Journals Journal of Alternative and Com...

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine : Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Scott D Mist
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December 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Ghazaleh Heydarirad, Bahareh Ahadi, Hossein Molavi Vardanjani, Holger Cramer, Hamid Reza Mirzaei, Mehdi Pasalar
Background: There is some evidence in favor of the efficacy of herbal medicine in the treatment of radiodermatitis as a frequent complication among cancer patients. Purpose: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of herbal medicines on the treatment of radiodermatitis in cancer patients. Study design: Systematic review performed in accordance with the PRISMA guideline. Methods: We searched the electronic databases, Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, Google Scholar, and ISI Web of Science, through July 2020 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared herbal compounds against a standard medication or placebo for treatment or prevention of radiodermatitis...
December 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Fang Liu, Xinming Chen, Pingying Nie, Shaohong Lin, Jiaying Guo, Junying Chen, Liqiang Yu
Background: Tai Chi (TC) is a traditional Chinese martial art with demonstrated beneficial effects on physical and mental health. In this study, the authors performed a systematic review to assess the efficiency of TC in different populations' cognitive function improvement. Design: The present systematic review utilized the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (1915-), Wanfang (1998-), VIP (1989-), Chinese Biomedicine databases (1978-), PubMed (1950-), Web of Science (1900-), Cochrane Library (1948-), Embase (1974-), EBSCOhost (1922-), and OVID (1996-) databases to search and identify relevant articles published in English and Chinese from the beginning of coverage through October 17, 2020...
December 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Zachary Legault, Alizée Znaty, Samantha Smith, Marie-Hélène Boudrias
Objectives: The current body of literature was reviewed to compile and describe yoga interventions that have been applied in clinical research and neurologic rehabilitation settings with patients affected by stroke, Parkinson's disease (PD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). Design: Available literature on yoga therapy (YT) was mapped following a five-stage framework to identify key concepts, knowledge gaps, and evidence to inform practice. Publications were identified through Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PsycINFO...
December 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Claudia Citkovitz, Lisa Jean Taylor-Swanson, Robert Davis, Richard E Harris, Benjamin Kligler, Jiang-Ti Kong, Lixing Lao, Jun Mao, Ari Ojeda Ocampo Moré, Vitaly Napadow, Lee Hullender Rubin, Rosa Schnyer, Peter D Wayne, Claudia M Witt
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 25, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Marc Tröndle, Wiebke Stritter, Vicente Odone, Karina Peron, Ricardo Ghelman, Georg Seifert
Introduction: This article examines the feedback of health care providers within the implementation of an integrative care project in a clinic for pediatric oncology in São Paulo, Brazil. Since 2017, the project has implemented external anthroposophic therapies in the activities of daily nursing. The objective is to evaluate how the project evolved and what impact it had on the daily operation of the hospital. A special focus emphasizes the perspective of study nurses. Materials and Methods: Twelve qualitative semistructured interviews were conducted...
November 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Hye In Kim, Min Kyoung Kim, Inha Lee, Jisun Yun, Eui Hyeok Kim, Seok Kyo Seo
Objectives: Soy and hop extracts have been investigated as alternatives for hormone replacement therapy. However, their combined efficacy is not known. We investigated the efficacy and safety of a combined soy and hop extract on postmenopausal symptoms. Design: Double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Settings/Location: Gynecological outpatient clinic of tertiary hospital. Subjects: Seventy-eight women with moderate or severe menopausal symptoms assessed as modified Kupperman Menopoausal Index (KMI) scores >20...
November 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Cindy Crawford, Courtney Boyd, Patricia A Deuster
Background: Dietary supplements promoted for brain health and enhanced cognitive performance are widely available. Claims made for these products are directed not only to the elderly wishing to prevent or mitigate cognitive decline, but also young healthy populations looking to boost their cognitive performance. It is unclear whether these claims made on product bottles and through advertising match the science. Objectives: To explore the evidence on the efficacy and safety of single dietary supplement ingredients frequently marketed with claims of enhanced cognitive performance among healthy adults...
November 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Thomas Ostermann
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 25, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Lisa Howard
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Cheryl Hawk, Lyndon Amorin-Woods, Marion W Evans, James M Whedon, Clinton J Daniels, Ronald D Williams, Gregory Parkin-Smith, David N Taylor, Derek Anderson, Ronald Farabaugh, Sheryl A Walters, Alec Schielke, Amy L Minkalis, Louis S Crivelli, Cameron Alpers, Nathan Hinkeldey, Johanna Hoang, Daniel Caraway, Wayne Whalen, Jason Cook, Daniel Redwood
Objective: To develop evidence-based recommendations on best practices for delivery of clinical preventive services by chiropractors and to offer practical resources to empower provider applications in practice. Design: Clinical practice guideline based on evidence-based recommendations of a panel of practitioners and experts on clinical preventive services. Methods: Synthesizing the results of a literature search for relevant clinical practice guidelines and systematic reviews, a multidisciplinary steering committee with training and experience in health promotion, clinical prevention, and/or evidence-based chiropractic practice drafted a set of recommendations...
