Caitlin Sande, Zoë J Boston, Lindsay R Kalan, Meghan B Brennan
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In 2019, the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot voiced six concerns regarding the use of molecular microbiology techniques for routine diagnosis of infection complicating diabetic foot ulcers. The purpose of this review is to evaluate contemporary evidence addressing each of these concerns and describe promising avenues for continued development of molecular microbiology assays. RECENT FINDINGS: Since 2019, the feasibility of conducting metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies on diabetic foot ulcer samples has been shown...
December 2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Marta González-Sanz, Pedro Berzosa, Francesca F Norman
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The objective of this review was to provide an update on recent malaria epidemiology, both globally and in non-endemic areas, to identify the current distribution and repercussions of genetically diverse Plasmodium species and summarize recently implemented intervention and prevention tools. RECENT FINDINGS: Notable changes in malaria epidemiology have occurred in recent years, with an increase in the number of total cases and deaths globally during 2020-2021, in part attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic...
June 8, 2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
JoDee Armstrong-Novak, Hui Yu Juan, Kaila Cooper, Pamela Bailey
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Poor hand hygiene is well documented as a factor in healthcare-associated infections and excellent rates of hand hygiene remains elusive. RECENT FINDINGS: There is increased use of universal or increased gloving to minimize hand contamination, but its use does not replace hand hygiene opportunities. There is significant interest in electronic hand hygiene monitoring systems, but they are not without their unique issues. Behavioral psychology remains a significant factor in motivating hand hygiene behaviors; even in COVID-19, hand hygiene rates initially improved but trended down back to baseline while still dealing with the pandemic...
May 26, 2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Johanna B Holm, Kayla A Carter, Jacques Ravel, Rebecca M Brotman
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Vaginal lactobacilli are recognized as important drivers of genital health including protection against bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections. Lactobacillus iners is distinct from L. crispatus, L. gasseri , and L. jensenii by its high global prevalence in vaginal microbiomes, relatively small genome, production of only L-lactic acid, and inconsistent associations with genital health outcomes. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the role of L...
April 2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Olivia T Van Gerwen, Sarah E Smith, Christina A Muzny
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection worldwide, but most research has been conducted in premenopausal women. After menopause, endogenous estrogen production decreases, often leading to the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), characterized by vulvovaginal dryness and irritation. The estrogen-deficient postmenopausal state results in an elevated vaginal pH and depletion of vaginal lactobacilli. Use of traditional BV diagnostics (Amsel criteria, Nugent score) is difficult in post-menopausal women, especially those not on estrogen replacement therapy, as these methods were originally developed in premenopausal women...
January 2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Aisha N Khatib
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: With climate change being the single biggest health threat facing humanity, this review aims to identify the climate-sensitive health risks to the traveler and to recognize the role that travel plays in contributing to the detrimental effects of climate change. With this understanding, adaptations for transformational action can be made. RECENT FINDINGS: Travel and tourism, including transportation, food consumption, and accommodation, is responsible for a large percentage of the world's carbon emissions which is contributing to the climate change crisis at an alarming rate...
2023: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Gerard T Flaherty, Davidson H Hamer, Lin H Chen
Purpose of Review: This review critically considers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global travel and the practice of travel medicine, highlights key innovations that have facilitated the resumption of travel, and anticipates how travel medicine providers should prepare for the future of international travel. Recent Findings: Since asymptomatic transmission of the virus was first recognized in March 2020, extensive efforts have been made to characterize the pattern and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 transmission aboard commercial aircraft, cruise ships, rail and bus transport, and in mass gatherings and quarantine facilities...
August 4, 2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Omar Mourad, Leila Makhani, Lin H Chen
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The worldwide spread of chikungunya over the past two decades calls for greater knowledge and awareness of the virus, its route of transmission, methods of diagnosis, and the use of available treatment and prevention measures. RECENT FINDINGS: Chikungunya virus infection, an Aedes mosquito-borne febrile disease, has spread from Africa and Asia to Europe and the Americas and from the tropics and subtropics to temperate regions. International travel is a pivotal influence in the emergence of chikungunya as a global public health threat, as evidenced by a growing number of published reports on travel-related chikungunya infections...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Genesy Pérez Jorge, Isabella Carolina Rodrigues Dos Santos Goes, Marco Tulio Pardini Gontijo
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1007/s11908-022-00788-z.].
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Yuanyuan Zeng, Chuan Wu, Yang He
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Easy-to-use, fast, and accurate virus detection method is essential for patient management and epidemic surveillance, especially during severe pandemics. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) on a microfluidic platform is suitable for detecting infectious viruses, regardless of the availability of medical resources. The purpose of this review is to introduce LAMP-based microfluidic devices for virus detection, including their detection principles, methods, and application...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Genesy Pérez Jorge, Isabella Carolina Rodrigues Dos Santos Goes, Marco Tulio Pardini Gontijo
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The COVID-19 pandemic has been responsible for more than 6.3 million deaths worldwide. During the pandemic, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has increased, contributing to the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria. In this review, we aim to determine the spread and impact of antibiotic treatments in patients with COVID-19, focusing on underdeveloped and developing countries. RECENT FINDINGS: Meta-analysis revealed that bacterial co-infections and secondary infections are relatively rare in COVID-19 patients, corresponding to less than 20% of hospitalized patients...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Rohan Chand Sahu, Teeja Suthar, Anchal Pathak, Keerti Jain
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Japanese encephalitis (JE), a clinical indication of JE virus-induced brain inflammation, is the most prevalent cause of viral encephalitis in the world. This review gives a comprehensive update on the epidemiology, clinical features, therapeutic trials and approaches for preventing the spread of JE. It also outlines the different JE vaccines used in various countries and recommendations for administration of JE vaccines. RECENT FINDINGS: According to the WHO, annual incidence of JE is estimated to be approximately 68,000 cases worldwide...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Enrico Maria Zardi, Massimo Chello, Domenico Maria Zardi, Raffaele Barbato, Omar Giacinto, Ciro Mastroianni, Mario Lusini
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Nosocomial extracardiac infections after cardiac surgery are a major public health issue affecting 3-8.2% of patients within 30-60 days following the intervention. RECENT FINDINGS: Here, we have considered the most important postoperative infective complications that, in order of frequency, are pneumonia, surgical site infection, urinary tract infection, and bloodstream infection. The overall picture that emerges shows that they cause a greater perioperative morbidity and mortality with a longer hospitalization time and excess costs...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Chinmay Jani, Loukas Kakoullis, Nour Abdallah, Christian Mouchati, Stephanie Page, Robert Colgrove, Lin H Chen
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: West Nile virus (WNV) is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitos of the genus Culex . Manifestations of WNV infection range from asymptomatic to devastating neuroinvasive disease leading to flaccid paralysis and death. This review examines WNV epidemiology and ecology, with an emphasis on travel-associated infection. RECENT FINDINGS: WNV is widespread, including North America and Europe, where its range has expanded in the past decade. Rising temperatures in temperate regions are predicted to lead to an increased abundance of Culex mosquitoes and an increase in their ability to transmit WNV...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Ashley Logan, Amanda Wolfe, John C Williamson
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Advances in health care over time have led to an evolution in the epidemiology of invasive fungal infections. There is an increasing concern for antifungal resistance and emergence of less common fungal species for which optimal therapies are not well defined. The purpose of this review is to describe mechanisms of antifungal resistance and to evaluate the modern role of new and investigational antifungals. RECENT FINDINGS: Isavuconazole and ibrexafungerp represent the two newest antifungal agents...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Miranda So, Laura Walti
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Without effective antimicrobials, patients cannot undergo transplant surgery safely or sustain immunosuppressive therapy. This review examines the burden of antimicrobial resistance in solid organ transplant recipients and identifies opportunities for antimicrobial stewardship. RECENT FINDINGS: Antimicrobial resistance has been identified to be the leading cause of death globally. Multidrug-resistant pathogens are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Frank Zhu, Jocelyn Y Ang
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Due to the rapidly changing landscape of COVID-19, the purpose of this review is to provide a concise and updated summary of pediatric COVID-19 diagnosis and management. RECENT FINDINGS: The relative proportion of pediatric cases have significantly increased following the emergence of the Omicron variant (from < 2% in the early pandemic to 25% from 1/27 to 2/3/22). While children present with milder symptoms than adults, severe disease can still occur, particularly in children with comorbidities...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Rebecca N Kumar, Valentina Stosor
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Advanced liver disease is a leading cause of non-AIDS-related morbidity and mortality in persons with HIV on antiretroviral therapy. As a result, persons with HIV are increasingly seeking liver transplantation. RECENT FINDINGS: With the availability of direct-acting antiviral hepatitis C therapies, there has been a shift in the indications for liver transplantation in persons with HIV, with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease now the leading indication over hepatitis C infection...
2022: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Sonali Advani, Valerie M Vaughn
Purpose of Review: The goal of this article is to highlight how and why urinalyses and urine cultures are misused, review quality improvement interventions to optimize urine culture utilization, and highlight how to implement successful, sustainable interventions to improve urine culture practices in the acute care setting. Recent Findings: Quality improvement initiatives aimed at reducing inappropriate treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria often focus on optimizing urine test utilization (i...
October 2021: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Frank Zhu, Jocelyn Y Ang
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Provide an updated review of the clinical management and diagnosis of Kawasaki disease with inclusion of potential diagnostic difficulties with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. RECENT FINDINGS: Adjunctive corticosteroid therapy has been shown to reduce the rate of coronary artery dilation in children at high risk for IVIG resistance in multiple Japanese clinical studies (most notably RAISE study group)...
2021: Current Infectious Disease Reports
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