Nobuhiro Hata, Yutaka Fujioka, Ryosuke Otsuji, Daisuke Kuga, Ryusuke Hatae, Yuhei Sangatsuda, Takeo Amemiya, Naoki Noguchi, Aki Sako, Minoru Fujiki, Masahiro Mizoguchi, Koji Yoshimoto
Since the World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 revision, the number of molecular markers required for diffuse gliomas has increased, placing a burden on clinical practice. We have established an in-house, molecular diagnostic platform using Senshin-Iryo, a feature of Japan's unique healthcare system, and partially modified the analysis method in accordance with the WHO 2021 revision. Herein, we review over a total 5 years of achievements using this platform. Analyses of IDH, BRAF, and H3 point mutations, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on 1p/19q and chromosomes 10 and 17, and MGMT methylation were combined into a set that was submitted to Senshin-Iryo as "Drug resistance gene testing for anticancer chemotherapy" and was approved in August 2018...
March 13, 2024: Neuropathology: Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology