Journals Journal of Anaesthesiology, Cl...

Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Saiteja Kodamanchili, T N Priyanka, Abhijeet Anand, Rajesh Panda
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2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Devalina Goswami, Mahesh K Arora, Karthik V Iyer, Nageswara Rao Tangirala, Jai Bhagwan Sharma, Sunesh Kumar, Mani Kalaivani
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4 ) has been demonstrated to have analgesic property in various clinical settings. This study explores if addition of MgSO4 to ropivacaine increases its analgesic efficacy when infiltrated continuously in the postsurgical wound following total abdominal hysterectomy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at a tertiary care referral hospital in New Delhi, India. Fifty-two patients were randomized into two groups to receive the intervention of which 48 were able to complete the study...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Bhavna Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, Anubha Agarwal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a critical metric measuring organizational success or specific activities, reflecting the periodic achievement of operational goals aligned with strategic objectives. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study of key quality performance indicators, (CQI-NABH) concerning anesthesia and surgical services was conducted at a tertiary care hospital after taking institutional ethical clearance (AIIMS/IEC/21/150)...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Bhavna Sriramka, Tanmaya Pradhan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Rohan Magoon, Armaanjeet Singh, Ramesh Kashav, Jasvinder K Kohli, Iti Shri, Noopur Bansal, Vijay Grover
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiac surgery often necessitates considerable post-operative vasoactive-inotropic support. Given an encouraging literature on the prognostic potential of leucoglycemic index (LGI) [serum glucose (mg/dl) × total leucocytes count (cells/mm3 )/1000], we aimed to evaluate whether intensive care unit (ICU)-admission LGI can predict post-operative vasopressor-inotropic requirements following cardiac surgery on cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data of patients undergoing cardiac surgery at our tertiary care center between January 2015 and December 2020 was retrospectively reviewed...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Soumily Bandyopadhyay, Manpreet Kaur, Renu Sinha, Thilaka Muthiah, Arshad Ayub, Rajeshwari Subramaniam
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Parental separation, fear, and exposure to the operating room environment lead to stress and anxiety in pediatric patients. This study aims to identify the research gaps in the effect of video distraction on pediatric patients of Indian origin. We hypothesized that video distraction along with parental presence would reduce preoperative anxiety in pediatric patients undergoing ophthalmic procedures under general anesthesia compared with parental presence alone. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this prospective randomized trial, 145 patients aged 2-8 years, ASA I-II, with at least one functional eye undergoing elective ophthalmic daycare procedures were enrolled...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Chidchanok Choovongkomol, Thidarat Ariyanuchitkul, Kongtush Choovongkomol, Vipanee Tongjapo
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Postanesthetic reintubation is associated with increased morbidities and mortality; however, it can be reduced with defined predictors and using a score as a tool. This study aimed to identify independent predictors and develop a reliable predictive score. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective, time-matched, case control study was conducted on patients who underwent general anesthesia between October 2017 and September 2021. Using stepwise multivariable logistic regression analysis, predictors were determined and the predictive score was developed and validated...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Rashmi Salhotra, Kushal Thakkar, Rajesh Singh Rautela, Jainendra Chauhan, S Ajeeb
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: LMA ProSeal (PLMA) is a commonly used airway maintenance device in elective procedures and is routinely inserted from the head-end of the patient. It is also used in pre-hospital emergencies where it may not always be possible to access the head-end. This study aims to compare the insertion characteristics of PLMA when inserted while standing, either at the head-end or from the front. MATERIAL AND METHODS: After institutional ethics committee approval, 60 consenting patients of either sex, between 18 and 60 years, ASA class I/II, and scheduled to undergo elective surgeries were randomly allocated to either group H (head-end insertion) or group F (front-end insertion)...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Teena Bansal, Suresh Singhal, Susheela Taxak, Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa
Dexamethasone is routinely used in anesthesia practice and has been regarded as one of the ideal perioperative agents. It is a synthetic glucocorticoid with potent antiinflammatory action. It reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting, pain, postoperative opioid requirements after general anaesthesia as well as spinal anaesthesia. It has been used via intravenous, epidural and perineural routes. It has been used successfully in fascial blocks. It significantly decreases fatigue, shivering and postoperative sore throat and improves quality of recovery...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Suman Tiwari, Anita Seth
