Maria Victoria Mazzolenis, Gabrielle Naime Mourra, Sacha Moreau, Maria Emilia Mazzolenis, Ivo H Cerda, Julio Vega, James S Khan, Alexandra Thérond
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review investigates the roles of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) in enhancing cognitive pain therapy for chronic pain management. The work assesses current research, outlines benefits and limitations and examines their potential integration into existing pain management methods. RECENT FINDINGS: Advances in VR have shown promise in chronic pain management through immersive cognitive therapy exercises, with evidence supporting VR's effectiveness in symptom reduction...
June 8, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Han Wang, Jennifer I Stern, Carrie E Robertson, Chia-Chun Chiang
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review is to provide an updated approach to the evaluation and management of pulsatile tinnitus (PT), an uncommon but often treatable subtype of tinnitus. RECENT FINDINGS: Secondary PT can be due to either vascular or non-vascular etiologies, including, but not limited to: neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation or fistula, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, dural venous sinus stenosis, otoacoustic etiologies (e.g., otosclerosis, patulous eustachian tube) and bony defects (e...
June 6, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Ivo H Cerda, Emily Zhang, Moises Dominguez, Minhal Ahmed, Min Lang, Sait Ashina, Michael E Schatman, R Jason Yong, Alexandra C G Fonseca
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review provides an overview of the current and future role of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) in addressing the complexities inherent to the diagnosis, classification, and management of headache disorders. RECENT FINDINGS: Through machine learning and natural language processing approaches, AI offers unprecedented opportunities to identify patterns within complex and voluminous datasets, including brain imaging data...
June 5, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Tiffany A Meier, Mohammad S Refahi, Gavin Hearne, Daniele S Restifo, Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Gail L Rosen, Stephen Woloszynek
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aims to explore the interface between artificial intelligence (AI) and chronic pain, seeking to identify areas of focus for enhancing current treatments and yielding novel therapies. RECENT FINDINGS: In the United States, the prevalence of chronic pain is estimated to be upwards of 40%. Its impact extends to increased healthcare costs, reduced economic productivity, and strain on healthcare resources. Addressing this condition is particularly challenging due to its complexity and the significant variability in how patients respond to treatment...
June 1, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Natalie Strand, Meredith A Anderson, Sumedha Attanti, Benjamin Gill, Christopher Wie, Azizat Dawodu, Robert Pagan-Rosado, Monica W Harbell, Jillian A Maloney
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Diabetic neuropathy is a debilitating complication of diabetes mellitus that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is characterized by nerve damage resulting from prolonged exposure to high blood glucose levels. Diabetic neuropathy may cause a range of symptoms, including pain, numbness, muscle weakness, autonomic dysfunction, and foot ulcers, potentially causing significant impairment to the quality of life for those affected. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy...
June 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Ruben Klimke, Alexander Ott, Carolina S Romero, Andrea Berendes, Richard D Urman, Markus M Luedi, Vighnesh Ashok
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Chronic Postsurgical Pain (CPSP) and the risk for long-term opioid dependency are known complications following major surgery. The idea of Transitional Pain Service (TPS) has been introduced as an interdisciplinary setting to manage pain in the perioperative continuum. We expand on the basic framework and principles of TPS and summarize the current evidence of the TPS and possible interventions to adress postoperative pain. Areas of future work in TPS-related research are discussed...
June 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Qing Zhao Ruan, Jason Chang, Daniel Pak, Rajesh Supra, Cyrus Yazdi, Linda Kollenburg, Erkan Kurt, David Reece, Alexandra C G Fonseca, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, Christopher L Robinson
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lower extremity pain is deemed by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to be a significant source of chronic pain in adults. If not appropriately managed, patients are subjected to risks of prolonged musculoskeletal dysfunction, disruption to quality of life, and elevated healthcare expenditures. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) has shown great potential in recent years demonstrating efficacy in multiple diagnoses ranging from acute post-surgical pain to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)...
June 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Maria Emilia Mazzolenis, Evgeny Bulat, Michael E Schatman, Chris Gumb, Christopher J Gilligan, Robert J Yong
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming more pervasive in medicine, understanding their ethical considerations for chronic pain and headache management is crucial for optimizing their safety. RECENT FINDINGS: We reviewed thirty-eight editorial and original research articles published between 2018 and 2023, focusing on the application of AI and ML to chronic pain or headache. The core medical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice constituted the evaluation framework...
May 29, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Brian Osman, Jagan Devarajan, Austin Skinner, Fred Shapiro
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To explore the recent developments and trends in the anesthetic and surgical practices for total hip and total knee arthroplasty and discuss the implications for further outpatient total joint arthroplasty procedures. RECENT FINDINGS: Between 2012 and 2017 there was an 18.9% increase in the annual primary total joint arthroplasty volume. Payments to physicians falling by 7.5% (14.9% when adjusted for inflations), whereas hospital reimbursements and charges increased by 0...
May 29, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Kimmy Bais, Fady Guirguis, Mina Guirguis
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Postoperative nerve injury after nerve block is complex and multifactorial. The mechanisms, etiologies, and risk factors are explored. This review article conducts a literature search and summarizes current evidence and best practices in prevention of nerve injury. RECENT FINDINGS: Emerging technology such as ultrasound, injection pressure monitors, and nerve stimulators for peripheral nerve block have been incorporated into regular practice to reduce the rate of nerve injury...
