Journals Operative Orthopädie und Tr...

Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Wolf Petersen
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April 2024: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Florian B Imhoff, Mathieu Trierweiler
OBJECTIVE: A rotational osteotomy requires a complete cut of the bone in order to correct maltorsion. An additional correction of the frontal axis can be achieved via an oblique cut of the bone. The osteotomy with bone to bone contact is fixed with an angle stable plate. INDICATIONS: Symptoms such as anterior knee pain, inwardly pointing knee syndrome, lateral patellar subluxation or dislocation, lateral patellar hypercompression syndrome are a common indication for derivational osteotomy if clinically increased femoral internal rotation and radiologically increased femoral antetorsion is detected...
March 27, 2024: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Theddy Slongo, Enno Stranzinger
Conventional or digital radiography is still the basis of imaging diagnostics of the skeletal system in pediatric patients. It is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, treatment selection, and follow-up. In addition, procedures such as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and also nuclear medicine techniques can and should be used. It is advantageous to use trained radiology technicians who are familiar with the handling of children in X‑ray diagnostics. If there is no dedicated pediatric radiology department, it is recommended to follow the guidelines from radiology societies (as low as reasonably achievable [ALARA]) and radiation protection commissions...
February 6, 2024: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Ralph Kothe, Ulf Liljenqvist
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2024: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 1, 2024: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Steffen Löw, Sebastian Kiesel
OBJECTIVE: Standardization of palmar plate osteosynthesis in order to consequently achieve physiologic anatomy of the distal radius end. INDICATIONS: Unstable dorsally displaced distal radius fractures or fractures that should be treated functionally. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Severe intraarticular joint depression that cannot be reduced with either a palmar or arthroscopic assisted approach. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Patient in supine position with the forearm supinated on arm table...
December 5, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Reto H Babst, Frank J P Beeres
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
L X van Rossenberg, Bjm van de Wall, N Diwersi, L Scheuble, Fjp Beeres, M van Heijl, S Ferree
OBJECTIVES: Distal ulna plate fixation for ulnar neck and head fractures (excluding ulnar styloid fractures) aims to anatomically reduce the distal ulna fracture (DUF) by open reduction and internal fixation, while obtaining a stable construct allowing functional rehabilitation without need for cast immobilization. INDICATIONS: Severe displacement, angulation or translation, as well as unstable or intra-articular fractures. Furthermore, multiple trauma or young patients in need of quick functional rehabilitation...
December 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Alexander Ruzicka, Peter Kaiser, Gernot Schmidle, Stefan Benedikt, Tobias Kastenberger, Rohit Arora
OBJECTIVE: Distal fracture of the radius is common in all age groups. Under careful consideration of individual indications and contraindications, conservative treatment with reduction and immobilization can have significant advantages over the frequently applied surgical approach, particularly in older patients. THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Immobilization after closed reduction enables satisfactory wrist function to be achieved according to individual patient expectations...
December 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Nicole M van Veelen, Reto Babst, Björn-Christian Link, Bryan J M van de Wall, Frank J P Beeres
OBJECTIVE: The aim of surgical treatment is fracture healing with restored alignment, rotation, and joint surface. Stable fixation allows for functional postoperative aftercare. INDICATIONS: Displaced intra- and extra-articular fractures which either could not be adequately reduced or in which a secondary displacement is to expected due to instability criteria. The following factors are considered instability criteria: age > 60 years, female, initial dorsal displacement > 20°, dorsal comminution, radial shortening > 5 mm, palmar displacement...
December 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Jörg Dickschas
OBJECTIVE: Correction of deformities around the knee joint in the frontal and sagittal axis, torsion, length and translation. INDICATIONS: Complex deformities of the proximal tibia, and to a lesser extent of the distal femur, which cannot be treated with acute correction using plate or nail osteosynthesis. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Nicotine abuse, soft tissue problems, lack of patient compliance. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: First, mounting of the proximal ring of the ring fixator strictly parallel to the joint line in 2 planes, fixation with 3 or 4 pins or wires...
