Khalid W Taher, Razan Almofada, Sufyan Alomair, Ahmed A Albassam, Abdullah Alsultan
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Voriconazole pharmacokinetics are highly variable in pediatric patients, and the optimal dosage has yet to be determined. The purpose of this study was to describe voriconazole pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic targets achieved and evaluate the efficacy and safety of voriconazole for critically ill pediatrics. METHODS: This is a single-center retrospective study conducted at a pediatric intensive care unit at a tertiary/quaternary hospital...
January 16, 2024: Paediatric Drugs
Alejandro Velez, Ajay Kaul, Khalil I El-Chammas, Lesley Knowlton, Erick Madis, Rashmi Sahay, Lin Fei, Sarah Stiehl, Neha R Santucci
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric prucalopride studies for treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders have reported mixed results. We aimed to assess the safety and effectiveness of prucalopride in functional constipation (FC) with and without upper GI symptoms. METHODS: Retrospective data on patients with FC receiving combined prucalopride and conventional therapy was compared with those receiving conventional therapy alone within 12 months. Thirty patients on combined therapy and those on conventional therapy were each matched on the basis of age, gender, race, and presence of fecal soiling...
January 4, 2024: Paediatric Drugs
Torsten Joerger, Molly Hayes, Connor Stinson, Ibram Mikhail, Kevin J Downes
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a commonly reported adverse effect of administration of antimicrobials. While AKI can be associated with poorer outcomes, there is little information available to understand rates of AKI in children exposed to various antimicrobials. We performed a structured review using the PubMed and Embase databases. Articles were included if they provided an AKI definition in patients who were < 19 years of age receiving an antimicrobial and reported the frequency of AKI. Author-defined AKI rates were calculated for each study and mean pooled estimates for each antimicrobial were derived from among all study participants...
January 2024: Paediatric Drugs
Erina Lie, Mira Choi, Sheng-Pei Wang, Lawrence F Eichenfield
Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disorder that commonly affects adults and children. In recent years, pediatric psoriasis has increased in prevalence and the disease is often associated with various comorbidities and psychological distress. The conventional topical treatments for psoriasis, such as corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, vitamin D analogs, anthralin, and coal tar, are often limited by their side effects, tolerability, and/or efficacy, particularly for use in children and on sensitive and intertriginous areas...
January 2024: Paediatric Drugs
Guangfei Wang, Jinglin Wang, Ruxiang Du, Yi Wang, Zhiping Li
BACKGROUND: Anti-disialoganglioside (anti-GD2) monoclonal antibodies are effective immunotherapeutic drugs for treating neuroblastoma, yet their toxicity spectrum is unclear. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the toxicity profiles of three anti-GD2 monoclonal antibodies (dinutuximab, dinutuximab β, and naxitamab) in clinical applications by mining and evaluating the adverse drug reaction (ADR) signals from the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System...
December 28, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 21, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Eugene Yu-Hin Chan, Fiona Fung-Yee Lai, Alison Lap-Tak Ma, Tak Mao Chan
Lupus nephritis is an important manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus, which leads to chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, and can result in mortality. About 35%-60% of children with systemic lupus erythematosus develop kidney involvement. Over the past few decades, the outcome of patients with lupus nephritis has improved significantly with advances in immunosuppressive therapies and clinical management. Nonetheless, there is a paucity of high-level evidence to guide the management of childhood-onset lupus nephritis, because of the relatively small number of patients at each centre and also because children and adolescents are often excluded from clinical trials...
December 20, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Sheridan M Hoy
Bosutinib (BOSULIF® ), an orally administered BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) developed by Pfizer Inc., is well established in the EU and the USA as a treatment for adults with newly diagnosed (ND) chronic phase (CP) Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and for CP, accelerated phase and blast phase Ph+ CML that is resistant or intolerant (R/I) to prior therapy. In September 2023, based on clinical data from patients aged ≥ 1 to < 18 years, bosutinib was approved in the USA for the treatment of pediatric patients aged ≥ 1 year with CP Ph+ CML that is ND or R/I to prior therapy...
December 7, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Susan J Keam
Cantharidin (YCANTH™) is a proprietary drug-device combination product containing a formulation of cantharidin 0.7% topical solution (a vesicant naturally derived from blister beetles) delivered via a single-use applicator that has been developed by Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc. for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum and is also being developed for the treatment of warts. In July 2023, YCANTH™ (cantharidin 0.7% topical solution) was approved for the topical treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adult and pediatric patients 2 years of age and older in the USA...
November 25, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Naïm Bouazza, Gilles Cambonie, Cyril Flamant, Aline Rideau, Manon Tauzin, Juliana Patkai, Géraldine Gascoin, Mirka Lumia, Outi Aikio, Gabrielle Lui, Léo Froelicher Bournaud, Aisling Walsh-Papageorgiou, Marine Tortigue, Alban-Elouen Baruteau, Jaana Kallio, Mikko Hallman, Alpha Diallo, Léa Levoyer, Jean-Marc Treluyer, Jean-Christophe Roze
BACKGROUND: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants is associated with increased morbidities and mortality. Prophylactic treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors, as indomethacin or ibuprofen, failed to demonstrate significant clinical benefits. Acetaminophen may represent an alternative treatment option. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the minimum effective dose of prophylactic acetaminophen to close the ductus and assessed the safety and tolerability profile in extremely preterm infants at 23-26 weeks of gestation...
