Elena Donald, Alexander Hajduczok, Patricia Campbell
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 14, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Jerry D Estep, Husam M Salah, Samir R Kapadia, Daniel Burkhoff, Anuradha Lala, Javed Butler, Shelley Hall, Marat Fudim
Heart failure (HF) is 1 of the major challenges of our time, given its increase in prevalence and related mortality rates. Foundational pharmacological therapies, including angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs), beta-blockers, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), and sodium-glucose co-transporter inhibitors (SGLTis), have been established for HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Moreover, recent trials have established the role of SGLTis in patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Stephen J Greene, Michael Böhm, Biykem Bozkurt, Javed Butler, John Gf Cleland, Andrew Js Coats, Nihar R Desai, Diederick E Grobbee, Ellie Kelepouris, Fausto Pinto, Giuseppe Rosano, Isabelle Morin, Peter Szecsödy, Solenn Fabien, Sandra Waechter, Maria G Crespo-Leiro, Martin Hülsmann, Tibor Kempf, Otmar Pfister, Anne-Catherine Pouleur, Andrew J Sauer, Manish Saxena, Martin Schulz, Maurizio Volterrani, Stefan D Anker, Mikhail N Kosiborod
BACKGROUND: Despite guideline recommendations, many patients with heart failure (HF) do not receive target doses of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASis) in clinical practice due, in part, to concerns about hyperkalemia (HK). METHODS AND RESULTS: This non-interventional, multinational, multicenter registry (NCT04864795; 111 sites in Europe and the USA) enrolled 2,558 eligible adults with chronic HF (mostly with reduced ejection fraction [HFrEF])...
September 4, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Tetsuya Kobayashi, Yuya Matsue, Yudai Fujimoto, Daichi Maeda, Keisuke Kida, Takeshi Kitai, Nobuyuki Kagiyama, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Takahiro Okumura, Atsushi Mizuno, Shogo Oishi, Yasutaka Inuzuka, Eiichi Akiyama, Satoshi Suzuki, Masayoshi Yamamoto, Yuichi Tamura, Tohru Minamino
BACKGROUND: Tricuspid regurgitation (TR), prevalent in acute heart failure (AHF), has a poor prognosis; however, the dynamics of TR severity during hospitalization and its prognostic implications remain unclear. We investigated TR dynamism during hospitalization and its prognostic impact in AHF. METHODS AND RESULTS: This is a post hoc analysis of a prospective multicenter study of patients with AHF who underwent echocardiographic TR severity evaluation at admission and before discharge...
August 31, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Simon Vanhentenrijk, Johan Verbeeck, Theodoros Kalpakos, Vincent Vandoren, Laura Braeckeveldt, Wouter L'Hoyes, Eleftherios Choustoulakis, Bram Roosens, W H Wilson Tang, Jan Verwerft, Frederik H Verbrugge
AIMS: To evaluate whether early combination diuretic therapy guided by serial post-diuretic urine sodium concentration (UNa+ ) assessments in acute heart failure (AHF) facilitates safe and effective decongestion. METHODS: The Diuretic Treatment in Acute Heart Failure with Volume Overload Guided by Serial Spot Urine Sodium Assessment (DECONGEST) study is a pragmatic, 2-centre, randomized, parallel-arm, open-label study, aiming to enrol 104 patients with AHF and clinically evident fluid overload, requiring treatment with intravenous loop diuretics...
August 30, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Paola Morejón Barragán, Christian Guilliod, Lucrecia M Burgos, Vanessa Blumer
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 26, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Jason Feinman, Maya Barghash
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 24, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Cynthia M Westerhout, Sarah Rathwell, Kevin J Anstrom, Adrian F Hernandez, Piotr Ponikowski, Justin A Ezekowitz, Adriaan A Voors, G Michael Felker, Jeffrey A Bakal, Robert O Blaustein, Richard Nkulikiyinka, Christopher M O'Connor, Paul W Armstrong
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In the VICTORIA trial of participants with heart failure (HF) and reduced ejection fraction, vericiguat (V) reduced the primary composite outcome [time to first HF hospitalization (HFH) or cardiovascular death (CVD)] (897 events) compared to placebo (P) (972 events) (hazard ratio, 0.90; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82-0.98; p=0.02). In this prespecified secondary analysis, we applied the weighted composite endpoint (WCE) and the win ratio (WR) methods to provide complementary assessments of treatment effect...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Hidemi Sorimachi, Masaru Obokata, Kazunori Omote, Yogesh N V Reddy, Daniel Burkhoff, Sanjiv J Shah, Barry A Borlaug
Potential race differences in cardiac structure and function among patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) are not well-understood but may have pathophysiologic and treatment implications. In this study, patients with HFpEF who self-identified as Asian (n=360), White (n=787), and Black (n=171) from three institutions underwent comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography to evaluate for potential differences. The Asian HFpEF group was oldest and the Black HFpEF group was youngest (75±12 vs...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Marat Fudim, David I Feldman, Ahmed Sayed
The growth of digital health technology (DHT) has led to innovative technological solutions that can help improve patient care. However, the primary focus to date has been on the passive monitoring of patients, which poses difficulties in clinical integration and has not succeeded in optimizing care for chronic conditions. In this article, we highlight the move from a digital care model focused on the passive monitoring of medical conditions to one where holistic patient management is provided by dedicated external healthcare teams on a longitudinal basis...
