Mary C Sullivan, Pamela L Brewer, Mary B Roberts, Robert A Wild, Aladdin H Shadyab, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Charles B Eaton
OBJECTIVE: To compare reproductive history and postmenopausal health by birth status (preterm vs. full term) in a U.S. longitudinal study of postmenopausal women. Birth status was examined according to region of residence, household, and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES). METHODS: In the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study, 2271 women were born prematurely (< 37 weeks). ANOVA and Chi-square determined birth status differences of reproductive history, pregnancy, and postmenopausal health...
August 27, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Anna R Fiedor, Sylvie Lauzon, Supriya Dhaurali, Kristin M Voegtline
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between maternal work and infant feeding practices and explore the moderating impact of parental stress. METHODS: Prospective data on categorical hours worked and infant feeding practices were collected at 3 and 6 months postpartum in a prospective prenatal cohort of 95 women. Chi-square tests were used to compare change in proportion of exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months and maternal work status...
August 24, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Jahidur Rahman Khan, K Shuvo Bakar, Nabil Awan, Olav Muurlink, Nusrat Homaira
OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) is an important indicator of child health and wellbeing. However, in many countries, decisions regarding care and treatment are often based on mothers' perceptions of their children's birth size due to a lack of objective birth weight data. Additionally, birth weight data that is self-reported or recorded often encounters the issue of heaping. This study assesses the concordance between the perceived birth size and the reported or recorded birth weight...
August 23, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Yoshie Yokoyama, Yasue Ogata, Kimie Suzuki, Setsuko Kanaoka, Kumi Furushou, Reiko Masuda, Sayaka Horiuchi, Zentaro Yamagata, Naoki Kondo, Karri Silventoinen
OBJECTIVE: Continuity is considered essential for high-quality maternal and child health care services, but studies to show this effect on parental well-being are still rare. We studied whether receiving support from the same public health nurse has a beneficial effect on parental perceptions of health care professionals and the use of childcare support services. METHODS: Maternal and child health care services were provided by different nurses in a Japanese municipality until March 2019...
August 23, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Nichole Castillo, Marcia McCoy
OBJECTIVES: To quantify infant mortality rates (IMR) using expanded racial categories, and to examine associations between infant formula exposure, housing instability and postneonatal mortality among Minnesota WIC Participants. METHODS: Births in Minnesota from 2014 through 2019 (n = 404,102) and associated infant death records (n = 2034) were used to calculate neonatal and postneonatal rates using expanded racial categories. Those births that participated in the WIC program (n = 170,011) and their linked death records (n = 853) were analyzed using logistic regression to examine associations between formula exposure, housing instability, and postneonatal death...
August 20, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Kyana C Martins, Annie Gjelsvik, Karine Monteiro
OBJECTIVES: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) increase health risks leading to negative pregnancy outcomes, thus prompting the need for preconception care to address these risks. The aim of this study is to assess the association between ACEs score and self-report of having pre-pregnancy health conversations with a healthcare provider. METHODS: Secondary analysis of PRAMS data from 2016 to 2020 was performed from 3 states and Washington, DC. ACEs score was categorized as 0 (low risk), 1-3 (intermediate risk), and ≥ 4 (high risk)...
August 16, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Rosemary N Njogu, Ruth A Karron, Rupali J Limaye
INTRODUCTION: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of respiratory illness in infants globally, with new maternal RSV vaccines on the horizon. Vaccine decision-making during pregnancy is shaped by individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors. This study explored key interpersonal influences on maternal vaccine decision-making among pregnant and lactating people (PLP) and community members in Kenya. METHODS: This qualitative study conducted in-depth interviews with six pregnant people, 18 lactating people, and 10 community members in one rural and one urban county in Kenya...
August 14, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Gladys Felix, Alexis Deavenport-Saman, Sophia Stavros, Niloofar Farboodi, Ramon Durazo Arvizu, Joanna Garcia, Larry Yin, Mona Patel Gera
OBJECTIVES: Many barriers to implementation of developmental screening in primary care exist, especially for children from under-resourced communities. Developmental screening is vital to early detection of developmental delay and autism spectrum disorder, and early intervention (EI) referral. This study sought to examine whether implementation of a standardized clinical workflow using electronic screening tools improved both rates of developmental screening, and the number of children identified at risk for developmental delay, in a federally qualified health center (FQHC)...
August 12, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Joyce Y Lee, Shawna J Lee, Amy Xu, Hannah Steinke, Christina Weiland
OBJECTIVES: This study describes the development, acceptability, and implementation of an interactive text messaging program to engage fathers enrolled in home visitation programs. METHODS: We used an iterative development approach that integrated rapid testing of intervention content with acceptability feedback from program participants to examine the processes of implementation. In Study 1, we describe the rapid testing framework and present data from 171 men who provided feedback on Text4Dad content via three online surveys...
August 9, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Kimberley Teresa Jackson, Tara Mantler, Cara A Davidson, Emila Siwik
PURPOSE: Human breastmilk is the optimal nutrition for infants; however, preliminary research suggests that women who experience intimate partner violence (IPV) are less likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Self-efficacy is a known facilitator to achieve positive breastfeeding outcomes. This study aimed to explore the relationship between experiencing IPV and breastfeeding duration, exclusivity, and self-efficacy for Canadian mothers, and to identify potential variables that influence breastfeeding decision-making among women with experiences of IPV...
