Pablo García-Barranquero, Joan Llorca Albareda
Susan B. Levin argues that the human confidence that an ageless body would be better is irrational. She offers a Kantian-inspired argument to show that human understanding cannot rationally access the experiences of a post-human and ageless existence. We challenge this rationale with a three-step argument: first, an ageless body does not have to be post-human. One should distinguish between the transhumanist projects of life extension and accounts focused on enhancing well-being and quality of life. An existence without aging does not require a radical change in one's temporal intuitions, which makes rational discussion possible...
September 14, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
James Schultz
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 14, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Christopher Bobier
The purpose of a first-in-human (FIH) clinical trial is to gather information about how the drug or device affects and interacts with the human body: its safety, side effects, and (potential) dosage. As such, the primary goal of a FIH trial is not participant benefit but to gain knowledge of drug or device efficacy, i.e., baseline human safety knowledge. Some FIH clinical trials carry significant foreseeable risk to participants with little to no foreseeable participant benefit. Participation in such trials would be a bad deal for participants, and the research is considered justifiable because of the promise of significant potential social benefit...
September 11, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Xavier Symons, John Rhee, Anthony Tanous, Tracy Balboni, Tyler J VanderWeele
Flourishing is an increasingly common construct employed in the study of human wellbeing. But its appropriateness as a framework of wellbeing at certain stages of life is contested. In this paper, we consider to what extent it is possible for someone to flourish at the end of life. People with terminal illness often experience significant and protracted pain and suffering especially when they opt for treatments that prolong life. Certain aspects of human goods, however, that are plausibly constitutive of flourishing-such as meaning and purpose, deep personal relationships, and character and virtue-can be uniquely realised when life is ending...
August 20, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Timothy Furlan
In a series of papers in the early 1970s and in his important book Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life (1975), Baruch Brody offered what remains to this day one of the most philosophically rigorous contributions to the debate concerning the morality of abortion and the ethics of homicide more generally. In this paper I would like to critically examine Brody's argument that abortion is sometimes justifiable in some cases even when (1) one cannot claim self-defense, or (2) diminished responsibility, and (3) the abortion is a 'killing' rather than a 'not saving...
August 17, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Mayli Mertens
This article first describes the mechanism of any self-fulfilling prophecy through discussion of its four conditions: credibility, employment, employment sensitivity, and realization. Each condition is illustrated with examples specific to the medical context. The descriptive account ends with the definition of self-fulfilling prophecy and an expansion on collective self-fulfilling prophecies. Second, the normative account then discusses the moral relevance of self-fulfilling prophecies in medicine. A self-fulfilling prophecy is typically considered problematic when the prediction itself changes the predicted outcome to match the prediction (transformative self-fulfillment)...
August 9, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Susan B Levin
Transhumanists and their fellow travelers urge humanity to prioritize the development of biotechnologies that would eliminate aging, delivering 'an endless summer of literally perpetual youth.' Aspiring not to age instantiates what philosopher Martha Nussbaum calls the yearning for 'external transcendence,' or the fundamental surpassing of human bounds due to confidence that life without them would be better. Based on Immanuel Kant's account of the parameters of human understanding, I argue that engineering agelessness could not be a rational priority for humanity on the level of public policy...
June 18, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Seppe Segers, Michiel De Proost
With the growing application of machine learning models in medicine, principlist bioethics has been put forward as needing revision. This paper reflects on the dominant trope in AI ethics to include a new 'principle of explicability' alongside the traditional four principles of bioethics that make up the theory of principlism. It specifically suggests that these four principles are sufficient and challenges the relevance of explicability as a separate ethical principle by emphasizing the coherentist affinity of principlism...
June 8, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Renzo Pegoraro
The Catholic Church's reflection on and assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic has developed in several areas. Inspired by the tradition of its social teaching, specifically by the values of the dignity of the human person, justice, solidarity, and the common good, a strong sense of responsibility-on the part of all to prevent the spread of the pandemic and care for the affected sick-was called for. This resulted in a series of interventions and documents on the various medical and spiritual issues involved, particularly concerning the vaccines again Covid-19...
