Kirsten Seale, Andrew Teschendorff, Alexander P Reiner, Sarah Voisin, Nir Eynon
BACKGROUND: During aging, the human methylome undergoes both differential and variable shifts, accompanied by increased entropy. The distinction between variably methylated positions (VMPs) and differentially methylated positions (DMPs), their contribution to epigenetic age, and the role of cell type heterogeneity remain unclear. RESULTS: We conduct a comprehensive analysis of > 32,000 human blood methylomes from 56 datasets (age range = 6-101 years)...
September 6, 2024: Genome Biology
Chikara Mizukoshi, Yasuhiro Kojima, Satoshi Nomura, Shuto Hayashi, Ko Abe, Teppei Shimamura
Messenger RNA splicing and degradation are critical for gene expression regulation, the abnormality of which leads to diseases. Previous methods for estimating kinetic rates have limitations, assuming uniform rates across cells. DeepKINET is a deep generative model that estimates splicing and degradation rates at single-cell resolution from scRNA-seq data. DeepKINET outperforms existing methods on simulated and metabolic labeling datasets. Applied to forebrain and breast cancer data, it identifies RNA-binding proteins responsible for kinetic rate diversity...
September 6, 2024: Genome Biology
Kai Zhao, Hon-Cheong So, Zhixiang Lin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 4, 2024: Genome Biology
Alessandro Vinceti, Rafaele M Iannuzzi, Isabella Boyle, Lucia Trastulla, Catarina D Campbell, Francisca Vazquez, Joshua M Dempster, Francesco Iorio
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 4, 2024: Genome Biology
Sean M Flynn, Somdutta Dhir, Krzysztof Herka, Colm Doyle, Larry Melidis, Angela Simeone, Winnie W I Hui, Rafael de Cesaris Araujo Tavares, Stefan Schoenfelder, David Tannahill, Shankar Balasubramanian
Methods to measure chromatin contacts at genomic regions bound by histone modifications or proteins are important tools to investigate chromatin organization. However, such methods do not capture the possible involvement of other epigenomic features such as G-quadruplex DNA secondary structures (G4s). To bridge this gap, we introduce ViCAR (viewpoint HiCAR), for the direct antibody-based capture of chromatin interactions at folded G4s. Through ViCAR, we showcase the first G4-3D interaction landscape. Using histone marks, we also demonstrate how ViCAR improves on earlier approaches yielding increased signal-to-noise...
September 3, 2024: Genome Biology
Brennan H Baker, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Adam A Szpiro, James W MacDonald, Alison G Paquette
Missing covariate data is a common problem that has not been addressed in observational studies of gene expression. Here, we present a multiple imputation method that accommodates high dimensional gene expression data by incorporating principal component analysis of the transcriptome into the multiple imputation prediction models to avoid bias. Simulation studies using three datasets show that this method outperforms complete case and single imputation analyses at uncovering true positive differentially expressed genes, limiting false discovery rates, and minimizing bias...
September 3, 2024: Genome Biology
Olivier B Poirion, Wulin Zuo, Catrina Spruce, Candice N Baker, Sandra L Daigle, Ashley Olson, Daniel A Skelly, Elissa J Chesler, Christopher L Baker, Brian S White
Enhlink is a computational tool for scATAC-seq data analysis, facilitating precise interrogation of enhancer function at the single-cell level. It employs an ensemble approach incorporating technical and biological covariates to infer condition-specific regulatory DNA linkages. Enhlink can integrate multi-omic data for enhanced specificity, when available. Evaluation with simulated and real data, including multi-omic datasets from the mouse striatum and novel promoter capture Hi-C data, demonstrate that Enhlink outperfoms alternative methods...
September 2, 2024: Genome Biology
Feng Zhang, Chenkun Yang, Hao Guo, Yufei Li, Shuangqian Shen, Qianqian Zhou, Chun Li, Chao Wang, Ting Zhai, Lianghuan Qu, Cheng Zhang, Xianqing Liu, Jie Luo, Wei Chen, Shouchuang Wang, Jun Yang, Cui Yu, Yanyan Liu
BACKGROUND: UV-B, an important environmental factor, has been shown to affect the yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa) worldwide. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the response to UV-B stress remain elusive in rice. RESULTS: We perform comprehensive metabolic profiling of leaves from 160 diverse rice accessions under UV-B and normal light conditions using a widely targeted metabolomics approach. Our results reveal substantial differences in metabolite accumulation between the two major rice subspecies indica and japonica, especially after UV-B treatment, implying the possible role and mechanism of metabolome changes in subspecies differentiation and the stress response...
