Leonardo Giannantoni, Roberta Bardini, Alessandro Savino, Stefano Di Carlo
BACKGROUND: The Biology System Description Language (BiSDL) is an accessible, easy-to-use computational language for multicellular synthetic biology. It allows synthetic biologists to represent spatiality and multi-level cellular dynamics inherent to multicellular designs, filling a gap in the state of the art. Developed for designing and simulating spatial, multicellular synthetic biological systems, BiSDL integrates high-level conceptual design with detailed low-level modeling, fostering collaboration in the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle...
April 25, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
J Ludwig, J Mrázek
BACKGROUND: Identifying orthologs continues to be an early and imperative step in genome analysis but remains a challenging problem. While synteny (conservation of gene order) has previously been used independently and in combination with other methods to identify orthologs, applying synteny in ortholog identification has yet to be automated in a user-friendly manner. This desire for automation and ease-of-use led us to develop OrthoRefine, a standalone program that uses synteny to refine ortholog identification...
April 25, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
William L Harrigan, Barbra D Ferrell, K Eric Wommack, Shawn W Polson, Zachary D Schreiber, Mahdi Belcaid
BACKGROUND: The annotation of protein sequences in public databases has long posed a challenge in molecular biology. This issue is particularly acute for viral proteins, which demonstrate limited homology to known proteins when using alignment, k-mer, or profile-based homology search approaches. A novel methodology employing Large Language Models (LLMs) addresses this methodological challenge by annotating protein sequences based on embeddings. RESULTS: Central to our contribution is the soft alignment algorithm, drawing from traditional protein alignment but leveraging embedding similarity at the amino acid level to bypass the need for conventional scoring matrices...
April 25, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Yufang Liu, Yongkai Chen, Haoran Lu, Wenxuan Zhong, Guo-Cheng Yuan, Ping Ma
Multimodal integration combines information from different sources or modalities to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon. The challenges in multi-omics data analysis lie in the complexity, high dimensionality, and heterogeneity of the data, which demands sophisticated computational tools and visualization methods for proper interpretation and visualization of multi-omics data. In this paper, we propose a novel method, termed Orthogonal Multimodality Integration and Clustering (OMIC), for analyzing CITE-seq...
April 25, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Terrence R Ernst, John D Blischak, Paul Nordlund, Joe Dalen, Justin Moore, Akshay Bhamidipati, Pankaj Dwivedi, Joe LoGrasso, Marco Rocha Curado, Brett Warren Engelmann
BACKGROUND: The results of high-throughput biology ('omic') experiments provide insight into biological mechanisms but can be challenging to explore, archive and share. The scale of these challenges continues to grow as omic research volume expands and multiple analytical technologies, bioinformatic pipelines, and visualization preferences have emerged. Multiple software applications exist that support omic study exploration and/or archival. However, an opportunity remains for open-source software that can archive and present the results of omic analyses with broad accommodation of study-specific analytical approaches and visualizations with useful exploration features...
April 24, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Andrew Zheng, Jim Shaw, Yun William Yu
BACKGROUND: Taxonomic classification of reads obtained by metagenomic sequencing is often a first step for understanding a microbial community, but correctly assigning sequencing reads to the strain or sub-species level has remained a challenging computational problem. RESULTS: We introduce Mora, a MetagenOmic read Re-Assignment algorithm capable of assigning short and long metagenomic reads with high precision, even at the strain level. Mora is able to accurately re-assign reads by first estimating abundances through an expectation-maximization algorithm and then utilizing abundance information to re-assign query reads...
April 23, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Luan Pinto Rabelo, Davidson Sodré, Rodrigo Petry Corrêa de Sousa, Luciana Watanabe, Grazielle Gomes, Iracilda Sampaio, Marcelo Vallinoto
BACKGROUND: The reconstruction of the evolutionary history of organisms has been greatly influenced by the advent of molecular techniques, leading to a significant increase in studies utilizing genomic data from different species. However, the lack of standardization in gene nomenclature poses a challenge in database searches and evolutionary analyses, impacting the accuracy of results obtained. RESULTS: To address this issue, a Python class for standardizing gene nomenclatures, SynGenes, has been developed...