May 30, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Joona Räsänen
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 29, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Lucia Galvagni, Joseph A Raho
This article examines some of the ethical challenges of prioritizing intensive care resources during the Covid-19 pandemic by comparing the Italian and United States contexts. After presenting an overview to the clinical, ethical, and public debates in Italy, the article will discuss the development of triage allocation protocols in United States hospitals. Resource allocation criteria underwent increased scrutiny and critique in both countries, which resulted in modified professional and expert guidance regarding healthcare ethics during times of emergency and resource scarcity...
May 28, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Eduardo Missoni
The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically shown the level of interconnectedness of the human population, the direct relation between human health and the ecosystem, as well as the enormous ethical challenges required for a global response. Relatedly, society has been directly confronted by issues of 'Global health,' both in terms of awareness of health conditions and health systems resiliency all around the world, as well as in terms of governance of the worldwide response and its implications at national and local levels...
May 25, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Alain Loute
In the management of the Covid 19 crisis, digital technologies were used in a major way. This article defends the hypothesis that these technologies took the form of a "tacit social experimentation". This article justifies this concept in three levels. The first part uses this concept to qualify the form of biopolitics that was implemented to manage the crisis. Digital technologies were used to discipline the population and, literally speaking, as instruments of knowledge of the population. Uncertainty forced experts to make preliminary observations and act to produce knowledge...
May 25, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Mbih Jerome Tosam
The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked new interest in the notion of vulnerability and in identifying alternative approaches for responding to vulnerable patients and populations during health emergencies. In this paper, I argue that the autonomy-based approach (the most dominant approach in bioethics) to responding to vulnerability during health emergencies is deficient because it focuses only on the interests, values, and decisions of the individual patient. It overly emphasizes respect for autonomy and not respect for the patient as it does not consider the patient as a social and relational agent...
May 25, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Lucia Galvagni, Michele Nicoletti
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 25, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Katherine Cheung
Virtues commonly associated with physicians and other healthcare professionals include empathy, respect, kindness, compassion, trustworthiness, and many more. Building upon the work of Bortolloti, Murphy-Hollies, and others, I suggest that curiosity as a virtue has an integral role to play in healthcare, namely, in helping to make those who are invisible, visible. Practicing the virtue of curiosity enables one to engage with and explore the experiences of patients and contributes toward building a physician-patient relationship of trust...
May 20, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Monica Consolandi
This paper focuses on the importance of digital communication between medical teams and patients and their families when mediated by technological tools. Medicine is changing following the fourth industrial (the digital) revolution: from CAT scans, to X-rays, to UV radiation, to electronic records, to treatment tracking apps, to telemedicine, and the use of AI in doctors' decision-making processes. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted both the fruitful and problematic sides of this medical evolution. Digital tools such as tablets, smartphones, and video calling apps proved to be essential...
May 18, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Talitha Cooreman-Guittin
The Covid-19 pandemic and the repeated lockdowns have caused substantial spiritual and existential suffering, not the least for persons with dementia who may have had more difficulties than others in grasping the reality of what was going on. Therefore, it is important to address spirituality within this sector of the population when considering global health and ethics and technology in a pandemic outbreak. This contribution starts firstly with a definition of spirituality and spiritual care. Secondly, based on the works of Elizabeth MacKinlay and Laura Dewitte, the article demonstrates how spirituality can be nurtured in the dementia ward through "spiritual reminiscence...
May 16, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
Louis Austin-Eames
Joona Räsänen argues that vegans ought to be anti-natalists and therefore abstain from having children. More precisely, Räsänen claims that vegans who accept a utilitarian or rights-based argument for veganism, ought to, by parity of reasoning, accept an analogous argument for anti-natalism. In this paper, I argue that the reasons vegans have for refraining from purchasing animal products do not commit them to abstaining from having children. I provide novel arguments to the following conclusion: while there is good reason to believe that factory farming results in a net disutility and involves treating non-human animals as mere means, there is not good reason to believe that having children results in a net disutility or involves treating the children as mere means...
May 14, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
William Choi
Family disputes over the diagnosis of brain death have caused much controversy in the bioethics literature over the conceptual validity of the brain death standard. Given the tenuous status of brain death as death, it is pragmatically fruitful to reframe intractable debates about the metaphysical nature of brain death as metalinguistic disputes about its conceptual deployment. This new framework leaves the metaphysical debate open and brings into focus the social functions that are served by deploying the concept of brain death...
May 7, 2024: Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
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