Camilla Mattiuzzi, Giuseppe Lippi
Several lines of evidence suggest that breast cancer screening and treatment may have been compromised during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) WONDER database, we estimated the age-adjusted mortality rates for female breast cancer between 2018 and 2023. We found that the age-adjusted death rate for breast cancer decreased gradually from 2018 to 2019 and 2020. This downward trend reversed in 2021, with an increase in breast cancer mortality, which then declined further in 2022 and 2023...
September 4, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Sue Hudson, Nahid Kamangari, Louise S Wilkinson
OBJECTIVES: Obesity levels and mortality from breast cancer are higher in more deprived areas of the UK, despite lower breast cancer incidence. Supplemental imaging for women with dense breasts has been proposed as a potential improvement to screening, but it is not clear how stratification by percentage mammographic density (%MD) would be reflected across socioeconomic groups. This study aims to clarify the associations between breast composition (dense and fatty tissue) and socioeconomic status in a multi-ethnic screening population...
September 4, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Olivia Mackay, Kate Joanna Lifford, Anahat Kalra, Denitza Williams
OBJECTIVE: To review the existing evidence to identify the optimum methods for implementing human papillomavirus self-sampling to increase screening uptake for underserved groups. SETTING: Specific groups are less likely to participate in cervical screening. These include individuals from low socioeconomic status groups, ethnic minority groups, younger age groups (25-29), older age groups (≥50), with a physical disability, with a learning disability and with an LGBTQ+ identity...
August 30, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Nicholas J Wald
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Ellie McKay, Joy Wong, Stella Ward, Josephine Ruwende, Robert Kerrison
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to identify patient barriers and facilitators of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening in London. METHODS: A survey was distributed to 4211 adults, who had been invited for AAA screening in 2023. Barriers and facilitators were identified by comparing responses between attenders and non-attenders, using univariate logistic regression. RESULTS: 271 surveys were returned. Attendance was higher among respondents with a body mass index (BMI) > 25 (odds ratio [OR]: 2...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
M Luke Marinovich, William Lotter, Andrew Waddell, Nehmat Houssami
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have been retrospectively evaluated as replacement for one radiologist in screening mammography double-reading; however, methods for resolving discordance between radiologists and AI in the absence of 'real-world' arbitration may underestimate cancer detection rate (CDR) and recall. In 108,970 consecutive screens from a population screening program (BreastScreen WA, Western Australia), 20,120 were radiologist/AI discordant without real-world arbitration. Recall probabilities were randomly assigned for these screens in 1000 simulations...
August 11, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Sarah L Nicholson, Heidi Douglas, Stephen Halcrow, Patsy Whelehan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 7, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Alain Braillon
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 7, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Robert B Basmadjian, Yibing Ruan, John M Hutchinson, Matthew T Warkentin, Oguzhan Alagoz, Andrew Coldman, Darren R Brenner
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the resource use of revising breast cancer screening guidelines to include average-risk women aged 40-49 years across Canada from 2024 to 2043 using a validated microsimulation model. SETTING: OncoSim-Breast microsimulation platform was used to simulate the entire Canadian population in 2015-2051. METHODS: We compared resource use between current screening guidelines (biennial screening ages 50-74) and alternate screening scenarios, which included annual and biennial screening for ages 40-49 and ages 45-49, followed by biennial screening ages 50-74...
August 6, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Reeli Hallik, Kaire Innos, Jaak Jänes, Kai Jõers, Kaspar Ratnik, Piret Veerus
BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer incidence in Estonia ranks among the highest in Europe, but screening attendance has remained low. This randomized study aimed to evaluate the impact of opt-in and opt-out human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling options on participation in organized screening. METHODS: A random sample of 25,591 women were drawn from the cervical cancer screening target population who were due to receive a reminder in autumn 2021 and thereafter randomly allocated to two equally sized intervention arms (opt-out and opt-in) receiving a choice between HPV self-sampling or clinician sampling...
August 1, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Bolette Mikela Vilmun, George Napolitano, Martin Lillholm, Rikke Rass Winkel, Elsebeth Lynge, Mads Nielsen, Michael Bachmann Nielsen, Jonathan Frederik Carlsen, My von Euler-Chelpin, Ilse Vejborg
OBJECTIVE: To assess performance endpoints of a combination of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) compared with FFDM only in breast cancer screening. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective population-based screening study, including eligible (50-69 years) women attending the Capital Region Mammography Screening Program in Denmark. All attending women were offered FFDM. A subgroup was consecutively allocated to a screening room with DBT...
