriomes, while other are single bacteriocytes...
April 25, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Himanshu Thakur, Surbhi Agarwal, Aleš Buček, Jaromír Hradecký, Hana Sehadová, Vartika Mathur, Ulugbek Togaev, Thomas van de Kamp, Elias Hamann, Ren-Han Liu, Kuldeep S Verma, Hou-Feng Li, David Sillam-Dussès, Michael S Engel, Jan Šobotník
The large abundance of termites is partially achieved by their defensive abilities. Stylotermitidae represented by a single extant genus, Stylotermes, is a member of a termite group Neoisoptera that encompasses 83% of termite species and 94% of termite genera and is characterized by the presence of the frontal gland. Within Neoisoptera, Stylotermitidae represents a species-poor sister lineage of all other groups. We studied the structure of the frontal, labral and labial glands in soldiers and workers of Stylotermes faveolus, and the composition of the frontal gland secretion in S...
March 22, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Silvana Piersanti, Manuela Rebora, Gianandrea Salerno, Simon Vitecek, Sylvia Anton
Aquatic insects represent a great portion of Arthropod diversity and the major fauna in inland waters. The sensory biology and neuroanatomy of these insects are, however, poorly investigated. This research aims to describe the antennal sensilla of nymphs of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes using scanning electron microscopy and comparing them with the adult sensilla. Besides, central antennal pathways in nymphs and adults are investigated by neuron mass-tracing with tetramethylrhodamine, and their brain structures are visualized with an anti-synapsin antibody...
March 16, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Carolin Gilgenbach, Juliane Vehof, Benjamin Wipfler, Ralph S Peters
A particularly conspicuous morphological feature in chalcidoid wasps are strikingly modified legs present in both males and females. It evolved convergently multiple times on either fore or hind legs implying strong evolutionary pressure and a prominent function in the wasps' life history. We investigate the external and internal morphology of the modified legs of five species of chalcidoid wasps representing four families (Ooderidae, Heydeniidae, Chalcididae, and Leucospidae), using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and micro computed tomography...
March 11, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Dayvson Ayala Costa, Paulo Henrique Rezende, Frederico Falcão Salles, Gleison Robson Desidério, Glenda Dias, José Lino-Neto
The Trichoptera, holometabolous aquatic insects found worldwide except in Antarctica, exhibit a unique feature in their sperm, which are solely nucleated (eupyrene). Current knowledge on Trichoptera sperm is limited to Old World species. To enhance our understanding of their reproductive biology and contribute to systematic discussions, we describe the male reproductive system and spermatozoa of Smicridea (Rhyacophylax) iguazu Flint, 1983 (Hydropsychidae). This species lacks seminal vesicles, possesses piriform to oval-shaped testes with spermatozoa grouped in apical bundles and dense filamentous material filling other areas...
February 26, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Diego N Barbosa, Marcos Fianco
A remarkable characteristic of katydids (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) is the elongated ovipositor, which is associated with oviposition behavior. The high degree of complexity of both sclerites and muscles arrangement of the ovipositor, is only similar to the ovipositor of Hymenoptera. Here we describe the morphology of the ovipositor within Tettigoniidae, and add descriptions of known oviposition behavior. Fifteen skeletal structures can be recognized, of these, three pairs of muscles are new while nine pairs were already described in the literature...
February 9, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Fábio G L Oliveira, Adrian A Smith
Springtails are notable for their jumping apparatus and latch-mediated spring mechanism. The challenge, in the light of the tiny size and rapid movement of these organisms, has been to understand the morphological intricacies of this spring system. This study takes an approach that integrates SEM, MicroCT, cLSM and high-speed video recordings to understand the composition and functionality of the jumping apparatus in Megalothorax minimus (Neelipleona), Dicyrtomina ornata and Dicyrtomina minuta (Symphypleona)...
February 9, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
Andrey B Shatrov, Elena V Soldatenko, Anatoly A Petrov
The mouth apparatus in larvae of the freshwater mite Limnochares aquatica (L., 1758) (Acariformes, Limnocharidae), belonging to the lower Hydrachnidia, was studied with light microscopy, scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy, as well as with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to reveal its main morphological and functional characteristics. The gnathosoma, functioning as a mouth organ takes a prognathous position, and inclines to the body axial line at the angle of around 30°...
January 22, 2024: Arthropod Structure & Development
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