April 22, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Li Pan, Haoyue Wang, Bo Yang, Wenbin Li
BACKGROUND: The identification of essential proteins can help in understanding the minimum requirements for cell survival and development to discover drug targets and prevent disease. Nowadays, node ranking methods are a common way to identify essential proteins, but the poor data quality of the underlying PIN has somewhat hindered the identification accuracy of essential proteins for these methods in the PIN. Therefore, researchers constructed refinement networks by considering certain biological properties of interacting protein pairs to improve the performance of node ranking methods in the PIN...
April 20, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Tingpeng Yang, Yu Wang, Yonghong He
BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs play a critical role in regulating gene expression by binding to specific target sites within gene transcripts, making the identification of microRNA targets a prominent focus of research. Conventional experimental methods for identifying microRNA targets are both time-consuming and expensive, prompting the development of computational tools for target prediction. However, the existing computational tools exhibit limited performance in meeting the demands of practical applications, highlighting the need to improve the performance of microRNA target prediction models...
April 20, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Xiaotian Wu, Wenju Hou, Ziqi Zhao, Lan Huang, Nan Sheng, Qixing Yang, Shuangquan Zhang, Yan Wang
BACKGROUND: Motif finding in Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) data is essential to reveal the intricacies of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) and their pivotal roles in gene regulation. Deep learning technologies including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and graph neural networks (GNNs), have achieved success in finding ATAC-seq motifs. However, CNN-based methods are limited by the fixed width of the convolutional kernel, which makes it difficult to find multiple transcription factor binding sites with different lengths...
April 20, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Xin Zeng, Guang-Peng Su, Shu-Juan Li, Shuang-Qing Lv, Meng-Liang Wen, Yi Li
BACKGROUND: Accurately identifying drug-target interaction (DTI), affinity (DTA), and binding sites (DTS) is crucial for drug screening, repositioning, and design, as well as for understanding the functions of target. Although there are a few online platforms based on deep learning for drug-target interaction, affinity, and binding sites identification, there is currently no integrated online platforms for all three aspects. RESULTS: Our solution, the novel integrated online platform Drug-Online, has been developed to facilitate drug screening, target identification, and understanding the functions of target in a progressive manner of "interaction-affinity-binding sites"...
April 20, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Moein E Samadi, Hedieh Mirzaieazar, Alexander Mitsos, Andreas Schuppert
BACKGROUND: Classification of binary data arises naturally in many clinical applications, such as patient risk stratification through ICD codes. One of the key practical challenges in data classification using machine learning is to avoid overfitting. Overfitting in supervised learning primarily occurs when a model learns random variations from noisy labels in training data rather than the underlying patterns. While traditional methods such as regularization and early stopping have demonstrated effectiveness in interpolation tasks, addressing overfitting in the classification of binary data, in which predictions always amount to extrapolation, demands extrapolation-enhanced strategies...
April 20, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Jianqiao Hu, Sai Luo, Ming Tian, Adam Yongxin Ye
BACKGROUND: High-throughput sequencing is a powerful tool that is extensively applied in biological studies. However, sequencers may produce low-quality bases, leading to ambiguous bases, 'N's. PCR duplicates introduced in library preparation are conventionally removed in genomics studies, and several deduplication tools have been developed for this purpose. Two identical reads may appear different due to ambiguous bases and the existing tools cannot address 'N's correctly or efficiently...
April 18, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Mahira Kirmani, Gagandeep Kour, Mudasir Mohd, Nasrullah Sheikh, Dawood Ashraf Khan, Zahid Maqbool, Mohsin Altaf Wani, Abid Hussain Wani
BACKGROUND: Text summarization is a challenging problem in Natural Language Processing, which involves condensing the content of textual documents without losing their overall meaning and information content, In the domain of bio-medical research, summaries are critical for efficient data analysis and information retrieval. While several bio-medical text summarizers exist in the literature, they often miss out on an essential text aspect: text semantics. RESULTS: This paper proposes a novel extractive summarizer that preserves text semantics by utilizing bio-semantic models...
