W C Kwok, T C C Tam, C W Sing, E W Y Chan, C L Cheung
INTRODUCTION: Electronic health record databases can facilitate epidemiology research regarding diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a common medical condition worldwide. We aimed to assess the validity of International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD-9) code algorithms for identifying COPD in Hong Kong's territory-wide electronic health record system, the Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System (CDARS). METHODS: Adult patients diagnosed with COPD at all public hospitals in Hong Kong and specifically at Queen Mary Hospital from 2011 to 2020 were identified using the ICD-9 code 496 (Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified) within the CDARS...
August 29, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
S C W Tang, K K L Ho, W W K Ko, A Lee, C B Leung, W K Lo, R C W Ma, S L Pang, K C B Tan, M W Tsang, M C S Wong, W C W Wong, F K M Wong, C C Szeto
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) imposes a significant burden on healthcare systems worldwide, and diabetes is a major risk factor for CKD. There is currently no consensus in Hong Kong regarding the prioritisation of early identification and intervention for CKD. A comprehensive and Hong Kong-specific diabetes and CKD treatment guideline is also lacking. A multidisciplinary group of experts discussed issues surrounding the current management of CKD and reviewed evidence in the context of local experience to support recommendations...
August 27, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
P H W Lo, H M Kwok, F H Ng, H Y Lo, J K F Ma
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August 22, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
W I Yam, S M Y Wong, P T Cheung, E Y W Kwan, Y Y Lam, L M Wong, K L Ng, S W C Wong, C Y Lee, M K Tay, K T Chan, A C C Fu, J Y L Tung, G S W Pang, H C Yau, Q W S See, P W C Lo, S W Y To, H W Yuen, J Y K Chung, E W Y Wong, S W Y Poon, C H Y Lam, S S Y Chan, J H C Tsui, C S Y Chan, B W M But
INTRODUCTION: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is becoming increasingly common among children and adolescents worldwide, including those in Hong Kong. This study analysed the characteristics and prevalence of microvascular complications among paediatric T2DM patients in Hong Kong at diagnosis and 2 years after diagnosis. METHODS: All patients aged <18 years who had been diagnosed with DM at public hospitals in Hong Kong were recruited into the Hong Kong Childhood Diabetes Registry...
August 16, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
G M Joynt, S K H Ling, L L Chang, P N W Tsai, G K F Au, D H K So, F L Chow, P K N Lam, A Avidan, C L Sprung, A Lee
INTRODUCTION: The need for end-of-life care is common in intensive care units (ICUs). Although guidelines exist, little is known about actual end-of-life care practices in Hong Kong ICUs. The study aim was to provide a detailed description of these practices. METHODS: This prospective, multicentre observational sub-analysis of the Ethicus-2 study explored end-of-life practices in eight participating Hong Kong ICUs. Consecutive adult ICU patients admitted during a 6-month period with life-sustaining treatment (LST) limitation or death were included...
August 15, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
W K K Wong, R W M Kan, P S Lam, P M H Cheung, E Y L Cheng, T C T Pun, M W S Tang, C L H Leung, S W S Woo, T K Lo, P S K Chu, T N H Chan, P K F Chiu
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common urological disease with a high prevalence in older adult populations. Antimuscarinic drugs have been the most common treatment for OAB for more than a decade, but their anticholinergic side-effects and potential impact on cognitive function among older patients are usually underestimated. This consensus aimed to provide practical recommendations concerning OAB management, with a particular emphasis on older patients. A joint consensus panel was formed by representatives of the Hong Kong Urological Association and the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society...
August 14, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
J Y H Chan, Y L Cheng, S K Yuen, P N Wong, H M Cheng, K L Mo, C Y Yung, K M Chow, S K S Fung, W L Chak, M K M Ma, T L Ho, A Lee, S Wong, S F Cheung, A L T Ma, C C Szeto, S C W Tang, S L Lui
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 8, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
J H Y Lai, C T Lui, T W T Chan, B C P Wong, M S H Tsui, B K A Wan, K L Mok
INTRODUCTION: This study reviewed the diagnostic accuracy of the prehospital electrocardiogram (PHECG) rule-based algorithm for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) universally utilised in Hong Kong. METHODS: This prospective observational study was linked to a population-wide project. We analysed 2210 PHECGs performed on patients who presented to the emergency medical service (EMS) with chest pain from 1 October to 31 December 2021. The diagnostic accuracy of the adopted rulebased algorithm, the Hannover Electrocardiogram System, was evaluated using the adjudicated blinded rating by two investigators as the primary reference standard...
July 25, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
T M Han, M H Y Tang, H F Tong, Y T Cheung, J S B Tseung, M K Yip, C K Ching, Y K Chong
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July 22, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
A C K Chan, S S Huang, K H Wong, C C Leung, M P Lee, T Y Tsang, W S Law, L B Tai
INTRODUCTION: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis (TB) remains an important health challenge worldwide. Although TB prevalence has decreased in the general population, there is limited information regarding temporal trends in the incidence of HIV-associated TB in Hong Kong. There are also insufficient data regarding changes in clinical manifestation patterns among HIV-associated TB patients over time. This study aimed to describe temporal trends in the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of HIV-associated TB in Hong Kong...
July 16, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
C W M Leung, N S Cheng, T F Leung
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 16, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
S M Yu, W K M Kwong, Y Y Y Law, A D King
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July 11, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
M Y W Kwan, P C Y Chong, G T Chua, M H K Ho, L C Poon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 8, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
A Lee, K W Tong, B C F Chiu, W Wong
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 28, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
S Adams, C P Lee, E Au Yeung, W C Leung
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August 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
A Y C Lim, M S C Lam
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August 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
K L Hon, T Y Hui, J Li, Y W Tan, K K Y Leung, W F Hui, W L Cheung, F S Chung, P Ip, J C S Yam
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
S L H Cheung, B S Y Tsui, Y H Tam
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 6, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
E K H Leung, A K C Kan, J Lau, C H Wong, C H N Loong, S C W Cheung, Y C Woo, D T W Lui
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 6, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
T Y T Cheung, N K L Wong, D S Sahota, S R Subramaniam, S L Lau, X Zhu, W T Lui, E K W Chan, Y K Y Kwok, K W Choy, T Y Leung, M H M Chan, F C K Wong, Y H Ting
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 5, 2024: Hong Kong Medical Journal
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