Thomas Kagel, Martin Scaal, Margarethe Draga
In human anatomy, the vertebral artery, in its passage from the subclavian artery to the foramen magnum of the skull, enters the transverse foramina of the vertebral column generally at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra. Nevertheless, even though avoided by the vertebral artery, also the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) contains a transverse foramen. The content of this transverse foramen in C7 has been unclear, with different descriptions found in textbooks and in original literature. Here, we have revisited the content of the transverse foramen in C7 by macroscopic dissection of 32 human specimens...
September 6, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Eda Çetin Özdemir, Esra Bozkurt, Taha Yaşar Manav
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical one-dimensional changes such as root surface coverage, decrease seen in the amount of gingival recession and keratinised gingival width (KGW) obtained throughout a 6-month follow-up period following the treatment of Cairo class II gingival recession with free gingival graft (FGG) and gingival unit graft (GUG). Three-dimensional changes in gingival volume and thickness were also compared digitally using an indirect method. METHODS: A total of 20 patients with localised Cairo class II gingival recession were randomly separated into two groups; 10 patients were treated with FGG and 10 patients treated with GUG...
September 5, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Mugurel Constantin Rusu, Marius Ioan Rusu, Alexandra Diana Vrapciu
BACKGROUND: The anatomy of the retrotympanum is highly variable, and surgical access is challenging. In the medial retrotympanum, a descending series of recesses are found: the posterior tympanic sinus, the sinus tympani (ST), and the subtympanic sinus (STS). Most of the previous anatomical studies of the ST evaluated it as a single depression of variable width and depth, without recesses, just on axial sections. METHOD: The ST was evaluated bilaterally in all the anatomical planes on a lot of 100 cases...
September 4, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Adolf-Friedrich Holstein
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 30, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Rinaldo Florencio-Silva, Gisela Rodrigues da Silva Sasso, Estela Sasso-Cerri, Paulo Sérgio Cerri, Cristiane Damas Gil, Manuel de Jesus Simões
BACKGROUND: Estrogen deficiency and Diabetes mellitus (DM) cause joint tissue deterioration, although the mechanisms are uncertain. This study evaluated the immunoexpression of autophagy and NLRP3-inflammasome markers, in rat articular cartilage with estrogen deficiency and DM. METHODS: Twenty rats were sham-operated (SHAM) or ovariectomized (OVX) and equally allocated into four groups: SHAM and OVX groups administered with vehicle solution; SHAM and OVX groups treated with 60mg/kg/body weight of streptozotocin, intraperitoneally, to induce DM (SHAM-DM and OVX-DM groups)...
August 29, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Athi Baliso, Sadiyah Malek, Victoria E Gibbon
AIM: Human skeletal repositories are crucial resources for research and education in human biology, variation, anatomy, biocultural frameworks, forensic/medico-legal casework, heritage and understanding the past. In this review paper, we assess the composition of human skeletal repositories in South Africa, along with the ethical and legal frameworks that safeguard their curation. METHODS: The data and information pertaining to local human skeletal repositories were gathered through a combination of literature review and direct contact with local curators for information...
August 29, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Ndyamuhakyi Elisa, Ibe Michael Usman, Victor Adolf Fischer
BACKGROUND: The teaching of anatomy from early days of medical education relied on the use of cadaver; hence, the present study assessed the support for whole-body donation body among academic staff. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted from January to March 2024 in Southwestern Ugandan medical educational schools among 160 academic staff. Ethical approval was obtained and structured questionnaires were distributed to study participants in the selected Medical Educational Schools...
August 29, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Lisa Hennig, Markus Krüger, Robin Bülow, Till Ittermann, Friedrich Ihler, Franziska Krohn-Jäger, Karl-Friedrich Krey, Amro Daboul
BACKGROUND: The external auditory canal (EAC) exhibits a complex morphology and strong inter-individual variations. However, these have not yet been comprehensively described in the literature. PURPOSE: This study aims to determine the width, height and cross-sectional area of the cartilaginous portion of the EAC and to describe the three-dimensional morphology and variability of different EACs. METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 870 subjects (401 male, 469 female, resulting in 1740 EACs) who participated in the longitudinal, population-based cohort study 'Study of Health in Pomerania-START-3'...