August 29, 2024: Genome Biology
Luke Saville, Li Wu, Jemaneh Habtewold, Yubo Cheng, Babita Gollen, Liam Mitchell, Matthew Stuart-Edwards, Travis Haight, Majid Mohajerani, Athanasios Zovoilis
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are frequently documented RNA modification substrates. Nanopore Technologies enables the direct sequencing of RNAs and the detection of modified nucleobases. Ordinarily, direct RNA sequencing uses polyadenylation selection, studying primarily mRNA gene expression. Here, we present NERD-seq, which enables detection of multiple non-coding RNAs, excluded by the standard approach, alongside natively polyadenylated transcripts. Using neural tissues as a proof of principle, we show that NERD-seq expands representation of frequently modified non-coding RNAs, such as snoRNAs, snRNAs, scRNAs, srpRNAs, tRNAs, and rRFs...
August 28, 2024: Genome Biology
Qian Su, Dao-Hua Zhuang, Yu-Chun Li, Yu Chen, Xia-Yan Wang, Ming-Xia Ge, Ting-Yue Xue, Qi-Yuan Zhang, Xin-Yuan Liu, Fan-Qian Yin, Yi-Ming Han, Zong-Liang Gao, Long Zhao, Yong-Xuan Li, Meng-Jiao Lv, Li-Qin Yang, Tian-Rui Xia, Yong-Jun Luo, Zhigang Zhang, Qing-Peng Kong
BACKGROUND: The relationship between human gut microbiota and high-altitude hypoxia acclimatization remains highly controversial. This stems primarily from uncertainties regarding both the potential temporal changes in the microbiota under such conditions and the existence of any dominant or core bacteria that may assist in host acclimatization. RESULTS: To address these issues, and to control for variables commonly present in previous studies which significantly impact the results obtained, namely genetic background, ethnicity, lifestyle, and diet, we conducted a 108-day longitudinal study on the same cohort comprising 45 healthy Han adults who traveled from lowland Chongqing, 243 masl, to high-altitude plateau Lhasa, Xizang, 3658 masl, and back...
August 28, 2024: Genome Biology
Tianpeng Wang, Aalt D J van Dijk, Ranze Zhao, Guusje Bonnema, Xiaowu Wang
BACKGROUND: Polyploidy is widely recognized as a significant evolutionary force in the plant kingdom, contributing to the diversification of plants. One of the notable features of allopolyploidy is the occurrence of homoeologous exchange (HE) events between the subgenomes, causing changes in genomic composition, gene expression, and phenotypic variations. However, the role of HE in plant adaptation and domestication remains unclear. RESULTS: Here we analyze the whole-genome resequencing data from Brassica napus accessions representing the different morphotypes and ecotypes, to investigate the role of HE in domestication...
August 27, 2024: Genome Biology
Agustín Amalfitano, Nicolás Stocchi, Hugo Marcelo Atencio, Fernando Villarreal, Arjen Ten Have
Seqrutinator is an objective, flexible pipeline that removes sequences with sequencing and/or gene model errors and sequences from pseudogenes from complex, eukaryotic protein superfamilies. Testing Seqrutinator on major superfamilies BAHD, CYP, and UGT removes only 1.94% of SwissProt entries, 14% of entries from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, but 80% of entries from Pinus taeda's recent complete proteome. Application of Seqrutinator on crude BAHDomes, CYPomes, and UGTomes obtained from 16 plant proteomes shows convergence of the numbers of paralogues...
August 26, 2024: Genome Biology
Gabriel Innocenti, Maureen Obara, Bibiana Costa, Henning Jacobsen, Maeva Katzmarzyk, Luka Cicin-Sain, Ulrich Kalinke, Marco Galardini
BACKGROUND: The emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has highlighted the importance of genomic epidemiology in understanding the evolution of pathogens and guiding public health interventions. The Omicron variant in particular has underscored the role of epistasis in the evolution of lineages with both higher infectivity and immune escape, and therefore the necessity to update surveillance pipelines to detect them early on. RESULTS: In this study, we apply a method based on mutual information between positions in a multiple sequence alignment, which is capable of scaling up to millions of samples...
August 22, 2024: Genome Biology
Niels Schlusser, Asier González, Muskan Pandey, Mihaela Zavolan
BACKGROUND: The design of nucleotide sequences with defined properties is a long-standing problem in bioengineering. An important application is protein expression, be it in the context of research or the production of mRNA vaccines. The rate of protein synthesis depends on the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of the mRNAs, and recently, deep learning models were proposed to predict the translation output of mRNAs from the 5'UTR sequence. At the same time, large data sets of endogenous and reporter mRNA translation have become available...
August 20, 2024: Genome Biology
Xi Chen, Xiaole Yin, Xianghui Shi, Weifu Yan, Yu Yang, Lei Liu, Tong Zhang
Long-read sequencing holds great potential for characterizing complex microbial communities, yet taxonomic profiling tools designed specifically for long reads remain lacking. We introduce Melon, a novel marker-based taxonomic profiler that capitalizes on the unique attributes of long reads. Melon employs a two-stage classification scheme to reduce computational time and is equipped with an expectation-maximization-based post-correction module to handle ambiguous reads. Melon achieves superior performance compared to existing tools in both mock and simulated samples...
August 19, 2024: Genome Biology
Kai Zhao, Hon-Cheong So, Zhixiang Lin
The rapid rise in the availability and scale of scRNA-seq data needs scalable methods for integrative analysis. Though many methods for data integration have been developed, few focus on understanding the heterogeneous effects of biological conditions across different cell populations in integrative analysis. Our proposed scalable approach, scParser, models the heterogeneous effects from biological conditions, which unveils the key mechanisms by which gene expression contributes to phenotypes. Notably, the extended scParser pinpoints biological processes in cell subpopulations that contribute to disease pathogenesis...
August 16, 2024: Genome Biology
Maximilian Sprang, Jannik Möllmann, Miguel A Andrade-Navarro, Jean-Fred Fontaine
BACKGROUND: Reproducibility is a major concern in biomedical studies, and existing publication guidelines do not solve the problem. Batch effects and quality imbalances between groups of biological samples are major factors hampering reproducibility. Yet, the latter is rarely considered in the scientific literature. RESULTS: Our analysis uses 40 clinically relevant RNA-seq datasets to quantify the impact of quality imbalance between groups of samples on the reproducibility of gene expression studies...
August 16, 2024: Genome Biology
Shobana V Stassen, Minato Kobashi, Edmund Y Lam, Yuanhua Huang, Joshua W K Ho, Kevin K Tsia
Single-cell atlases pose daunting computational challenges pertaining to the integration of spatial and temporal information and the visualization of trajectories across large atlases. We introduce StaVia, a computational framework that synergizes multi-faceted single-cell data with higher-order random walks that leverage the memory of cells' past states, fused with a cartographic Atlas View that offers intuitive graph visualization. This spatially aware cartography captures relationships between cell populations based on their spatial location as well as their gene expression and developmental stage...
August 16, 2024: Genome Biology
Siyuan Luo, Pierre-Luc Germain, Mark D Robinson, Ferdinand von Meyenn
BACKGROUND: Single-cell chromatin accessibility assays, such as scATAC-seq, are increasingly employed in individual and joint multi-omic profiling of single cells. As the accumulation of scATAC-seq and multi-omics datasets continue, challenges in analyzing such sparse, noisy, and high-dimensional data become pressing. Specifically, one challenge relates to optimizing the processing of chromatin-level measurements and efficiently extracting information to discern cellular heterogeneity...
August 16, 2024: Genome Biology
William DeGroat, Fumitaka Inoue, Tal Ashuach, Nir Yosef, Nadav Ahituv, Anat Kreimer
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of disease-associated mutations occur in enhancers, regions of non-coding DNA essential to gene regulation. Understanding the structures and mechanisms of the regulatory programs this variation affects can shed light on the apparatuses of human diseases. RESULTS: We collect epigenetic and gene expression datasets from seven early time points during neural differentiation. Focusing on this model system, we construct networks of enhancer-promoter interactions, each at an individual stage of neural induction...
August 14, 2024: Genome Biology
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