Xinyi Li, Zhenhao Shi, Dustin Todaro, Timothy Pond, Juliana Byanyima, Sianneh Vesslee, Rishika Reddy, Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga, Gabriel Kass, Vijay Ramchandani, Henry R Kranzler, Janaina C M Vendruscolo, Leandro F Vendruscolo, Corinde E Wiers
BACKGROUND: Previous preclinical and human studies have shown that a high-fat ketogenic diet and ketone supplements (KS) are efficacious in reducing alcohol craving, alcohol consumption, and signs of alcohol withdrawal. However, the effects of KS on alcohol sensitivity are unknown. METHODS: In this single-blind, cross-over study, 10 healthy participants (3 females) were administered a single, oral dose of a KS (25 g of ketones from D-β-hydroxybutyric acid and R-1,3-butanediol) or placebo 30 min prior to an oral alcohol dose (0...
February 5, 2024: International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology