M Cogliati, P E Chidebelu, M Hitchcock, M Chen, V Rickerts, S Ackermann, M Desnos Ollivier, J Inácio, U Nawrot, M Florek, K J Kwon-Chung, D-H Yang, C Firacative, C A Puime, P Escandon, S Bertout, F Roger, J Xu
Hybrid AD strains of the human pathogenic Cryptococcus neoformans species complex have been reported from many parts of the world. However, their origin, diversity, and evolution are incompletely understood. In this study, we analyzed 102 AD hybrid strains representing 21 countries on five continents. For each strain, we obtained its mating type and its allelic sequences at each of the seven loci that have been used for genotyping haploid serotypes A and D strains of the species complex by the Cryptococcus research community...
December 19, 2023: Fungal Genetics and Biology: FG&B