Matthew J Hamilton
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is a clinical disorder that may explain irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) type symptoms as well as other allergic symptoms experienced by an individual. The diagnosis and treatment of MCAS with specific focus on gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations is reviewed. RECENT FINDINGS: Although biomarkers for MCAS remain elusive, testing for baseline serum tryptase will distinguish the type of mast cell disorder and urine tests for mast cell mediator metabolites may support the diagnosis...
April 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Alison Pletch, Anne Lidor
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: GERD after bariatric surgery is an ongoing concern for bariatric surgeons and their patients. This paper reviews the association of persistent or de novo GERD after multiple types of bariatric surgery, and focuses on the work up and management of GERD after SG. RECENT FINDINGS: Two recent large, multicenter randomized clinical trials have shown stronger associations between SG and GERD compared to RYGB. A large group of internationally recognized bariatric surgeons collaborated on 72 consensus statements to help guide the bariatric community on the subject of redo surgeries after SG, including as it pertains to GERD...
April 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Ofer Fass, Benjamin D Rogers, C Prakash Gyawali
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term that pertains to a computer's ability to mimic and sometimes surpass human intelligence in interpretation of large datasets. The adoption of AI in gastrointestinal motility has been slower compared to other areas such as polyp detection and interpretation of histopathology. RECENT FINDINGS: Within esophageal physiologic testing, AI can automate interpretation of image-based tests, especially high resolution manometry (HRM) and functional luminal imaging probe (FLIP) studies...
April 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Laura Bach, Marcelo F Vela
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction (EGJOO), defined manometrically by impaired esophagogastric junction relaxation (EGJ) with preserved peristalsis, can be artifactual, due to secondary etiologies (mechanical, medication-induced), or a true motility disorder. The purpose of this review is to go over the evolving approach to diagnosing and treating clinically relevant EGJOO. RECENT FINDINGS: Timed barium esophagram (TBE) and the functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) are useful to identify clinically relevant EGJOO that merits lower esophageal sphincter (LES) directed therapies...
March 28, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Marvin M Singh
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To summarize key integrative approaches to managing common gastrointestinal conditions. RECENT FINDINGS: Lifestyle interventions like diet, exercise, and stress reduction impact the gut microbiome and gastrointestinal symptoms. Evidence supports mind-body therapies, herbs, certain supplements, and other modalities as complimentary approaches, when appropriate, for common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease...
March 12, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Hareem Syed, Ahmed Nadeem, David Gardinier, Kendra Weekley, Dovid Ribakow, Stephen Lupe, Shubha Bhat, Stefan Holubar, Benjamin L Cohen
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The management of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) undergoing surgery is complex and optimization of modifiable factors perioperatively can improve outcomes. This review focuses on the perioperative management of CD patients undergoing surgery, emphasizing the need for a multi-disciplinary approach. RECENT FINDINGS: Research highlights the benefits of a comprehensive strategy, involving nutritional optimization, psychological assessment, and addressing septic complications before surgery...
February 29, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
George Triadafilopoulos
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is very common in the general population and poses a large societal socio-economic burden. In this article, we review the evidence supporting non-ablative radiofrequency treatment (Stretta) for the endoscopic management of GERD and we compare it to pharmacologic and other minimally invasive and surgical interventions. RECENT FINDINGS: Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are a key therapy for GERD. For patients without associated significant sliding hiatal hernia, who have inadequate relief of their reflux symptoms, Stretta and other endoscopic therapies, such as transoral fundoplication (TIF), may improve symptoms and GERD-related quality of life...
February 23, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Malek Ayoub, Shivani Mattay, Andres J Yarur, Parakkal Deepak
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) is challenging; thus, the need for newer therapeutic options with an oral route of administration has led to the development of novel small molecules drugs (SMDs). We aim to highlight the most common Adverse events (AEs) associated with SMDs and recommendations on monitoring for AEs before and during treatment. RECENT FINDINGS: SMDs, such as Tofacitinib, a JAK inhibitor, have been associated with laboratory abnormalities, infections, and risk of thromboembolic events...
February 14, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Konstantinos Ekmektzoglou, Theodore Rokkas
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: CoronaVirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has negatively influenced the management of multiple conditions in regards to the gastroenterology patient. An equivalent change in the management of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-related diseases was reported, as practically no eradication treatment was offered during most of the pandemic. Given the scarcity of published data, we performed a literature review trying to elucidate the effect of COVID-19 on H. pylori treatment...
February 2, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Noa Krugliak Cleveland, Joƫlle St-Pierre, Amelia Kellar, David T Rubin
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Intestinal ultrasound (IUS) is a non-invasive, accurate, and well-tolerated tool that provides real-time assessment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) activity and is therefore an ideal monitoring tool. This review describes the evolving role of IUS in each phase of clinical management of IBD. RECENT FINDINGS: Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that IUS is an excellent tool for the assessment of suspected IBD, with a very high negative predictive value...
