Journals Techniques in Hand & Upper Ext...

Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Nicholas Pulos, Alexander Y Shin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 22, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Morgan B Weber, Sarah H Townsley, Allen T Bishop, Robert J Spinner, Alexander Y Shin
Restoration of elbow flexion is a priority in treating adult traumatic brachial plexus injuries. A tendon transfer is an ideal option for patients not candidates for reconstructive nerve surgery or free-functioning muscle transfer. For patients with a partial brachial plexus injury or a pan plexus injury with adequate recovered triceps function and loss of elbow flexion, a triceps-to-biceps tendon transfer is a nonmicrosurgical option to restore elbow flexion. The technique of triceps-to-biceps transfer in which the complete triceps tendon is transferred laterally, secured lateral to the radial tuberosity, and reinforced with suture to the biceps tendon is described...
July 15, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Nuttara Wiboonthanasarn, Kanon Limudomporn, Chairoj Uerpairojkit, Piyabuth Kittithamvongs, Sopinun Siripoonyothai, Navapong Anantavorasakul, Kanchai Malungpaishrope
Extensor indicis proprius (EIP) opponensplasty is one of the commonly used techniques to restore thumb abduction and opposition in patients with thenar muscle dysfunction from various causes of median nerve palsy. However, its subcutaneous route around the distal ulna may not represent a straight line of pull, and part of the extensor hood sometimes has to be harvested along with the EIP tendon to gain adequate length to reach the insertion. The purpose of the study is to present the alternative method of EIP opponensplasty and report the clinical outcomes...
July 8, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Rachel V Currie, Jamie D Clements, Shakeel M Dustagheer
The KliniTray "breast board" used by many oncological breast surgeons is an innovative idea to succor microsurgical digital replantation. This piece of sterile equipment is readily available and provides excellent immobilization and retraction of the skin of digital amputates with minimal trauma. The fine metal pins are the key to its efficacy. They provide the flexibility to alter the position of the amputated part and alter the retraction of skin edges as many times as necessary. The construct acts as a tremor-free assistant for a single surgeon to efficiently prepare the amputated part of a digit, saving time including expensive theatre time...
June 27, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Emily M Pflug, Francisco Rodriguez-Fontan, Alexander Lauder
Recurrent instability following thumb ulnar collateral ligament repair or reconstruction may result in pain and poor function. The use of certain suture anchors during the index procedure may predispose patients to the development of osteolysis and subsequent fixation failure. In this article, we describe an effective surgical technique for revision reconstruction of ulnar collateral ligament injuries using autograft and suture suspensionplasty. This technique restores joint stability and allows functional recovery with minimal postoperative complications...
June 25, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Adam Margalit, Jared Bookman, Michael Aversano, Michael Guss, Omri Ayalon, Nader Paksima
Incision of the dorsal side of the tendon sheath in release of De Quervain's tenosynovitis has traditionally been advocated to prevent the risk of volar tendon subluxation. We describe a novel technique of complete excision, rather than simple incision, of the first dorsal compartment tendon sheath. Over a 10-year period, 147 patients (154 wrists) underwent first dorsal compartment release using this technique of complete excision of the sheath. No postoperative immobilization is used. Patients were followed for a mean of 7...
June 21, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Nicholas Pulos, Allen T Bishop, Robert J Spinner, Alexander Y Shin
Serial physical examination is often required in the evaluation of brachial plexus injuries. (Noland, 2019) A comprehensive evaluation that includes a thorough history, electrodiagnostic evaluation, and imaging studies, in addition to physical examination, can provide valuable information about the location of the lesion, prognosis for recovery, and whether surgical intervention is necessary. After brachial plexus reconstruction, physical examinations are also performed to document clinical improvement and identify any residual issues...
June 21, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Victor Shen, Davis Kuruvilla, Lauren Ladehoff, Alec Talsania, Jay Talsania
Thumb carpometacarpal arthritis is common with aging, more common in women than men, and usually occurs after age 40. If a patient fails conservative treatments such as splinting, medications, and corticosteroid injections, then surgical intervention may be appropriate. Currently, there is no consensus on the best surgical treatment. By limiting metacarpal subsidence, ligament suspensionplasty with suture tape augmentation offers great pain relief, excellent functional outcomes, and limited postoperative immobilization...
June 21, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Aleksandar Lovic, Javier Pérez-Rodríguez, Pedro Bolado-Gutiérrez
Level IV-therapeutic.
June 17, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo
Periscapular pain and dysfunction are relatively common complaints in the practice of upper extremity surgeons. However, evaluation of the dysfunctional scapula is intimidating for most. Physical examination of the periscapular muscles is very rich, and a systematic approach provides the opportunity to establish a diagnosis for most patients. Conditions underlying scapular dysfunction include trapezius palsy, serratus palsy, brachial plexus injuries, muscular dystrophy, snapping scapula, pectoralis minor syndrome, congenital undescended scapula, and functional scapular dyskinesis, among others...