August 19, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Maja Cikes, Melana Yuzefpolskaya, Finn Gustafsson, Mandeep R Mehra
Long-term outcomes of patients with advanced heart failure treated with durable left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have been augmented due to improved durability and hemocompatibility on the backbone of pump engineering enhancements. The incidence of hemocompatibility-related adverse events (pump thrombosis, stroke and non-surgical bleeding events) are device-specific and vary by type of engineered pump. A fully magnetically levitated rotor containing LVAD in concert with use of antithrombotic therapy has successfully overcome an increased risk of thrombosis albeit with only modest reduction in bleeding events...
August 16, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Johana Fajardo, Maxwell A Hockstein, Manav Singh, Francisca Bermudez, Tania Vora, Ajay Kadakkal, Nana Afari-Armah, Raja Zaghlol, Samer S Najjar, Anirudh Rao, Farooq H Sheikh
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 16, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Shantanu Sengupta, Jayagopal Pb, Ashwani Mehta, Jps Sawhney, Satish Suryavanshi, Naveen Jamwal, Dilip Kadam, Ambanna Gowda, Ramesh Dargad, Amit Bhate, Vinod Kapoor, Sumit Bhushan, Abhishek Mane, Rujuta Gadkari, Saiprasad Patil, Hanmant Barkate
BACKGROUND: There is limited data comparing two gliflozins on their effect on biomarkers in diabetic patients with chronic heart failure. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, active controlled, double-arm, investigator-initiated, interventional study enrolled 250 adults with T2DM and comorbid CHF (LVEF<40%; NT-proBNP >600pg/ml). 125 patients were allocated each to Remogliflozin (R) and Empagliflozin (E) group and followed up for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint was the mean percentage change from baseline in NT-proBNP level after 24 weeks...
August 14, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Marat Fudim, Filip Konecny, Jason J Heuring, Christopher A Durst, Eric S Fain, Manesh R Patel
BACKGROUND: Anterior myocardial infarction standard of care prioritizes swift coronary reperfusion. Recent studies show left ventricular (LV) unloading with transvalvular axial-flow pumps for 30 minutes before reperfusion (versus immediate reperfusion) reduces 28-day infarct size. Intra-aortic entrainment pumping, using hardware located away from the heart to provide support throughout the cardiac cycle, reduce effective systemic vascular resistance, and augment visceral blood flow and pressure, may reproduce this benefit with reduced risk...
August 13, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Sho Suzuki, Nami Teraoka, Kii Ito, Yukari Okuma, Kazuhiro Kimura, Masatoshi Minamisawa, Soichiro Ebisawa, Hirohiko Motoki, Hiroshi Imamura, Tatsuichiro Seto, Koichiro Kuwahara
BACKGROUND: Clinical evidence regarding predictors of successful weaning from mechanical circulatory support (MCS) is lacking. This study aimed to create a simple risk score to predict successful weaning from MCS in patients with cardiogenic shock. METHODS: This retrospective single-center cohort study included 114 consecutive patients with cardiogenic shock treated with veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or IMPELLA between January 2013 and June 2023...
August 13, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Quentin R Youmans, Christine Yu Moutier, Kathy Neely, Alyssa M Vela, Eren Youmans Watkins, Anjan Tibrewala
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 13, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Alec Biscopink, Ryan Moore, Molly Silkowski, Anthony P Carnicelli, Ryan J Tedford, Brian A Houston, Jeffrey Yourshaw, Michele L Esposito
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 12, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Shelli Feder, Lynne Iannone, Dora Lendvai, Yan Zhan, Kathleen Akgün, Mary Ersek, Carol Luhrs, Larry A Allen, David B Bekelman, Nathan Goldstein, Dio Kavalieratos
OBJECTIVES: To elicit perspectives from specialist palliative care (SPC) and cardiology clinicians on the necessary components, delivery characteristics, and implementation strategies of successful ambulatory SPC for people with heart failure (HF). BACKGROUND: Palliative care is a recommended component of guideline-directed care for people with HF. However, optimal strategies to implement SPC within ambulatory settings are unknown. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative descriptive study comprised of semi-structured interviews with SPC and cardiology clinicians at Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) with the highest number of ambulatory SPC consultations within the VA system among people with HF from 2021-2022...
August 2, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Sarah Godfrey, Jennifer Nixon, Mark H Drazner, Maryjane Farr
Markers of social health, including kinlessness, social isolation, and loneliness, have important implications for quality of life and health for older adults. As the population ages, there is a growing cohort of kinless older adults without living partners or children, particularly among disadvantaged groups. Kinlessness has been associated with worse mental and physical health, significant unmet care needs, increased risk of dementia, higher rates of long-term placement, and higher mortality than for patients with kin...
August 1, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
Sonali Sharma, Zara Latif, Tracy T Makuvire, Christy N Taylor, Fabian Vargas, Nora S Abo-Sido, Nasrien E Ibrahim, Ersilia M DeFilippis
Online education materials are widely used by patients and caregivers to understand the management of complex chronic diseases such as heart failure (HF). Organizations such as the American Medical Association and National Institutes of Health recommend that materials be written at a 6th grade reading level. The current study examined the readability and accessibility of online education materials for patients with HF. Whole page text from each included website was entered into an online readability calculator...
July 31, 2024: Journal of Cardiac Failure
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