November 10, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
S Koob, H Kohlhof, T M Randau, D C Wirtz
OBJECTIVE: Stabilization of metastatic acetabular defects with a bone cement-augmented revision support cup for remobilization of oncological patients in advanced cancer stages. INDICATIONS: Metastatic acetabular defects (Metastatic Acetabular Classification, MAC 2-4) in patients with a prognostic medium or long-term survival. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Highly limited survival due to metastatic disease (< 6 weeks). Local bone or soft tissue infection...
November 3, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Philipp Lobenhoffer
THE PROBLEM: Cementless medial unicondylar knee prostheses with mobile inlays have proved to be successful and are increasingly being used worldwide; however, there is a risk of fracture of the medial tibial plateau in the postoperative healing phase. THE SOLUTION: In most cases we observed split fractures starting from the keel of the implant. These can be treated with a small posteromedial locking plate, whereby the upper screws are inserted through the keel slot and then interlocked...
October 19, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Klaus Edgar Roth, Paul Simons, Markus Egermann, Matthias Knobe, Robert Ossendorff, Philipp Drees, Kajetan Klos
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to describe the anterolateral approach using an anatomical plate for ankle arthrodesis and to present the first mid-term results with this technique in a high-risk population. INDICATIONS: The indication for arthrodesis of the ankle joint with this described technique is moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the ankle. CONTRAINDICATIONS: In addition to the general contraindications typical of any operation, there is a specific contraindication in cases of active infection of the soft tissues and accompanying osteomyelitis at the ankle...
October 16, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Quinten G H Rikken, Barbara J C Favier, Jari Dahmen, Sjoerd A S Stufkens, Gino M M J Kerkhoffs
OBJECTIVE: Osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT) with a fragment on the talar dome that fail conservative treatment and need surgical treatment can benefit from in situ fixation of the OLT. Advantages of fixation include the preservation of native cartilage, a high quality subchondral bone repair, and the restoration of the joint congruency by immediate fragment stabilization. To improve the chance of successful stabilization, adequate lesion exposure is critical, especially in difficult to reach lesions located on the posteromedial talar dome...
October 12, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
M Putzier, P Koehli, T Khakzad
OBJECTIVE: Establishment of a physiological profile of the spine via reduction of the kyphotic slipped vertebra in the transverse and sagittal planes. Achieving solid fusion. Improvement of preoperative pain symptoms and prevention or elimination of neurological deficits. INDICATIONS: High-grade spondylolisthesis (Meyerding grade 3 and 4) as well as spondyloptosis after conservative treatment and corresponding symptoms. Serious neurological deficits, hip-lumbar extensor stiffness, are emergency indications...
October 10, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Ralf Stücker, Kiril Mladenov, Sebastian Stücker
OBJECTIVE: Early onset scoliosis is defined as a spinal deformity originating in the first 10 years of life. Growth-preserving spinal instrumentation has therefore been designed to preserve growth of spine and chest wall and lungs to avoid serious pulmonary complications after early spine fusion. Indications, surgical technique and results of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) technique, traditional growing rods (TGR), and magnetically controlled growing rods (MCGR) will be described...
October 9, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Florian B Imhoff, Andreas B Imhoff
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Klaus Dresing, Theddy Slongo
At the end of surgical therapy, the access is closed with sutures. Surgical sutures are thus used to adapt wound edges and tissues. The task of the suture material is to hold the tissues together until healing. For patients, a cosmetically good suture is often the sign of good surgery. Different tissues and layers have different requirements regarding the suture material. The different types from monofil to polyfil, braided, from absorbable to nonabsorbable are presented. The classification of suture strengths is compared...
October 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
Martin Wessling, Max Jaenisch, Yannik Hanusrichter, Dieter Christian Wirtz, Carsten Gebert, Thomas Martin Randau
The planning and implantation of a customized partial pelvis replacement places high demands on both the surgeon and the entire team (engineer, assistants, surgical team). Thanks to careful preoperative planning and meticulous perioperative execution, customized partial pelvic replacement represents a complex but reliable procedure for defect reconstruction even with highly complex acetabular bone defects or after multiple previous surgeries.
September 19, 2023: Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie
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