February 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Salam P Bachour, Benjamin H Click
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Despite advances in therapeutics, a significant portion of patients with Crohn's disease still require surgical management. In this article, we present updates to the natural history, prognostication and postoperative monitoring, and novel therapeutics in the prevention and treatment of postoperative Crohn's disease recurrence. RECENT FINDINGS: Clinical risk factors have been associated with higher rates of postoperative recurrence (POR), and in recent studies demonstrate an increased cumulative risk with presence of additional risk factors...
February 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Alsiddig Elmahdi, Mohamed Eisa, Robert Martindale, Endashaw Omer
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this article is to review available literature on management of persistent ostomy following PEG tube removal. We will discuss the incidence of persistent gastrocutaneous fistula (GCF) following PEG tube removal, risk factors for their development, and management strategies that have been proposed and their efficacy. RECENT FINDINGS: The use of over the scope clips (OTSC) have evolved recently in the management of gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation, and fistula closures...
February 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Alireza Tojjari, Robin Park, James Yu, Anwaar Saeed
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review critically examines the latest approaches in treating advanced gastroesophageal malignancies. It emphasizes the significance of angiogenesis as a therapeutic target and discusses the potential synergy of combining angiogenesis inhibitors with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) to enhance treatment efficacy. RECENT FINDINGS: Emerging evidence from clinical trials, such as the INTEGRATE IIa trial with regorafenib and studies involving apatinib and sunitinib, underscores the efficacy of targeting the VEGFR pathway...
January 31, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Anthony Angyal, Shubha Bhat
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Biosimilars were introduced to decrease biologic-related expenditures, but their uptake in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remains suboptimal. Herein, we review biosimilar concepts, current products available for IBD treatment, and resources to support biosimilar utilization. RECENT FINDINGS: Although a cornerstone of IBD treatment, biologics are costly due to their development. Biosimilars, which are biologic products highly similar to a reference product, aim to decrease these expenditures...
January 20, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Natalie Whitmire, Michelle Schlueter, Melissa Kirkpatrick
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the United Sates the cost of managing Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, the two most common inflammatory bowel diseases, is a major factor that can alter the course of treatment. The increasing use of advanced therapies such as biologics and oral small molecules is a driver of these costs. Many IBD providers find navigating the payor and non-insurance cost assistance processes to be a significant challenge in care management. We aim to clarify these processes and provide an outline for success...
January 20, 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Hugo Sousa, Joana Barroso, Raquel Tavares, Joana Torres
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic GI inflammatory condition induced by a dysregulated immune system activation, whereas HIV infection causes depletion of the immune system, inducing immunosuppression. Given the increasing incidence of IBD across the globe, including in developing countries, the co-prevalence of both conditions is expected to increase. Herein, we systematically review the data describing disease course when both pathologies co-exist. RECENT FINDINGS: Overall, the co-prevalence of IBD and HIV is around 0...
January 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Christine L Frissora, Lawrence R Schiller
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) is diagnosed when chronic symptoms of abdominal pain accompany loose stools, and alarm features, such as fever, anemia, rectal bleeding, and weight loss are absent. This combination of symptoms makes structural disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease or cancer, unlikely, but does not exclude other conditions that cause these symptoms. The question is whether making a "positive diagnosis" of IBS-D based on symptoms alone and instituting therapy based on that diagnosis still makes sense...
January 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Dhiren Patel, Folashade Jose, Jason Baker, Baha Moshiree
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To discuss all the various motility disorders impacting people with Cystic Fibrosis (PwCF) and provide diagnostic and management approaches from a group of pediatric and adult CF and motility experts and physiologists with experience in the management of this disease. RECENT FINDINGS: Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms coexist with pulmonary symptoms in PwCF regardless of age and sex. The GI manifestations include gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal dysmotility gastroparesis, small bowel dysmotility, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome, distal idiopathic obstruction syndrome, constipation, and pelvic floor disorders...
January 2024: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Daniel Anthony DiLeo, Tolga Gidener, Ayse Aytaman
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: As our population ages, the number of elderly patients with advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD) will increase. In this review we explore risk factors for liver injury, noninvasive assessment of liver disease, complications of cirrhosis, and management of frailty and sarcopenia in the older patient with ACLD. RECENT FINDINGS: Multiple guidelines regarding ACLD have been updated over the past few years. New cutoffs for FIB-4 and NAFLD (MASLD - Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease) fibrosis scores for elderly patients are being validated...
December 2023: Current Gastroenterology Reports
Shawn L Shah, Kerry Dunbar
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Barrett's esophagus (BE) is associated with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease and is a known precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma. While endoscopic surveillance strategies and the role for endoscopic eradication therapy have been well established, there has been much interest in identifying chemopreventive agents to disrupt or halt the metaplasia-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence in patients with BE. RECENT FINDINGS: No pharmacological agent has held more hope in reducing the risk of neoplastic progression in BE than proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)...
December 2023: Current Gastroenterology Reports
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