May 28, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Alopi Patel, Vinit Palayeker, Paul Shekane
INTRODUCTION: As we increasingly encounter transgender patients in the perioperative setting, it is important to be cognizant of appropriate medical management of the transgender patient. There is limited literature on the appropriate perioperative techniques to implement for adequate pain control in the transgender patient presenting for gender affirming procedures. METHODS: In this scoping review, the authors identify publications that address perioperative pain control techniques that can be implemented by the anesthesiologist such as regional anesthesia, multimodal medications, or non-pharmacologic modalities...
May 24, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Alexandra E Reis, Matthew Spano, Cecilia Davis-Hayes, Gayle R Salama
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This paper reviews the complications of lumbar puncture with a focus on post-dural puncture headache including pathophysiology, risk factors, prevention, and treatment. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent research has focused on understanding the multifactorial mechanisms of post-dural puncture headache and improving prevention and treatment strategies. Small caliber, pencil-point type needles are encouraged to minimize the risk of post-dural puncture headaches, especially in populations that are at higher risk for complication...
May 22, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Alan D Kaye, Driskell R Greene, Catherine Nguyen, Amanda Ragland, Mason P Granger, William Peyton Wilhite, Kylie Dufrene, Sahar Shekoohi, Christopher L Robinson
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The present investigation evaluated integration of novel medication technology to enhance treatment options, while improving patient outcomes in acute pain management. In this regard, we focused on determining the role of development and utilization of cutting-edge pharmaceutical advancements, such as targeted drug delivery systems, as well as non-pharmacologic interventions in addressing acute pain states. Further research in this area is warranted related to the need for increased patient comfort and reduced adverse effects...
May 18, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Woo-Seok Ha, Min Kyung Chu
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review aimed to investigate emerging evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise for migraines, focusing on the results of recent trials. Additionally, it explored the possibility of exercise as a treatment for migraines. RECENT FINDINGS: Between 2020 and 2023, five, four, one, and two trials were conducted regarding the effect of aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, Tai Chi, and yoga, respectively, on migraine; all studies showed significant effects...
May 18, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Olivia Kingsford, Mustafa Yehya, Glynnis Zieman, Kerry L Knievel
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Headache is one of the most common symptoms of traumatic brain injury, and it is more common in patients with mild, rather than moderate or severe, traumatic brain injury. Posttraumatic headache can be the most persistent symptom of traumatic brain injury. In this article, we review the current understanding of posttraumatic headache, summarize the current knowledge of its pathophysiology and treatment, and review the research regarding predictors of long-term outcomes...
May 7, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Karen A Williams
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Migraine brings hours or even days of disability, affecting 15% of the US population and one billion people worldwide. Migraine treatments have improved over the years and there is now a range of non-pharmacologic therapies that can be administered as monotherapy, combined with pharmacologic therapy or combined with other non-pharmacologic therapies to give greater options for those who do not tolerate, do not respond to, or who wish to reduce or avoid pharmacologic treatments...
May 2, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
David L Chang, Benjamin Mirman, Neel Mehta, Daniel Pak
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review is to evaluate and summarize the literature investigating cryoneurolysis in the treatment of various chronic pain pathologies. RECENT FINDINGS: There is an increasing amount of interest in the use of cryoneurolysis in chronic pain, and various studies have investigated its use in lumbar facet joint pain, SI joint pain, post-thoracotomy syndrome, temporomandibular joint pain, chronic knee pain, phantom limb pain, neuropathic pain, and abdominal pain...
May 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Soohyun Cho, Byung-Kun Kim
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-targeting agents are potential candidates for disease-modifying migraine drugs. However, most studies on CGRP-targeting agents have assessed efficacy outcomes rather than long-term effects after discontinuation. This review aimed to synthesize and scrutinize the latest clinical data on the outcomes after the discontinuation of CGRP-targeting therapy in patients with episodic and chronic migraine, with a particular focus on chronic migraine...
April 29, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Wei Lin, Jr-Wei Wu, Jennifer I Stern, Carrie E Robertson, Chia-Chun Chiang
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lacrimal neuralgia is a rare periorbital neuralgia. To date, only nine cases have been reported in the literature. Herein, we report a case and a comprehensive overview of the entity with a focus on the differential diagnosis of lacrimal neuralgia. Additionally, we propose putative diagnostic criteria for this rare neuralgia based on cases that have been reported. RECENT FINDINGS: Among the ten cases of lacrimal neuralgia reported (including the one in this review), seven out of ten were idiopathic, and the other three were considered secondary...
April 27, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
Arriana Gkouvi, Sotirios G Tsiogkas, Dimitrios P Bogdanos, Helen Gika, Dimitrios G Goulis, Maria G Grammatikopoulou
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a disease of unknown pathophysiology, with the diagnosis being based on a set of clinical criteria. Proteomic analysis can provide significant biological information for the pathophysiology of the disease but may also reveal biomarkers for diagnosis or therapeutic targets. The present systematic review aims to synthesize the evidence regarding the proteome of adult patients with FMS using data from observational studies. RECENT FINDINGS: An extensive literature search was conducted in MEDLINE/PubMed, CENTRAL, and clinicaltrials...
April 23, 2024: Current Pain and Headache Reports
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