August 28, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Peng Zhou, Longfei Cheng, Hengxun Tao, Maik Hintze, Yajun Wang, Qin Pu, Xufeng Qi, Dongqing Cai, Stefanie Kuerten, Jianlin Wang, Ruijin Huang
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are required for the specification and formation of the epibranchial placodes, which give rise to the distal part of the cranial sensory ganglia. However, it remains unclear whether FGFs play a role in regulating the neurite outgrowth of the epibranchial placode-derived ganglia during further development. Previous studies have shown that Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) promotes neurite outgrowth from the statoacoustic ganglion in vitro. However, these studies did not distinguish between the neural crest- and placode-derived components of the sensory ganglia...
August 27, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
E Klein-Franke, E Youssef, L Keilig, C Bourauel, I Dörsam
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of root canal filling using different obturation materials combined with apicoectomy in upper central incisors under loading with 1N and 100N. The effect of incomplete root formation was also investigated. METHODS: Based on a CBCT-scan, a model of an upper central incisor was created. The model was altered to simulate different clinical situations: root canal treatment, apicoectomy at two different lengths and with different obturation protocols, and immature root formation after trauma...
August 26, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Basma M Kamal, Samir A A El-Gendy, Ahmed M Rashwan, Hanan H Abd-Elhafeez, Soha Soliman, Neveen E R El-Bakary, Ahmed A El-Mansi, Mamdouh B Eldesoqui, Mohamed A M Alsafy
BACKGROUND: The ossification centers in rabbit limbs are related to fetal age and bone maturation. OBJECTIVE: To address the limited studies on ossification in the hind limbs of New Zealand rabbits, we investigated the prenatal and postnatal development of the pelvic and femur bones. METHODS: Double staining with Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red, computed tomography (CT), and 3D reconstruction were employed to visualize and analyze ossification centers in detail...
August 25, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Larisa Ryskalin, Federica Fulceri, Gabriele Morucci, Francesco Busoni, Paola Soldani, Marco Gesi
BACKGROUND: The Achilles tendon is one of the thickest, largest, and strongest tendons in the human body. Biomechanically, the AT represents the conjoint tendon of the triceps surae muscle, placed in series with the plantar fascia (PF) to ensure force transmission from the triceps surae toward the toes during walking, running, and jumping. Commonly encountered in the diagnostic evaluation of heel pain, Achilles tendinopathy (AT) refers to a combination of pathological changes affecting the tendon itself often resulting from excessive repetitive stress and overuse...
August 24, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Felix Margenfeld, Giorgio Tamborrini, Matthias Beck, Adib Zendehdel, Oksana Raabe, Amélie Poilliot, Magdalena Müller-Gerbl
BACKGROUND: The present study aims to investigate the feasibility of labeling ligaments using ultrasound-guided injections. On formalin-fixed cadavers, the anterolateral ligament was selected and targeted for demonstration. The development of portable ultrasound machines and the ability to connect them to tablets via Bluetooth or WLAN makes it an accessible tool to implement into the anatomical dissection courses in order to associate medical imaging (MRI and ultrasound), anatomical structures and their subsequent dissection...
August 24, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Brian Chin Wing Kot, Jessie Wei Yeng Yeong, Aurora Shuk Yee Kwan, Gabrielle Yick Hey Ho, Heysen Hei Nam Ho, Henry Chun Lok Tsui, Tabris Yik To Chung, Tommaso Gerussi
BACKGROUND: Computed tomography (CT) is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging modality which can be used to study the anatomy and morphology of live or deceased animals in-situ. In cetaceans, existing CT anatomy studies mostly focused on the head and thoracic regions. Using postmortem CT (PMCT) scans of Indo-Pacific finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), this study describes the cross-sectional imaging anatomy of the cetacean abdomino-pelvic organs for the first time. METHODS: PMCT scans of finless porpoises stranded in Hong Kong waters were reviewed, of which two freshly dead cases, one male and one female, were selected for illustration...