August 8, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Erricka Hager, Daniel R Lavage, Jada Shirriel, Janet Catov, Elizabeth Miller, Tamar Krishnamurti
PURPOSE: Co-creation of a citizen-science research initiative with a collaborative team of community members and university-based scientists to address regional disparities in maternal and fetal health outcomes for Black birthing people. DESCRIPTION: Citizen scientist-led projects, where community members actively contribute to each discovery step, from setting a research agenda to collecting data and disseminating results, can extend community participatory research initiatives and help reconceptualize traditional research processes...
August 7, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Wondi Samuel Manalew, Melissa White, Jusung Lee, Nathan Hale
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the predictors of postpartum insurance loss (PPIL), assessed its association with postpartum healthcare receipt, and explored the potential buffering role of Medicaid expansion. METHODS: Data from the 2016-2020 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) were analyzed, covering 197,820 individuals with live births. PPIL was determined via self-reported insurance status before and after pregnancy. Postpartum visits and depression screening served as key health service receipt indicators...
August 7, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Kathryn A Wagner, Penelope Pekow, Bess Marcus, Milagros C Rosal, Barry Braun, JoAnn E Manson, Brian W Whitcomb, Lynnette Leidy Sievert, Lisa Chasan-Taber
INTRODUCTION: Maternal overweight or obesity has been associated with metabolic syndrome through 1 year postpartum, but it remains unknown whether a culturally-modified, motivationally-targeted, and individually-tailored Lifestyle Intervention could improve postpartum cardiometabolic health among Hispanic women with overweight or obesity. METHODS: Proyecto Mamá was a randomized controlled trial conducted in Western Massachusetts from 2014 to 2020 in which Hispanic women with overweight/obesity were randomized to a Lifestyle Intervention (LI) involving diet and exercise or to a comparison Health and Wellness Intervention (HW)...
August 7, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Jennifer Karlin, Rebecca L Newmark, Nina Oberman, Christine Dehlendorf
INTRODUCTION: Contraceptive counseling during the perinatal period is an important component of comprehensive perinatal care. We synthesized research about contraceptive counseling during the perinatal period, which has not previously been systematically compiled. METHODS: We developed search criteria to identify articles listed in PubMed, Embase, and Popline databases published between 1992 and July 2022 that address patients' preferences for, and experiences of, perinatal contraceptive counseling, as well as health outcomes associated with this counseling...
August 1, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Hirotaka Isogami, Tsuyoshi Murata, Karin Imaizumi, Toma Fukuda, Aya Kanno, Hyo Kyozuka, Shun Yasuda, Akiko Yamaguchi, Akiko Sato, Yuka Ogata, Kosei Shinoki, Mitsuaki Hosoya, Seiji Yasumura, Koichi Hashimoto, Hidekazu Nishigori, Keiya Fujimori
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the association between atopic dermatitis in pregnant women and preterm births, accounting for maternal ritodrine hydrochloride administration status. METHODS: Data of 83,796 women with singleton pregnancies at and after 22 weeks of gestation (enrolled between 2011 and 2014) were analyzed. These data were obtained from the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Atopic dermatitis was defined based on self-reported questionnaire responses obtained during the first trimester...
July 30, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Brianna Keefe-Oates, Elizabeth Janiak, Barbara Gottlieb, Jarvis T Chen
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 24, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Nika Darvish, Anu Manchikanti Gómez, Cassondra Marshall, Raichal McDonald, LaToshia Rouse, Lauren Dinsmore, Hannah Hecht, Ruth Berhanu, Grace Rajan, Jaspal Sandhu
INTRODUCTION: Expanding access to doula care is a key strategy for improving the perinatal experiences and health outcomes of birthing people of color in the U.S. This study investigates the future of maternal healthcare in the U.S. from the perspective of doulas and highlights emerging technology and other opportunities related to strengthening the doula workforce. METHODS: The study recruited community doulas from 12 unique U.S. states, ensuring at least half of the doulas predominantly served communities of color...
July 24, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Melanie McKenna, Kathryn M Nowotny
OBJECTIVES: To examine the associations among mass incarceration, maternal vulnerability, and disparities in birth outcomes across U.S. counties, utilizing an ecological model and reproductive justice perspective was used. This study tests whether mass incarceration is associated with infant mortality and low birthweight across U.S. counties, and whether maternal vulnerability explains the relationship between mass incarceration and birth disparities. METHODS: Data were derived from a variety of public sources and were merged using federal FIPS codes...
July 16, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Alessandra N Bazzano, Cheri Pies, Michael C Lu, Padmini Parthasarathy, Amy Fine, Milton Kotelchuck
INTRODUCTION: A life course perspective in maternal, child, and family health allows for integrated exploration of outcomes, incorporating multifactorial determinants of health to interrogate sources of inequity and identify opportunities for intervention. This article explores the historical development, integration, and implications of the contemporary life course perspective in the field of maternal and child health (MCH), and particularly the people and events which institutionalized the framework as central to national and local MCH practice and research over the last decades...
July 16, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
Nicholas D E Mark
Unplanned or unwanted pregnancies and births are linked to adverse maternal outcomes, but the extent to which such relationships hold for all racial/ethnic groups remains unknown. In this paper, I use large-scale data to estimate unadjusted and inverse propensity weighted associations between a five-level measure of pregnancy intention and six indicators of maternal well-being among separate samples of white, Black, and Hispanic mothers. I find substantial racial/ethnic variation. White and Hispanic mothers who reported that their pregnancies were mistimed, unwanted, or that they were unsure how they felt were significantly more likely to experience adverse outcomes than same-race/ethnicity mothers who reported that their pregnancy was intended, but the pattern was much more tenuous for Black mothers...
July 3, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Journal
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