Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Mahendra R Sanapati, Vidyasagar Pampati, Amol Soin, Joshua A Hirsch
BACKGROUND: The role of antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy is well known for its primary and secondary prevention of sequela from cardiovascular disease by decreasing the incidence of acute cerebral, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and other thrombo-embolicevents. The overwhelming data show that the risk of thrombotic events is significantly higher than that of bleeding during surgery after antiplatelet drug discontinuation. It has been assumed that discontinuing antiplatelet therapy prior to performing interventional pain management techniques is a common practice, even though doing so may potentially increase the risk of acute cerebral and cardiovascular events...
August 2024: Pain Physician
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Mahendra R Sanapati, Devi Nampiaparampil, Byron J Schneider, Alexander Bautista, Alan D Kaye, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, Annu Navani, Paul J Christo, Standiford Helm Ii, Adam M Kaye, Jay Karri, Vidyasagar Pampati, Sanjeeva Gupta, Vivekanand A Manocha, Amol Soin, Mayank Gupta, Sanjay Bakshi, Christopher G Gharibo, Kenneth D Candido, Anjum Bux, Anilkumar Vinayakan, Vinayak Belamkar, Scott Stayner, Sairam Atluri, Sara E Nashi, Megan K Applewhite, Chelsi Flanagan, Emiliya Rakhamimova, Gerard Limerick, Kunj G Patel, Sierra Willeford, Joshua A Hirsch
BACKGROUND: The frequency of performance of interventional techniques in chronic pain patients receiving anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy continues to increase. Understanding the importance of continuing chronic anticoagulant therapy, the need for interventional techniques, and determining the duration and discontinuation or temporary suspension of anticoagulation is crucial to avoiding devastating complications, primarily when neuraxial procedures are performed. Anticoagulants and antiplatelets target the clotting system, increasing the bleeding risk...
August 2024: Pain Physician
Hui Li, Jun Ye, Xie Yang Ding, Ling Ye
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Pain Physician
Xiang Liu, Pengfei Li, Xiaohua Fan, Chao Wang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Pain Physician
Nyla K Azam, Megan K Applewhite
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Pain Physician
James Giordano, John R Shook
Newer definitions of pain remain suggestive of categorization by mainly neurological or psychological bases. All pain recruits cortical interpretation for any sort of directive effects in awareness, attention, and action. That unity of purpose in pain's multi-pathway manifestations can inspire neurophilosophical reflections on the existentiality, subjectivity, and sociality of pain. Pain is neither so subjective as to be relieved of meaning, nor so objective that multi-modal approaches can take turns at targeting its relief...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Anna Folli, Deborah Falla, Corrado Cescon, Federica Vanoni, Emiliano Soldini, Marco Barbero
BACKGROUND: A pain drawing is a self-administered assessment that requires the patient to shade in on a body chart the areas in which he or she experiences pain, regardless of the intensity. Pain drawings have already been validated in several adult populations. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to establish adolescents' test-retest reliability in reporting the extent and location of their pain using a paper-based pain drawing. STUDY DESIGN: A one-day test-retest reliability study was set up...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Sayed Emal Wahezi, Tahereh Naeimi, Moorice Caparo, Trent D Emerick, Heejung Choi, Yashar Eshraghi, Magdalena Anitescu, Kiran Patel, Rene Przkora, Thelma Wright, Susan Moeschler, Meredith Barad, Stephanie Rand, Mooyeon Oh-Park, Benjamin Seidel, Ugur Yener, Jonathan Alerte, Naum Shaparin, Alan D Kaye, Lynn Kohan
BACKGROUND: Since 1992, when the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) acknowledged pain medicine as a subspecialty, the field has experienced significant growth in its number of programs, diversity of sponsoring specialties, treatment algorithms, and popularity among applicants. These shifts prompted changes to the educational model, overseen by program directors (PDs) and the ACGME. The pool of pain fellowship applicants also changed during that period. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to investigate trainees' reasons for applying to pain medicine fellowship programs as well as the applicants' specific expectations, interests, and motivations, thereby contributing to the remodeling and universal improvement of programs across the country...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Bing Huang, Huidan Lin, Ming Yao, Keyue Xie, Yong Fei, Li Zhang
BACKGROUND: The classic percutaneous balloon compression (PBC) technique is used to complete an operation under the guidance of C-arm radiography under general anesthesia, making communication with patients during the operation impossible. It is not accurate or objective to predict the classic technique's curative effect solely by determining whether the projection of the x-ray lateral image of the filled balloon is pear-shaped. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to upgrade classic PBC to awake computed tomography (CT)-guided PBC technology under conscious local anesthesia and analgesia monitoring...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Ye Jiang, Tengfei Liu, Yuhang Mao, Lutao Yuan, Cong Luo, Chen Li, Yifan Tang, Yong Yu
BACKGROUND: Spinal cord stimulation is an established technique wherein diverse electrode types are strategically implanted within the spinal epidural space for neuromodulation. Traditional percutaneous puncture cylindrical electrodes (PEs) are predominantly implanted by interventionalists utilizing a percutaneous technique under the monitor of radiation, which is a nonvisualized procedure. OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to assess the feasibility of percutaneous endoscope-assisted visualized implantation approach for PEs, delineating its specific merits and demerits compared to the traditional method...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Ying Ren, Zhen Zhang, Hong-Ping Li, Peng-Ju Zhang, Jietai Duo, Hao Kong
BACKGROUND: Over the past 3 decades, clinicians and scholars have used and studied the stellate ganglion block (SGB) extensively, making this field a highly anticipated research hot spot. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no bibliometric analysis of the SGB until now. OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to complete multiple tasks regarding SGB research: identify the collaboration and impact of countries, institutions, journals, and authors, evaluate the knowledge base, trace the trends in hot spots, and explore the emerging topics relevant to the field...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Alexandra M Moreira, Lorenzo Diaz, Jonathan Presley, Andrea Solorzano, Chris Diaz, Kerstin Yu, Eduard Tiozzo, Alberto Cruz, Chane Price
BACKGROUND: Particulate steroids are thought to exert their effects for long durations at injection sites. However, these types of steroids carry higher risks when used in epidural steroid injections. Catastrophic spinal cord complications, including sudden-onset paraplegia, have been reported due to intravascular particulate steroid preparations that cause embolisms and occlusion of blood vessels, resulting in spinal cord infarctions. Clinicians, therefore, recommend nonparticulate steroids to mitigate these adverse events...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Samuel Adida, Suchet Taori, Anthony Tang, Victoria R Wong, Roberta K Sefcik, Xiaoran Zhang, Peter C Gerszten
BACKGROUND: Balloon-assisted kyphoplasty (BAK) is a minimally invasive procedure to treat vertebral compression fractures (VCF). BAK not only restores vertebral height and corrects kyphotic deformity by cement augmentation, but it also may alter spinal biomechanics, leading to subsequent adjacent level VCFs. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to investigate the timing, location, and incidence of new VCFs following BAK and identify the risk factors associated with their occurrence...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Alan D Kaye, Jonathan S Okereke, Cameron A Howe, Angela Nguyen, Charles P Daniel, Grant E Borne, Brook Girma, Varsha Allampalli, Sahar Shekoohi, Brian Bernhardt, Azem A Chami
BACKGROUND: Chronic sacroiliitis has variable etiologies with numerous treatments of varying efficacy. In recent years, a novel posterior approach utilizing bone matrix has been developed although to date, there is limited data in the literature regarding efficacy and safety through this approach. Benefits described include reduced adverse outcomes and quicker recovery when compared to the lateral approach. OBJECTIVE: The present investigation focused on sacroiliac joint fusion through the posterior approach and outcomes including disability, pain, and use of analgesics post-surgery...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Amanda Jankelovits, Robert M Chow, Paragi Rana, Kanishka Rajput
BACKGROUND: The gender bias in academic anesthesiology is well known. Women are not only a minority in the field but also underrepresented in leadership positions. Reported reasons for this underrepresentation include barriers to career advancement, lack of mentorship, and differences in compensation, among others. Interventional pain, a competitive procedural subspecialty of anesthesiology, sees the trickle-down effects of this disparity. According to a report from the ACGME that sorted medical subspecialties by number of female trainees, pain medicine ranked in the bottom quartile across all disciplines from 2008-2016...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Deepanshu Vats, Renu Bhatia, Samreen Fatima, Rajkumar Yadav, Sushma Sagar, Nida Mir, Maroof A Khan, Akanksha Singh
BACKGROUND: Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a prevalent and distressing occurrence in 60-80% of individuals who have undergone amputations. Recent research underscores the significance of maladaptive cortical plasticity in the genesis of PLP, emphasizing the importance of targeting cortical areas for therapeutic interventions. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a noninvasive tool for cortical stimulation, demonstrates effectiveness in treating various chronic pain conditions of neuropathic origin...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Afeng Zhang, Huaixin Gao, Yanbin Lu, Liuqin Jiang, Cheng Xu
BACKGROUND: Hip fracture surgeries in elderly patients often require spinal or general anesthesia, posing risks of severe hypotension and inadequate pain management. The optimal anesthesia type for minimizing these risks remains undetermined. Preliminary studies suggest that a combination of fascia iliaca block (FIB) and low-dose low-specific-gravity spinal anesthesia (LLSA) might offer a solution, but comprehensive evidence is lacking. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of combining FIB with LLSA for reducing severe hypotension and enhancing analgesia during hip fracture surgery in elderly patients...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Matthias Hubert Morgalla, Laura Olbrisch
BACKGROUND: MuscleSCS is a new technique that combines spinal cord stimulation (SCS) with muscle stimulation to relieve pain. OBJECTIVES: In this clinical study, we wanted to use rod electrodes to investigate the MuscleSCS method's effectiveness in the treatment of chronic lower back pain. One of our hypotheses was that the combined use of MuscleSCS and BurstDRTM would further improve the treatment. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective, single-center, single-blinded, randomized crossover study...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Ugur Yener, Tahereh Naeimi, Alan D Kaye, Konrad Izumi Gruson, Sandeep Yerra, Jonathan Alerte, David Gonzalez, Pramod Badu Voleti, Eloy Tabeayo Alvarez, Sayed Emal Wahezi
BACKGROUND: Adhesive capsulitis (AC) causes a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to pain, stiffness, and a gradual restriction of active and passive range of motion (ROM). The coracohumeral ligament (CHL) plays an important role in this disease process, and percutaneous CHL release (PCHLR) has demonstrated efficacy in treating manifestations of this disorder that are refractory to pain medication, physical therapy, and local injections. Our previous study demonstrated one-year efficacy and durability, and this study examines 2-year data from our original randomized control crossover cohort...
July 2024: Pain Physician
Ji-Eun Irene Yum, Arthur J De Luigi, Gregory L Umphrey, Bryan K Ganter, Min Yoo
BACKGROUND: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is obtained by centrifuging autologous whole blood to extract a layer concentrated with platelets, growth factors found in platelet granules, and cytokines. These components work together to promote and facilitate the healing process at sites of injury. An increasing number of clinical studies are assessing the efficacy of PRP as a treatment for lower back pain. OBJECTIVES: Lumbar back pain is a significant cause of years lived with disability...
July 2024: Pain Physician
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