Birte Moser, Peter G Cook, Anthony D Miller, Shawan Dogramaci, Ilka Wallis
Open pit mining frequently requires regional water tables to be lowered to access ore deposits. When mines close, dewatering ceases allowing the water table to recover. In arid and semi-arid mining regions, the developing pit lakes are predominantly fed by groundwater during this recovery phase and pit lakes develop first into "terminal sinks" for the surrounding groundwater system. With time, the re-establishment of regional hydraulic gradients can cause pit lakes to develop into throughflow systems, in which pit lake water outflows into adjacent aquifers...
June 3, 2024: Ground Water
Egemen Aras, Burak Boz, Babak Vaheddoost, Damla Yılmaz
Water constitutes an indispensable resource vital for sustaining life. In this context, groundwater stands out as a paramount global water source. Throughout history, underground dams (UGDs) have been employed to augment the storage capacity of local aquifers. This study employs a multistep elimination approach to identify optimal locations for constructing UGDs in the Bursa district, Turkey. Initially, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is utilized to pinpoint the potential construction sites at the watershed scale...
May 30, 2024: Ground Water
Basem Shomar, Rajendran Sankaran
The Arab region is located in an arid environment and suffers from water scarcity and poor water quality which are expected to become more severe in coming years due to global warming. In this study, the groundwater quality of 205 wells in Qatar was investigated. The physical parameters of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, inorganic carbon (IC), and organic carbon (OC) were determined. The study characterized the concentrations of major anions of Cl, F, Br, NO3 , PO4 , and SO4 , and major cations of Ca, K, Mg, and Na...
April 17, 2024: Ground Water
Daniel C Segal, Ate Visser, Cas Bridge
Attributing the sources of legacy contamination, including brines, is important to determine remediation options and to allocate responsibility. To make sound remediation decisions, it is necessary to distinguish subsurface sources, such as leaking oil and gas ("O&G") wells or natural upward fluid migrations, from surface releases. While chemical signatures of surface and subsurface releases may be similar, they are expected to imprint specific dissolved noble gas signatures, caused by the accumulation of terrigenic noble gases in subsurface leaks or re-equilibration of noble gases following surface releases...
April 13, 2024: Ground Water
Martin A Vonk, Raoul A Collenteur, Sorab Panday, Frans Schaars, Mark Bakker
The performance of time series models is assessed using synthetic head series simulated with a numerical model that solves Richards' equation for variably saturated flow. Heads were simulated in a homogeneous unconfined aquifer between two parallel canals; measured daily precipitation and potential evaporation are specified at the land surface and root water uptake is simulated. The head response to a precipitation event is nonlinear and depends on the saturation degree and rainfall before and after the precipitation event while evaporation reduction occurs during summers...
April 6, 2024: Ground Water
Kathryn L Korbel, Grant C Hose
Citizen science (CS) around the world is undergoing a resurgence, potentially due to the utilization of new technologies and methods to capture information, such as data and photo entry via mobile phone apps. CS has been used in aquatic ecology for several decades, however the use of volunteers to collect data in groundwaters has rarely occurred. Groundwater research, particularly groundwater ecosystems, is unevenly distributed across the world, limiting our knowledge of these ecosystems and their functions...
April 4, 2024: Ground Water
Henry M Johnson, Kate Ely, Anna-Turi Maher
Recharge to and flow within the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) groundwater flow system of northeastern Oregon were characterized using isotopic, gas, and age-tracer samples from wells completed in basalt, springs, and stream base flow. Most groundwater samples were late-Pleistocene to early-Holocene; median age of well samples was 11,100 years. The relation between mean groundwater age and completed well depth across the eastern portion of the study area was similar despite differences in precipitation, topographic position, incision, thickness of the sedimentary overburden, and CRBG geologic unit...
March 30, 2024: Ground Water
David R Wunsch, Robert P Schreiber
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 29, 2024: Ground Water
Brent P Heerspink, Michael N Fienen, Howard W Reeves
There is a significant need to develop decision support tools capable of delivering accurate representations of environmental conditions, such as ground and surface water solute concentrations, in a timely and computationally efficient manner. Such tools can be leveraged to assess a large number of potential management strategies for mitigating non-point source pollutants. Here, we assess the effectiveness of the impulse-response emulation approach to approximate process-based groundwater model estimates of solute transport from MODFLOW and MT3D over a wide range of model inputs and parameters, with the goal of assessing where in parameter space the assumptions underlying this emulation approach are valid...
March 28, 2024: Ground Water
Ramazan Demircioğlu
The study area covers Avanos-Ozkonak and its surroundings north of Nevsehir province. An attempt was made to determine the relationship between tectonic lineaments and springs in the area. It was found that there is a close relationship between the location of springs and tectonic lineaments. In recent years, lineaments have been used in mineral exploration studies and geothermal areas. Remote sensing methods have also been used in this study. The relationship between tectonic lineaments (faults and fractures) and spring formations obtained from field studies and satellite-based studies was evaluated...
March 25, 2024: Ground Water
Kuan Wang, Guoquan Wang, Yan Bao, Guangli Su, Yong Wang, Qiang Shen, Yongwei Zhang, Haigang Wang
Tianjin, a coastal metropolis in north China, has grappled with land subsidence for nearly a century. Yet, emerging evidence suggests a notable decrease in subsidence rates across Tianjin since 2019. This trend is primarily attributed to the importation of surface water from the Yangtze River system via the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, initiated in December 2014. Utilizing Sentinel-1A Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data (2014-2023), this study reveals that one-third of the Tianjin plain has either halted subsidence or experienced land rebound...
March 22, 2024: Ground Water
Teboho Shakhane, Moses Mojabake
In South Africa, approximately 98% of the predicted total surface water resources are already being used up. Consequently, the National Water Resource Strategy considers groundwater to be important for the future planning and management of water resources. In this case, quantifying groundwater budgets is a prerequisite because they provide a means for evaluating the availability and sustainability of a water supply. This study estimated the regional groundwater budgets for the Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area (Usuthu, Komati, Sabie-Sand, and Crocodile) using the classical hydrological continuity equation...
March 21, 2024: Ground Water
Xu Li, Peng Zhu, Konghui Zuo, Zhang Wen, Qi Zhu, Qiang Guo, Hamza Jakada
The safe operation of underground reservoirs and environmental protection heavily rely on the water flow through coal pillar dams in coal mines. Meanwhile, research on the flow characteristics in coal pillar dams has been limited due to their low hydraulic conductivity. To address this gap, this study assembled a novel seepage experimental device and conducted a series of carefully designed seepage experiments to examine the characteristics of low-permeability in coal pillar dams. The experiments aim to explore the relationship between water flux and hydraulic gradient, considering varying core lengths and immersion times...
March 11, 2024: Ground Water
Nimisha Wasankar, T Prabhakar Clement
Groundwater allocation is rapidly becoming a contentious water resource management problem around the world. It is anticipated that the effects of climate change would further aggravate this problem. Conflicts over the distribution of freshwater are expected to increase as stakeholders want to access more groundwater to meet their growing demands. In the United States, water conflicts are settled through a litigation process. Water litigations can be expensive, protracted, and fraught with complex legal and technical difficulties...
March 4, 2024: Ground Water
Christopher J Neville
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 23, 2024: Ground Water
Mike Price
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 16, 2024: Ground Water
Alberto Tazioli, Davide Fronzi, Stefano Palpacelli
Mountainous zones are often characterized by complex orography and contacts between different aquifers that usually complicate the use of isotope hydrology techniques. The Apennine chain (Italy) and 10 mountain and mid-mountain areas belonging to it are the objective of this study. An original isotopic data treatment, able to identify the most probable recharge area for several springs/springs' groups/wells, has been developed. The method consists of a two-step approach: (1) the determination of the spring/wells computed isotope recharge elevation; (2) an advanced δ18 O precipitation distribution model over the study area supported by statistical and GIS-based procedures implemented by two processes: first, the clipping of precipitation δ18 O values (depicted from the δ18 O-elevation relationships obtained for each study area) over a most probable recharge area for each analyzed spring or well and, second, the calculation of the overlapping distribution between the spring/well mean δ18 O values ± σ and the precipitation δ18 O content for each outcropping aquifer...
February 16, 2024: Ground Water
Ward Sanford
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 7, 2024: Ground Water
Fumiaki Tsunomori, Noritoshi Morikawa, Masaaki Takahashi
Noble gases, oxygen-hydrogen isotope ratios, and ion compositions were measured at three sampling points (KUM, OTN, and ASO) from December 2013 to July 2021. The 3 He/4 He values at the three sampling points remained stable in the range of 3-4 Ra throughout the observation period, suggesting that the supply of deep-seated gases to the aquifer was stable. The 4 He/20 Ne values of KUM and OTN indicate that the supply of surface-source fluids to the aquifer decreased relative to that of deep-seated fluids at KUM and OTN...
February 6, 2024: Ground Water
Cameron R Chambers, Megan R M Brown, Scott M Stokes, Shemin Ge, Elizabeth A Menezes, Kristy F Tiampo, Anne F Sheehan
It is suggested that in addition to seismicity deep fluid injection may cause surface uplift and subsidence in oil and gas-producing regions. This study uses the Raton Basin as an example to investigate the hydromechanical processes of surface uplift and subsidence during wastewater injection. The Raton Basin, in southern central Colorado and northern central New Mexico, has experienced wastewater injection related to coalbed methane and gas production starting in 1994. In this study, we estimate the extent and magnitude of total vertical deformation in the Raton Basin from 1994 to 2020 and incremental deformation between the years 2017 to 2020...
February 1, 2024: Ground Water
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