A Abdalla, Joshua A Cohn, J Simhan
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review article is to provide a contemporary overview of benign uretero-enteric anastomotic stricture (UAS) management and outcomes. RECENT FINDINGS: In this article, we will review the most recent studies investigating UAS and evaluate etiology, potential risk factors, presentation, diagnosis, and management options, along with personal insight gained from our experience with managing this challenging reconstructive complication...
August 14, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Roberto Filizzola, Daniel Romero, Samuel Mendez, David Brunstein, Alejandro Benitez
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) with invasion into the inferior vena cava (IVC) is a rare and mortal condition. Patients with RCC have an average life expectancy of no more than six months, thus requiring an aggressive surgical approach. We analyze the outcomes of patients that underwent surgery at a single medical institution. RECENT FINDINGS: The analysis of recent series of successful treatment with radical nephrectomy and IVC thrombectomy shows a 5 year survival from 45 to 69%...
August 14, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Robert Geraghty, Catherine Lovegrove, Sarah Howles, John A Sayer
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Kidney stone disease (KSD) is a common and potentially life-threatening condition, and half of patients experience a repeat kidney stone episode within 5-10 years. Despite the ~50% estimate heritability of KSD, international guidelines have not kept up with the pace of discovery of genetic causes of KSD. The European Association of Urology guidelines lists 7 genetic causes of KSD as 'high risk'. RECENT FINDINGS: There are currently 46 known monogenic (single gene) causes of kidney stone disease, with evidence of association in a further 23 genes...
August 3, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Alyssa M Lombardo, Seth A Alpert
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this article is to review considerations and efficacy of third-line treatments for pediatric non-neurogenic bladder dysfunction, including Botulinum toxin A (BoTNA), Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS), and Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM). RECENT FINDINGS: Federal Drug Administration approval for use of beta-3-agonists in overactive detrusor activity in pediatric patients may provide an additional step prior to third-line therapies...
August 2, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Kevin F Hanna, Kevin Koo
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: High rates of professional burnout and career choice regret among urology residents may increase professional dissatisfaction, shorten career longevity, and exacerbate urology workforce shortages. Understanding the prevalence of and risk factors for burnout may help develop interventions. RECENT FINDINGS: Up to 48% of contemporary U.S. urology residents experience burnout symptoms, including up to 70% of second-year residents. Among overlapping personal, professional, institutional, and lifestyle risk factors, barriers to accessing medical and mental health care are frequently cited as an important association in residents...
July 17, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Sakina Z Neemuchwala, Gary E Lemack
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Urology programs are considering maintaining the virtual format for residency interviews after COVID-19. This article explores the benefits and possible risks of this decision, as well as ways the application process can be improved. RECENT FINDINGS: Virtual interviews save students and programs time and money, attracting a more diverse pool of applicants. Most applicants believe that faculty interviews are well replicated virtually; however, it is difficult to represent the culture of the program and city...
July 10, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Ali Talyshinskii, Nithesh Naik, B M Zeeshan Hameed, Gafour Khairley, Princy Randhawa, Bhaskar Kumar Somani
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Researchers have examined how telemedicine affects endourological patients. This review analyzes the literature to determine telemedicine's benefits and limitations in endourology. RECENT FINDINGS: Many studies were devoted to describing the effect of telemedicine on endourological patient satisfaction, optimization of the clinical decision-making among patients with kidney and ureteric stones, the effectiveness of telemedicine in the management of patients with indications for PCNL, follow-up for patients with urolithiasis and describing financial effectiveness for the patients after BOO surgery...
July 9, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Timothy C Boswell
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review and describe the recent evolution of surgery for the various types of pediatric megaureter. RECENT FINDINGS: Megaureter management first relies on determining the underlying cause, whether by obstruction, reflux, or a combination, and then setting appropriate surgical indications because many cases do not require surgery as shown by observation studies. Endoscopic balloon dilation has been on the rise as a major treatment option for obstructive megaureter, while refluxing megaureters can also be treated by laparoscopic and robotic techniques, whether extravesically or transvesicoscopically...
July 2, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Lee Pressler, Mariel Pressler
PURPOSE OF THIS REVIEW: Treatment of intermediate risk prostate cancer remains controversial. Clearly some patients with low volume favorable intermediate risk can be followed with active surveillance. Those with high volume bilateral disease need more radical whole gland therapy. The question remains on how to best treat low volume localized unfavorable intermediate risk prostate cancer (GG3) while maintaining quality of life. Focal therapy has been becoming a popular option for many patients with localized prostate cancer...
July 2, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Erica Traxel, Simone Thavaseelan
PURPOSE: This manuscript summarizes the introduction, evolution and current outcomes for preference signaling in Urology as well as its use in other medical specialties. Overapplication plagues the residency recruitment process and PS has emerged as a process to improve the bottleneck of the interview selection process. RECENT FINDINGS: PS has been shown to be associated with a higher likelihood of interview among many subspecialties. Applicants and programs report satisfaction with the process...