August 23, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Laura Odontides, Katharina Scheiter, Thomas Shiozawa, Martin R Fischer, Daniela Kugelmann, Markus Berndt
To learn and comprehend the large amount of information in gross anatomy, undergraduate students must self-regulate their learning to be properly prepared for the exams within the available time. Even though there are many studies on learning strategies and their influence on test results and motivation, the aim of this study is to investigate characteristics of learning strategies in detail and in relation to the anatomy course of first semester students and how their use is related to anatomy test performance...
August 23, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Vladimir Ajdžanović, Branka Šošić-Jurjević, Jasmina Živanović, Marko Miler, Sanja Stanković, Jovan Ranin, Branko Filipović
INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Vitamin D supplementation in aging subjects manifests a positive effect on various health-related parameters. We performed a functionally-histological analysis of the adrenal cortex regarding the factors of vitamin D activity and corticosterone output after vitamin D3 application in a rat model of the andropause. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Middle-aged Wistar rats were divided into sham operated (SO; n=8), orchidectomized (Orx; n=8) and vitamin D3-treated orchidectomized (Orx+vit...
August 23, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Matome N Matshipi, Brenda Z De Gama
BACKGROUND: Body donation is a predominant mode of body sourcing in many countries including South Africa; however, it continues to be limited among the different ethnic groups in the Black African population of South Africa which have been observed to be largely unwilling to provide consent to donate their bodies. Religious and cultural beliefs have been suggested to influence willingness to donate one's body to science, with most religions regarded as accepting of body donation globally...
August 8, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Zhangyan Ye, Mingquan Yu, Yanwu Ji, Shengrui Jia, Xiaomin Xu, Huiyu Yao, Xiaowen Hua, Zhongqiang Feng, Guangwei Shangguan, Jun Zhang, Xuekun Hou, Xi Ding
BACKGROUND: To prevent the absorption and collapse of the labial bone plate of the anterior teeth, immediate implantation and socket shield technique have been increasingly applied to anterior dental aesthetic implant restoration. OBJECTIVE: To provide a biomechanical basis for implant restoration of maxillary anterior teeth, finite element analysis was used to investigate the stress peak and distribution in different anatomical sites of natural teeth, conventional immediate implantation and socket shield technique...
August 1, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Julie Manon, Gaspary Fodjeu, Robin Evrard, Lucien Van den Broeck, Mathieu Jacob, Emmanuel Coche, Olivier Cornu, Catherine Behets, Benoît Lengelé
INTRODUCTION: Postmortem evaluation of the human vascular system has a long history, with advancements ranging from dissections to modern imaging techniques like computed tomography (CT scan). This study designs a novel combination of Angiofil, a liquid radiopaque polymer, and latex, a flexible cast material, for cadaveric vascular analysis. MATERIAL & METHODS: The aim was to synergize the advantages of both components, providing accurate radiological images and optimal dissection conditions...
July 24, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
Firuze Turker Yavas, Figen Sevil Kilimci, Ayse Nur Akkoc, Hande Sultan Sahiner, Özge Bardakci Yilmaz
This study aimed to evaluate the potential effects of Bisphenol F and S exposure on the skeletal structures of Sprague-Dawley rats. Given the increasing concern about the potential endocrine-disrupting effects of Bisphenol analogs on bone health, this research sought to elucidate their impact in conjunction with Melatonin. Using 80 male Sprague Dawley rats, bones were subjected to a 3-point bending test to assess mechanical properties, and histopathological evaluation was conducted after fixation and decalcification...
July 23, 2024: Annals of Anatomy
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