Journals Critical Care : the Official J...

Critical Care : the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Seung-Hun You, Moon Seong Baek, Tae Wan Kim, Sun-Young Jung, Won-Young Kim
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August 29, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Carolin Fleischmann-Struzek, Franka E A Joost, Mathias W Pletz, Björn Weiß, Nicolas Paul, E Wesley Ely, Konrad Reinhart, Norman Rose
Long-Covid (LC), Post-Sepsis-Syndrome (PSS) and Post-Intensive-Care-Syndrome (PICS) show remarkable overlaps in their clinical presentation. Nevertheless, it is unclear if they are distinct syndromes, which may co-occur in the same patient, or if they are three different labels to describe similar symptoms, assigned on the basis on patient history and professional perspective of the treating physician. Therefore, we reviewed the current literature on the relation between LC, PSS and PICS. To date, the three syndromes cannot reliably be distinguished due similarities in clinical presentation as they share the cognitive, psychological and physical impairments with only different probabilities of occurrence and a heterogeneity in individual expression...
August 29, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
John J Marini, Luciano Gattinoni
Persistent shortcomings of invasive positive pressure ventilation make it less than an ideal intervention. Over the course of more than seven decades, clinical experience and scientific investigation have helped define its range of hazards and limitations. Apart from compromised airway clearance and lower airway contamination imposed by endotracheal intubation, the primary hazards inherent to positive pressure ventilation may be considered in three broad categories: hemodynamic impairment, potential for ventilation-induced lung injury, and impairment of the respiratory muscle pump...
August 29, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Sanyu Ge, Ling Zha, Aiko Tanaka, Nobuhiro Narii, Yoshimitsu Shimomura, Masayo Komatsu, Sho Komukai, Fumiko Murata, Megumi Maeda, Kosuke Kiyohara, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, Haruhisa Fukuda
BACKGROUND: The post-discharge prognosis of patients with sepsis remains a crucial issue; however, few studies have investigated the relationship between pre-sepsis health status and subsequent prognosis in a large population. This study aimed to examine the effect of the pre-sepsis care needs level on changes in care needs and mortality in patients with sepsis 1 year post-discharge. METHODS: This was a population-based retrospective cohort study including twelve municipalities in Japan that participated in the Longevity Improvement & Fair Evidence study between April 2014 and March 2022, with a total of 1,491,608 persons...
August 29, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Ugur Balaban, Emre Kara, Esat Kivanc Kaya, Osman Ilhami Ozcebe, Murat Akova, Arzu Topeli, Kaya Yorganci, Kutay Demirkan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Tommaso Tonetti, Rossana Di Staso, Laura Bambini, Martina Bordini, Rosanna D'Albo, Domenico Nocera, Irene Sbaraini Zernini, Ilaria Turriziani, Luciana Mascia, Paola Rucci, V Marco Ranieri
BACKGROUND: Age as an eligibility criterion for V-V ECMO is widely debated and varies among healthcare institutions. We examined how age relates to mortality in patients undergoing V-V ECMO for ARDS. METHODS: Systematic review and meta-regression of clinical studies published between 2015 and June 2024. Studies involving at least 6 ARDS patients treated with V-V ECMO, with specific data on ICU and/or hospital mortality and patient age were included. The search strategy was executed in PubMed, limited to English-language...
August 27, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Annalisa Boscolo, Andrea Bruni, Marco Giani, Eugenio Garofalo, Nicolò Sella, Tommaso Pettenuzzo, Michela Bombino, Matteo Palcani, Emanuele Rezoagli, Matteo Pozzi, Elena Falcioni, Elisa Pistollato, Eugenio Biamonte, Francesco Murgolo, Graziella D'Arrigo, Mercedes Gori, Giovanni Luigi Tripepi, Leonardo Gottin, Federico Longhini, Salvatore Grasso, Paolo Navalesi, Giuseppe Foti
BACKGROUND: Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) is a rapidly expanding life-support technique worldwide. The most common indications are severe hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia, unresponsive to conventional treatments, primarily in cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Concerning potential contraindications, there is no mention of microbiological history, especially related to multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria isolated before V-V ECMO placement. Our study aims to investigate: (i) the prevalence and incidence of MDR Gram-negative (GN) bacteria in a cohort of V-V ECMOs; (ii) the risk of 1-year mortality, especially in the case of predetected MDR GN bacteria; and (iii) the impact of annual hospital V-V ECMO volume on the probability of acquiring MDR GN bacteria...
August 27, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Ricardo Castro, Eduardo Kattan, Glenn Hernández
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 26, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Christoph Boesing, Patricia R M Rocco, Thomas Luecke, Joerg Krebs
The optimal strategy for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration in the management of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients remains unclear. Current guidelines emphasize the importance of a careful risk-benefit assessment for PEEP titration in terms of cardiopulmonary function in these patients. Over the last few decades, the primary goal of PEEP usage has shifted from merely improving oxygenation to emphasizing lung protection, with a growing focus on the individual pattern of lung injury, lung and chest wall mechanics, and the hemodynamic consequences of PEEP...
August 26, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Taotao Liu, Yaocong Duan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 26, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Hongling Zhang, Yongran Wu, Xuehui Gao, Chengchao Peng, Ruirui Li, Azhen Wang, Jiancheng Zhang, Shiying Yuan, Le Yang, Xiaojing Zou, You Shang
OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to investigate the effects of different extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) blood flow rates on lung perfusion assessment using the saline bolus-based electrical impedance tomography (EIT) technique in patients on veno-venous (VV) ECMO. METHODS: In this single-centered prospective physiological study, patients on VV ECMO who met the ECMO weaning criteria were assessed for lung perfusion using saline bolus-based EIT at various ECMO blood flow rates (gradually decreased from 4...