November 17, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Nicol Bernardinello, Matthias Griese, Raphaël Borie, Paolo Spagnolo
Childhood interstitial lung disease (chILD) is a large and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by diffuse lung parenchymal markings on chest imaging and clinical signs such as dyspnea and hypoxemia from functional impairment. While some children already present in the neonatal period with interstitial lung disease (ILD), others develop ILD during their childhood and adolescence. A timely and accurate diagnosis is essential to gauge treatment and improve prognosis. Supportive care can reduce symptoms and positively influence patients' quality of life; however, there is no cure for many of the chILDs...
November 10, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Nicholas Chiang, Cathryn Sibbald, Rebecca Levy, Irene Lara-Corrales
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin condition that manifests as painful, deep-seated, inflamed nodules and abscesses in the axillary, groin, perianal, perineal, and inframammary regions. The associated pain, malodour, and disfigurement contribute to its profound negative impact on psychosocial spheres and overall quality of life in affected individuals. Although the symptoms of HS classically begin in the second or third decade of life, HS affects children and adolescents as well...
November 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Yoni E van Dijk, Niels W Rutjes, Korneliusz Golebski, Havva Şahin, Simone Hashimoto, Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee, Susanne J H Vijverberg
Severe asthma in children and adolescents exerts a substantial health, financial, and societal burden. Severe asthma is a heterogeneous condition with multiple clinical phenotypes and underlying inflammatory patterns that might be different in individual patients. Various add-on treatments have been developed to treat severe asthma, including monoclonal antibodies (biologics) targeting inflammatory mediators. Biologics that are currently approved to treat children (≥ 6 years of age) or adolescents (≥ 12 years of age) with severe asthma include: anti-immunoglobulin E (omalizumab), anti-interleukin (IL)-5 (mepolizumab), anti-IL5 receptor (benralizumab), anti-IL4/IL13 receptor (dupilumab), and antithymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) (tezepelumab)...
November 2023: Paediatric Drugs
James W Wheless, Barry Gidal, Adrian L Rabinowicz, Enrique Carrazana
Epilepsy is a common pediatric neurological condition, affecting approximately 470,000 children in the USA and having a prevalence of 0.9% in the global population of approximately 2.6 billion children. Epilepsy is associated with disruptions in several areas of a child's life, including medical burden, quality of life, cognitive outcomes, and higher risk of mortality. Additionally, some pediatric patients may experience acute seizure emergencies such as seizure clusters (also called acute repetitive seizures), which are intermittent increases in seizure activity that differ from the patient's usual seizure pattern and may occur despite daily antiseizure drug administration...
October 30, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Yvette N Lamb
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 20, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Jeromie Ballreich, Hyung-Seok Kim, Mariana Socal
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 14, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Yahiya Y Syed
Pfizer is developing a bivalent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) prefusion F subunit vaccine (RSVpreF; ABRYSVO™) for preventing RSV illness in infants and individuals aged ≥ 60 years. RSVpreF received approval for vaccination of pregnant individuals to help protect infants against RSV illness on 21 August 2023 in the USA. RSVpreF is also approved in the USA (31 May 2023) for active immunization of individuals aged ≥ 60 years for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) caused by RSV...
October 13, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Ai Tien Nguyen, Isabelle Koné-Paut, Perrine Dusser
Uveitis in children accounts for 5-10% of all cases. The causes vary considerably. Classically, uveitis is distinguished according to its infectious or inflammatory origin and whether it is part of a systemic disease or represents an isolated ocular disease. It is important to highlight the specificity of certain etiologies among children such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The development of visual function can potentially be hindered by amblyopia (children aged < 7 years), in addition to the usual complications (synechiae, macular edema) seen in adult patients...
October 4, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Christopher Towe, Alexei A Grom, Grant S Schulert
Chronic lung disease in children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA-LD) is an emerging and potentially life-threatening disease complication. Despite recent descriptions of its clinical spectrum, preliminary immunologic characterization, and proposed hypotheses regaarding etiology, optimal approaches to diagnosis and management remain unclear. Here, we review the current clinical understanding of SJIA-LD, including the potential role of biologic therapy in disease pathogenesis, as well as the possibility of drug reactions with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS)...
October 3, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
Narendra Kumar Bagri, Christine Chew, A V Ramanan
Over the last decade, there has been an increase in the use of targeted therapy using small molecules such as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors. Since the introduction of ruxolitinib, the first non-selective JAK inhibitor approved for use in myelofibrosis, many other JAK inhibitors have been tried in a wide spectrum of immune-mediated disorders. Although various trials have shown the promising efficacy of JAK inhibitors in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders (IMIDs), there is a growing concern over the major cardiovascular events and malignancies associated with the use of these molecules in older adults, particularly those over 65 years of age...
September 29, 2023: Paediatric Drugs
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