Patience A Afulani, Monica Getahun, Linnet Ongeri, Raymond Aborigo, Joyceline Kinyua, Beryl A Ogolla, Jaffer Okiring, Ali Moro, Iscar Oluoch, Maxwell Dalaba, Osamuedeme Odiase, Jerry John Ouner, Wendy Berry Mendes, Dilys Walker, Torsten B Neilands
BACKGROUND: Poor person-centered maternal care (PCMC) contributes to high maternal mortality and morbidity, directly and indirectly, through lack of, delayed, inadequate, unnecessary, or harmful care. While evidence on poor PCMC prevalence, as well as inequities, expanded in the last decade, there is still a significant gap in evidence-based interventions to address PCMC. We describe the protocol for a trial to test the effectiveness of the "Caring for Providers to Improve Patient Experience" (CPIPE) intervention, which includes five strategies, targeting provider stress and bias as intermediate factors to improve PCMC and address inequities...
September 16, 2024: BMC Public Health