September 1, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Jia Choong, Michalis Hadjiandreou, Pauline McGee, Wee Leon Lam
Syndactyly release aims to address skin deficits by resurfacing web spaces and sides of digits to allow independent digital motion while minimizing the risk of web creep and scar contractures. Conventional methods include the use of a dorsal and interdigitating flaps with full-thickness skin grafts. More recently, there have been several descriptions of "graftless" syndactyly release without skin grafts, thus avoiding a further (usually distant) donor site. However, the indications of when and when not to use these techniques remain unclear...
June 1, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Alexander Y Shin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 1, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Junichiro Shibuya, Masatoshi Takahara, Hiroshi Satake, Michiaki Takagi
Subcutaneous anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve is a common surgical treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome. However, there are surgical failures associated with the new compressive sites at the edge of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) and resubluxation posterior to the medial epicondyle of the transposed nerve. To reduce the muscle volume at the edge of FCU, we approach the ulnar nerve by dividing the muscle belly of the FCU humeral heads. This procedure can reduce repeated traction forces on the transposed nerve at the edge of the FCU...
May 13, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Luis Carlos Diaz, Enrique Vergara-Amador
ABSTRACT: We describe a new technique of transferring the motor branch ulnar nerve (UN) to the axillary nerve (AN) by posterior approach. Three patients with C5, C6, and C7 brachial plexus injury were operated. By supraclavicular approach, the spinal accessory was transferred to the suprascapular nerve. By posterior approach in the arm, the AN was identified within the quadrilateral space, and the UN was identified medially with intrafascicular dissection of a motor fascicle, which is lifted to 4 cm in length and transferred to AN...
April 23, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira, João Pedro Farina Brunelli, Fernando Corella Montoya, Pedro J Delgado
Synovial or ganglion cysts are the most common soft tissue tumors of the wrist and hand and can arise from joints or tendons. Intratendinous synovial cysts, in contrast, are rare and their pathogenesis is still a matter of debate. The treatment of synovial cysts of articular origin using arthroscopy is commonly used with good results. For cysts of tendon origin, that is, extra-articular, when located at the ankle, shoulder, knee, and wrist, endoscopic treatment has also been described in a procedure called tenoscopy...
April 18, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Ankur Khanna, Clarence J Clark, Brandon J Yuan, Jennifer Tangtiphaiboontana, Jonathan D Barlow
Fixation of olecranon fractures, especially those with minimal proximal bone and those that present with significant comminution, can be technically challenging. Current open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) methods, such as tension band wire (TBW) constructs, plate fixation (PF), and intramedullary screws (IMSF), have demonstrated high rates of reoperation and symptomatic implants. We present the omega plate technique, which utilizes a mini-fragment plate passed under the triceps tendon insertion, allowing maximal implant surface area contact with small, proximal olecranon fracture fragments...
April 1, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Paula A Pino, Christopher S Crowe, Kitty Y Wu, Peter C Rhee
Spastic wrist flexion deformities both limit the functional use of the hand for grasp and pinch producing a stigmatizing appearance. Tendon transfers and total wrist arthrodesis are treatment options for this condition depending on the patient's characteristics, the latter the most commonly used in patients with severe wrist flexion deformities. Tendon transfers alone in this scenario have the tendency for recurrent deformity due to tenorrhaphy failure or soft tissue creep and resultant loss of tension. Total wrist arthrodesis is a more invasive procedure, which can have hardware or fusion problems and that is irreversible...
March 28, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Arakua Welbeck, Charles A Goldfarb, Ryan P Calfee, Christopher J Dy
Flexor pollicis longus rupture is an uncommon but potentially debilitating complication after volar locking plate fixation of distal radius fractures, occurring secondary to tendon attrition against the implant. This nature of tendon injury typically precludes primary repair. This paper will illustrate 2 reconstruction techniques, an interpositional tendon graft and a tendon transfer, that have been utilized successfully by the authors.
March 22, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Joseph Saleh, Ethan D Patterson, Corinne Aillerie, Patrick Tohmé, Neil J White
Intra-articular distal humerus fractures present various challenges with a wide array of treatment options. Open reduction internal fixation remains the treatment of choice. In older patient populations with poor bone quality and short-end segment fractures with articular comminution, open reduction internal fixation, however, may bring on unsurmountable technical challenges. Total elbow arthroplasty and elbow hemiarthroplasty (EHA) may offer superior functional outcomes in these cases. During EHA for fractures, the medial and lateral columns are reconstructed with the collateral ligaments to restore elbow stability...
March 8, 2024: Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
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