October 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Marie Lynning, Kirsten Hanehøj, Katrine Westergaard, Annette Kjær Ersbøll, Mogens Helweg Claesson, Finn Boesen, Lasse Skovgaard
Background: Cytokines have been found to play a role in the disease activity of multiple sclerosis (MS). Previous studies indicate that acupuncture can affect cytokine levels in persons with other inflammatory diseases. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of acupuncture on cytokine levels and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in persons with MS. Materials and Methods: A single-blind, randomized controlled trial was performed. Participants ( n  = 66) were randomized into three groups (real acupuncture, sham acupuncture, and reference)...
October 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Erica Sharpe, Deanne Tibbitts, Barat Wolfe, Angela Senders, Ryan Bradley
Introduction: Insomnia affects up to half of the U.S. population, and due to limitations of current treatments, there is a growing interest in mind-body practices to reduce insomnia. To understand how a guided meditation practice, Yoga Nidra, may affect relaxation and align with current descriptions of nonpharmaceutical practices that could improve sleep, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to explore participant experience of a single Yoga Nidra practice, administered in a group setting. Methods: Current insomnia (Insomnia Severity Index), sleep practices, and mood (positive and negative affect schedule [PANAS]) were measured at intake...
October 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Mike Armour, Adele E Cave, Siobhan M Schabrun, Genevieve Z Steiner, Xiaoshu Zhu, Jing Song, Jason Abbott, Caroline A Smith
Objective: To determine the acceptability and feasibility of acupuncture for the treatment of endometriosis-related chronic pelvic pain. Design: A prospective, randomized controlled feasibility study. Setting: Outpatient setting in Sydney, Australia. Subjects: Participants who were aged 18-45 years, had a confirmed laparoscopic diagnosis of endometriosis in the past 5 years, and had regular menstrual periods and mean pelvic pain scores ≥4/10. Interventions: Sixteen acupuncture treatments delivered by registered acupuncturists using a standardized point protocol over 8 weeks, twice per week plus usual care compared with usual care alone...
October 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Murugesan Danasegaran, Gopal Krushna Pal, Jayaprakash Sahoo, Pravati Pal, Nivedita Nanda, Manoharan Renugasundari
Objective: To investigate the effects of 12 weeks practice of a structured yoga module on heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiometabolic risks in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) receiving similar kind of oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD) with yoga therapy and without yoga therapy, matched for all the known confounders. Design: Parallel design interventional (randomized control trial) study. Subjects: Eighty treatment-naive males with T2D were randomized into control group ( n  = 40) and study group ( n  = 40)...
September 28, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Steffany Moonaz, Daryl Nault, Holger Cramer, Lesley Ward
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 21, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Vanessa C Somohano, Taylor Shank, Jacob Manuel, Debesh Mallik, Kristoffer Rehder, Sarah Bowen
Background: More than one-third of justice-involved individuals meet the criteria for substance use disorder (SUD). Many studies show that treatment expectancy predicts longitudinal SUD outcomes; however, results are inconsistent, and the role of treatment expectancy on SUD outcomes for individuals mandated to a mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) is unknown. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) has shown efficacy with justice-involved populations; however, enrollment in MBRP is typically voluntary...
September 13, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Kristoffer Rehder, Ashley Eddy, Josh Kaplan, Aaron Bergman, Michael Christopher
Objective: This study is a secondary analysis of data collected in an earlier clinical trial of mindfulness-based resilience training (MBRT) ( registration number 02521454), where the MBRT condition demonstrated a significant reduction in self-reported burnout and trend-level reductions in alcohol use in law enforcement officers (LEOs). Given that MBRT is not designed to be a substance use intervention and does not contain explicit substance-related content, this study sought to clarify these findings by exploring whether improved burnout mediates reduced alcohol use...
September 13, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
Bradley Leech, Erica McIntyre, Amie Steel, David Sibbritt
Objective: The integrity and function of the gastrointestinal system is important in disease prevention and management. This study aims to describe the management methods used by Australian adults with suspected increased intestinal permeability (IP) and the association with subjective wellbeing (SWB) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Design and Setting: Cross-sectional survey of Australian adults diagnosed with IP or have suspected (undiagnosed) IP. Outcome Measures: Questionnaire items investigating demographic characteristics, self-reported outcome of IP and treatment methods used to manage IP...
September 7, 2021: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy
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