April 16, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Claus Vogl, Mariia Karapetiants, Burçin Yıldırım, Hrönn Kjartansdóttir, Carolin Kosiol, Juraj Bergman, Michal Majka, Lynette Caitlin Mikula
BACKGROUND: Genomes are inherently inhomogeneous, with features such as base composition, recombination, gene density, and gene expression varying along chromosomes. Evolutionary, biological, and biomedical analyses aim to quantify this variation, account for it during inference procedures, and ultimately determine the causal processes behind it. Since sequential observations along chromosomes are not independent, it is unsurprising that autocorrelation patterns have been observed e.g...
April 16, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Rafael Peres da Silva, Chayaporn Suphavilai, Niranjan Nagarajan
BACKGROUND: With the rapid increase in throughput of long-read sequencing technologies, recent studies have explored their potential for taxonomic classification by using alignment-based approaches to reduce the impact of higher sequencing error rates. While alignment-based methods are generally slower, k-mer-based taxonomic classifiers can overcome this limitation, potentially at the expense of lower sensitivity for strains and species that are not in the database. RESULTS: We present MetageNN, a memory-efficient long-read taxonomic classifier that is robust to sequencing errors and missing genomes...
April 16, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Caleb K Kibet, Jean-Baka Domelevo Entfellner, Daudi Jjingo, Etienne Pierre de Villiers, Santie de Villiers, Karen Wambui, Sam Kinyanjui, Daniel Masiga
BACKGROUND: The Eastern Africa Network for Bioinformatics Training (EANBiT) has matured through continuous evaluation, feedback, and codesign. We highlight how the program has evolved to meet challenges and achieve its goals and how experiential learning through mini projects enhances the acquisition of skills and collaboration. We continued to learn and grow through honest feedback and evaluation of the program, trainers, and modules, enabling us to provide robust training even during the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, when we had to redesign the program due to restricted travel and in person group meetings...
April 14, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Jorge F Beltrán, Lisandra Herrera-Belén, Fernanda Parraguez-Contreras, Jorge G Farías, Jorge Machuca-Sepúlveda, Stefania Short
Protein toxins are defense mechanisms and adaptations found in various organisms and microorganisms, and their use in scientific research as therapeutic candidates is gaining relevance due to their effectiveness and specificity against cellular targets. However, discovering these toxins is time-consuming and expensive. In silico tools, particularly those based on machine learning and deep learning, have emerged as valuable resources to address this challenge. Existing tools primarily focus on binary classification, determining whether a protein is a toxin or not, and occasionally identifying specific types of toxins...
April 12, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Phuong-Nam Nguyen
BACKGROUND: Biomarker discovery is a challenging task due to the massive search space. Quantum computing and quantum Artificial Intelligence (quantum AI) can be used to address the computational problem of biomarker discovery from genetic data. METHOD: We propose a Quantum Neural Networks architecture to discover genetic biomarkers for input activation pathways. The Maximum Relevance-Minimum Redundancy criteria score biomarker candidate sets. Our proposed model is economical since the neural solution can be delivered on constrained hardware...
April 12, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
Pratyaydipta Rudra, Yi-Hui Zhou, Andrew Nobel, Fred A Wright
BACKGROUND: Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analysis aims to detect the genetic variants that influence the expression of one or more genes. Gene-level eQTL testing forms a natural grouped-hypothesis testing strategy with clear biological importance. Methods to control family-wise error rate or false discovery rate for group testing have been proposed earlier, but may not be powerful or easily apply to eQTL data, for which certain structured alternatives may be defensible and may enable the researcher to avoid overly conservative approaches...
April 11, 2024: BMC Bioinformatics
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