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The laryngeal mask airway ProSeal (PLMA) insertion should be easy, fast, and atraumatic. Most studies have been done on adults who cannot be considered as the reflection of pediatric patients. In this study, we compared the first attempt success rate of three techniques of PLMA insertion: introducer, 90° rotation, and pharyngoscopy technique in the pediatric population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this prospective comparative randomized study, a total of 135 patients of American Society of Anesthesiology grade I and II, aged three to eleven years, with normal airways scheduled for elective surgery, were randomly allocated into three groups: introducer, 90° rotation, and pharyngoscopy group...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Minal J Harde, Prashant B Ranale, Sarita Fernandes
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is important to predict and prevent post-spinal hypotension in lower segment cesarean section (LSCS). Peripheral vascular tone can be monitored as a perfusion index (PI) from a pulse oximeter. We aimed to study baseline PI as a predictor of post-spinal hypotension in LSCS. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective observational study conducted in a tertiary care teaching public hospital on patients posted for elective LSCS under spinal anesthesia...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Amarjeet Kumar, Chandni Sinha, Kunal Singh, Ajeet Kumar, Poonam Kumari
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Dona Saha, Priyank Tapuria, Nitasha Mishra, Ajitesh Sahu
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Souvik Maitra, Soumya Sarkar, Srikant Behera, Choro A Kayina, Dalim K Baidya, Bikash R Ray, Rajeshwari Subramaniam, Rahul K Anand, Sulagna Bhattacharjee
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Rajesh Mishra, Ranvinder Kaur, Aditi Suri, Rupesh Yadav, Seema Wasnik
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several methods are in use for LMA ProSeal™ size selection in pediatric patients. Weight-based method is most commonly used. Pinna size-based method is a promising new technique for accurate size selection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 146 children aged between 6 months and 12 years undergoing surgery under general surgery were included. They were randomized into either pinna-based group (group X) or weight-based group (group Y). Both groups were compared for accurate placement of ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway (PLMA), ease of insertion, number of attempts needed, and peak airway pressures...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Isaac Lalfakzuala Ralte, Debesh Bhoi, Praveen Talawar, Ganga Prasad, Rajeshwari Subramaniam, Prabudh Goel
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Comparison of analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided transmuscular quadratus lumborum block (QL-3) and erector spinae block (ESP) in children undergoing open pyeloplasty was done in this study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a randomized, double-blinded, controlled study conducted in a tertiary care center, operating rooms, post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), and paediatric surgical ward. Sixty children of age 1-6 years, with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status I or II, undergoing elective open pyeloplasty were included in the study...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Lal Dhar Mishra, Ankit Agarwal, Atul K Singh, Kamath Sriganesh
Health-care settings have an important responsibility toward environmental health and safety. The operating room is a major source of environmental pollution within a hospital. Inhalational agents and nitrous oxide are the commonly used gases during general anesthesia for surgeries, especially in the developing world. These greenhouse gases contribute adversely to the environmental health both inside the operating room and in the outside atmosphere. Impact of these anesthetic agents depends on the total consumption, characteristics of individual agents, and gas flows, with higher levels increasing the environmental adverse effects...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Ashok Jadon, Prashant K Shahi, Swastika Chakraborty, Neelam Sinha, Apoorva Bakshi, Surabhi Srivastawa
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) of the saphenous nerve (SN) has shown effective pain relief in knee pain because of knee osteoarthritis (KOA). The adductor canal (AC) contains other sensory nerves innervating the medial part of the knee joint apart from SN. We compared the PRF of SN within and outside the AC for their quality and duration of pain relief in knee osteoarthritis of the medial compartment (KOA-MC). MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a randomized prospective study in 60 patients with anteromedial knee pain because of KOA-MC...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Puneet Khanna, Aditi Das, Soumya Sarkar
Postoperative residual curarization (PORC) and the impact of the coadministration of intravenous calcium along with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor on it are not well addressed. Extensive electronic database screening was done until October 7, 2022 after enlisting the protocol of this systematic review in PROSPERO (CRD42021274879). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the impact of intravenous calcium and neostigmine coadministration on neuromuscular recovery were included in this meta-analysis...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
Amarjeet Kumar, Poonam Kumari, Chandni Sinha, Ajeet Kumar, Saurabh Karmakar
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mild to moderate sedation during bronchoscopy is essential for patient safety, comfort during and after the procedure, and to facilitate the performance of the bronchoscopist. Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective, centrally acting α-2 agonist used to provide conscious sedation during various procedures. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of three different doses of dexmedetomidine nebulization as an adjuvant to lignocaine during bronchoscopy...
2024: Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology
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