June 29, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Amelia Pantazis, Israel Franco, Jordan Gitlin
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The goal of this paper is to provide a summary of the recent research, evaluation, work-up, and treatment recommendations regarding erectile dysfunction in adolescents and young adults to better equip pediatric urologists to manage patients with this condition. RECENT FINDINGS: The latest research regarding erectile dysfunction in this population includes organic and psychogenic etiologies, correlations between the COVID-19 pandemic, and online pornography consumption...
June 26, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Vinayak Madhusoodanan, Joshua Bitran, Maxwell Towe, Chad Ritch
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Although financial wellness is a predictor of physician burnout, we are yet to optimize financial education or wellness of Urology trainees. We assessed existing studies, compared them to those of other specialties, and discussed resources and methods to address this deficiency. RECENT FINDINGS: Urology residents tend to be less fiscally savvy (carry significant debt, and lack retirement savings or disability insurance), and 90% of trainees and young Urologists do not feel comfortable with the business of practice, including skills like coding and billing, contract negotiation, and self-value assessment...
June 21, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Gabriela M Diaz, Lindsey T Webb, Maximilian J Rabil, Soum D Lokeshwar, Ankur U Choksi, Michael S Leapman, Preston C Sprenkle
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prostate fusion biopsy, an innovative imaging modality for diagnosing prostate cancer, presents certain challenges for patients including discomfort and emotional distress, leading to nonadherence to treatment and follow-ups. To inform clinicians and offer pain relief alternatives to patients, this review delves into the risk factors for increased pain and modern management options to alleviate pain during prostate biopsy. RECENT FINDINGS: Individual responses to pain vary, and the overall experience of pain during a prostate biopsy has been contributed to numerous factors such as patient age, prostate volume, previous biopsy experience, and more...
June 19, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Edoardo Pozzi, David A Velasquez, Alexandra Aponte Varnum, Bruce R Kava, Ranjith Ramasamy
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This narrative review aims to outline the current available evidence, challenges, and future perspectives of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis and management of priapism, a condition marked by prolonged and often painful erections that presents unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent advancements in AI offer promising solutions to face the challenges in diagnosing and treating priapism. AI models have demonstrated the potential to predict the need for surgical intervention and improve diagnostic accuracy...
June 18, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Lane Shish, Joseph Zabell
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prostate cancer (PCa) screening tools, particularly digital rectal examination (DRE), are under scrutiny. This review assesses the utility of DRE in PCa screening. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies reaffirm the DRE's sensitivity and specificity, a higher PCa detection rate with PSA in conjunction with DRE, and a slightly elevated risk of clinically significant PCa (CSPC) in those with elevated PSA and suspicious DRE. Studies confirm high accuracy of MRI in identifying CSPC, with ongoing research exploring its screening potential...
June 13, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Adedayo Adetunji, Nikit Venishetty, Nita Gombakomba, Karl-Ray Jeune, Matthew Smith, Andrew Winer
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prostate cancer (PCa) represents a significant health burden globally, ranking as the most diagnosed cancer among men and a leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Conventional treatment methods such as radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy have significant side effects which often impact quality of life. As our understanding of the natural history and progression of PCa has evolved, so has the evolution of management options. RECENT FINDINGS: Active surveillance (AS) has become an increasingly favored approach to the management of very low, low, and properly selected favorable intermediate risk PCa...
June 13, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Unwanaobong Nseyo, David Ginsberg
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review paper summarizes the available literature on the evolution of surgical approach to radical cystectomy in female bladder cancer patients and its impact on functional outcomes in orthotopic neobladder. RECENT FINDINGS: Traditionally, radical cystectomy in female bladder cancer patients has been maximally extirpative with pelvic exenteration. Recently, new techniques which include pelvic organ-sparing, nerve-sparing and vaginal-sparing have demonstrated improved rates of urinary incontinence and retention...
November 2024: Current Urology Reports
Corey Weinstein, Andrew Kirsch
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Traditional surgical management for urinary incontinence and vesicoureteral reflux often requires complex reconstructive surgery and extended hospitalizations. Since the introduction of endoscopic bulking agents in 1973, there has been increasing interest in the use of endoscopic injection (EI) and bulking for the treatment of a variety of pediatric urologic disorders. The purpose of this review is to summarize the most recent literature addressing the use of bulking agents in pediatric urology...
September 2024: Current Urology Reports
Malcolm D Mattes
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The goal is to describe the evolution of radiation therapy (RT) utilization in the management of localized and metastatic prostate cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: Long term data for a variety of hypofractionated definitive RT dose-fractionation schemes has matured, allowing patients and providers many standard-of-care options to choose from. Post-prostatectomy, adjuvant RT has largely been replaced by an early salvage approach. Multiparametric MRI and PSMA PET have enabled increasingly targeted RT delivery to the prostate and oligometastatic tumors...
June 11, 2024: Current Urology Reports
Kate Dwyer, George E Koch
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: It is incumbent upon training programs to set the foundation for evidence-based practices and to create opportunities for trainees to develop into academic leaders. As dedicated resident research time and funding have declined in recent years, residency programs and the field at large will need to create new ways to incorporate scholarly activity into residency curricula. RECENT FINDINGS: Literature across specialties demonstrates barriers to resident involvement including lack of time, cost, and absent scholarly mentorship...
June 5, 2024: Current Urology Reports
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