August 17, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Spyros D Mentzelopoulos, Athanasios Chalkias
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 15, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Stefan Rusev, Patrick Thon, Birte Dyck, Dominik Ziehe, Tim Rahmel, Britta Marko, Lars Palmowski, Hartmuth Nowak, Björn Ellger, Ulrich Limper, Elke Schwier, Dietrich Henzler, Stefan Felix Ehrentraut, Lars Bergmann, Matthias Unterberg, Michael Adamzik, Björn Koos, Katharina Rump
BACKGROUND: Sepsis presents a challenge due to its complex immune responses, where balance between inflammation and anti-inflammation is critical for survival. Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) is key protein in achieving this balance, suppressing inflammation and mediating glucocorticoid response. This study aims to investigate GILZ transcript variants in sepsis patients and explore their potential for patient stratification and optimizing glucocorticoid therapy. METHODS: Sepsis patients meeting the criteria outlined in Sepsis-3 were enrolled, and RNA was isolated from whole blood samples...
August 12, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Christian Stoppe, Robert G Martindale, Stanislaw Klek, Philip C Calder, Paul E Wischmeyer, Jayshil J Patel
In critical illness the regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress can improve patient outcomes, and thus omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been used as part of parenteral nutrition (PN) owing to their potential anti-inflammatory effects. The international lipids in PN Summit, encompassed discussions and the production of consensus guidelines concerning PN intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) use in critical care. The Lipid Summit participants agreed that the inclusion of fish oil in ILEs is associated with meaningful clinical benefits without signals of harm, based on a strong biological rationale and current clinical evidence...
August 12, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Guido Dias Machado, Leticia Libório Santos, Alexandre Braga Libório
INTRODUCTION: The current definition of acute kidney injury (AKI) includes increased serum creatinine (sCr) concentration and decreased urinary output (UO). Recent studies suggest that the standard UO threshold of 0.5 ml/kg/h may be suboptimal. This study aimed to develop and validate a novel UO-based AKI classification system that improves mortality prediction and patient stratification. METHODS: Data were obtained from the MIMIC-IV and eICU databases. The development process included (1) evaluating UO as a continuous variable over 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-h periods; (2) identifying 3 optimal UO cutoff points for each time window (stages 1, 2, and 3); (3) comparing sensitivity and specificity to develop a unified staging system; (4) assessing average versus persistent reduced UO hourly; (5) comparing the new UO-AKI system to the KDIGO UO-AKI system; (6) integrating sCr criteria with both systems and comparing them; and (7) validating the new classification with an independent cohort...
August 12, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Emma Larsson
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August 8, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Wilfred Druml, Thomas Staudinger, Michael Joannidis
Most randomized controlled studies on nutrition in intensive care patients did not yield conclusive results or were neutral or negative concerning the primary endpoints but also in most secondary endpoints. However, there is a consistent observation that in several of these studies there was a negative effect of the nutrition intervention on the kidneys in one of the study arms. During the early phase and in unstable periods during further course of disease an inadequate clinical nutrition can damage the kidneys, can elicit or aggravate acute kidney injury and/ or increase requirements of renal replacement therapy (RRT)...
August 7, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Giovanni Chiarini, Silvia Mariani, Anne-Kristin Schaefer, Bas C T van Bussel, Michele Di Mauro, Dominik Wiedemann, Diyar Saeed, Matteo Pozzi, Luca Botta, Udo Boeken, Robertas Samalavicius, Karl Bounader, Xiaotong Hou, Jeroen J H Bunge, Hergen Buscher, Leonardo Salazar, Bart Meyns, Daniel Herr, Sacha Matteucci, Sandro Sponga, Kollengode Ramanathan, Claudio Russo, Francesco Formica, Pranya Sakiyalak, Antonio Fiore, Daniele Camboni, Giuseppe Maria Raffa, Rodrigo Diaz, I-Wen Wang, Jae-Seung Jung, Jan Belohlavek, Vin Pellegrino, Giacomo Bianchi, Matteo Pettinari, Alessandro Barbone, José P Garcia, Kiran Shekar, Glenn J R Whitman, Roberto Lorusso
BACKGROUND: Cerebral perfusion may change depending on arterial cannulation site and may affect the incidence of neurologic adverse events in post-cardiotomy extracorporeal life support (ECLS). The current study compares patients' neurologic outcomes with three commonly used arterial cannulation strategies (aortic vs. subclavian/axillary vs. femoral artery) to evaluate if each ECLS configuration is associated with different rates of neurologic complications. METHODS: This retrospective, multicenter (34 centers), observational study included adults requiring post-cardiotomy ECLS between January 2000 and December 2020 present in the Post-Cardiotomy Extracorporeal Life Support (PELS) Study database...
August 7, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Ana Virseda-Berdices, Raquel Behar-Lagares, Oscar Martínez-González, Rafael Blancas, Soraya Bueno-Bustos, Oscar Brochado-Kith, Eva Manteiga, María J Mallol Poyato, Blanca López Matamala, Carmen Martín Parra, Salvador Resino, María Á Jiménez-Sousa, Amanda Fernández-Rodríguez
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes virus-induced-senescence. There is an association between shorter telomere length (TL) in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients and hospitalization, severity, or even death. However, it remains unknown whether virus-induced-senescence is reversible. We aim to evaluate the dynamics of TL in COVID-19 patients 1 year after recovery from intensive care units (ICU). Longitudinal study enrolling 49 patients admitted to ICU due to COVID-19 (August 2020 to April 2021)...
August 7, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
Ioannis Pantazopoulos, Georgios Mavrovouni
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 5, 2024: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
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