July 25, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Nicholas J Wald
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 25, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Kathy L MacLaughlin, Gregory D Jenkins, Jennifer St Sauver, Chun Fan, Nathaniel E Miller, Amanda F Meyer, Robert M Jacobson, Lila J Finney Rutten
OBJECTIVES: Primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing by clinician-collection is endorsed by U.S. guideline organizations for cervical cancer screening, but uptake remains low and insights into patients' understanding are limited. This study aims to primarily address patient awareness of primary HPV screening by clinician-collection and acceptance of primary HPV screening by clinician- and self-collection, and secondarily assess factors associated with awareness and acceptance. SETTING: Primary care practices affiliated with an academic medical center...
June 13, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Joyce Lee, Lynn K Han, Luc G T Morris, Deborah Korenstein, Jennifer L Marti
OBJECTIVE: The incidence of melanoma has increased dramatically over the past four decades, while overall mortality has remained stable. This increase in incidence without a change in overall mortality may be due to overdiagnosis through skin cancer screening. Despite the USPSTF citing insufficient evidence for or against professional skin cancer screening in average-risk adults, U.S. skin cancer screening practices may be leading to overdiagnosis of skin cancers. METHODS: Two reviewers examined the online recommendations for skin cancer screening of 1113 U...
June 11, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Tong Li, M Luke Marinovich, Nick Ormiston-Smith, Brooke Nickel, Andrea Findlay, Nehmat Houssami
This study aimed to estimate participation in private breast screening in Queensland, Australia, where public-funded screening is implemented, and to identify factors associated with the screening setting, using an online survey (999 female respondents aged 40-74). Screening-specific and socio-demographic factors were collected. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with screening setting (public vs private) and screening recency (<2 vs ≥2 years). Participation estimates were 53...
June 7, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Nicholas J Wald, Aroon D Hingorani, Stephen H Vale, Jonathan P Bestwick, Joan Morris
This commentary, linked to our paper in the same issue of the Journal of Medical Screening , discusses the reluctance to consider and adopt the polypill in the primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes, access to the polypill as a public health service, the formulation of the polypill in current use, its prescription as an unlicensed medicine, and what can be done to facilitate the adoption of the polypill approach as a routine public health service.
June 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Nicholas J Wald, Aroon D Hingorani, Stephen H Vale, Jonathan P Bestwick, Joan Morris
OBJECTIVE: To compare the NHS Health Check Programme with the Polypill Prevention Programme in the primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes. DESIGN: Use of published data and methodology to produce flow charts of the two programmes to determine screening performance and heart attacks and strokes prevented. SETTING: The UK population. INTERVENTION: The NHS Health Check Programme using a QRISK score on people aged 40-74 to select those eligible for a statin is compared with the Polypill Prevention Programme in people aged 50 or more to select people for a combination of a statin and three low-dose blood pressure lowering agents...
June 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Nicholas J Wald, Stephen W Duffy, Allan Hackshaw
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 26, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
James Y Dai, E Georg Luebeck, Ellen T Chang, Christina A Clarke, Earl A Hubbell, Nan Zhang, Stephen W Duffy
BACKGROUND: Late-stage cancer incidence has been proposed as an early surrogate for mortality in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of cancer screening; however, its validity has not been systematically evaluated across screening RCTs of different cancers. METHODS: We conducted a meta-regression analysis of cancer screening RCTs that reported both late-stage cancer incidence and cancer mortality. Based on a systematic literature review, we included 33 RCTs of screening programs targeting seven cancer types, including lung ( n  = 12), colorectal ( n  = 8), breast ( n  = 5), and prostate ( n  = 4), among others...
May 26, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
Sabine Fletcher, Belinda C Goodwin
Setting: Bowel and breast cancer testing outside of the national programs is not routinely recorded in Australia, limiting our ability to monitor and estimate true screening coverage. Objective: This study makes preliminary estimates of the proportion of eligible participants who test for bowel and breast cancer outside of national programs using a large convenience sample of 31,065 cancer risk calculator respondents. Methods: Logistic regression was applied to assess difference in cancer testing both within and outside respective programs between demographic groups...
May 26, 2024: Journal of Medical Screening
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