Min Huang, Shuang Li, Hai Zeng, Yan Zhu, Fan Zhang, Jun Cai
Exosomes from cancer cells function as carriers to spread or transport specific microRNAs (miRNAs) to distant sites to exert their effects, but the mechanism of exosomal miRNA action in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) has not been fully explained. Therefore, in this study, we were interested in the impact of exosomal miR-196a-5p in ESCC progression. We found that miR-196a-5p was expressed enriched in clinical tissues, ESCC cells, and exosomes. Functionally, depletion of miR-196a-5p impeded ESCC cell growth, migration, and invasion, whereas overexpression of miR-196a-5p produced the opposite results...
June 28, 2024: Pathology International
Genichiro Ishii
Paget's "Seed and Soil" theory, proposed in 1889, emphasizes the importance of the microenvironment where cancer cells grow in metastatic sites. Over a century later, this concept remains a cornerstone in comprehending cancer biology and devising treatment strategies. The "Seed and Soil" theory, which initially explained how cancer spreads to distant organs, now also applies to the tumor microenvironment (TME) within primary tumors. This theory emphasizes the critical interaction between cancer cells ("seeds") and their surrounding environment ("soil") and how this interaction affects both tumor progression within the primary site and at metastatic sites...
June 25, 2024: Pathology International
Hiroki Mizukami
Currently, there are more than 10 million patients with diabetes mellitus in Japan. Therefore, the need to explore the pathogenesis of diabetes and the complications leading to its cure is becoming increasingly urgent. Pathological examination of pancreatic tissues from patients with type 2 diabetes reveals a decrease in the volume of beta cells because of a combination of various stresses. In human type 2 diabetes, islet amyloid deposition is a unique pathological change characterized by proinflammatory macrophage (M1) infiltration into the islets...
June 18, 2024: Pathology International
Hironori Ninomiya
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 18, 2024: Pathology International
Mariko Yamato, Tomoko Dai, Yoshihiko Murata, Tomoki Nakagawa, Shinji Kikuchi, Daisuke Matsubara, Masayuki Noguchi
Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (eEF1A2) encodes an isoform of the alpha subunit of the elongation factor 1 complex and is responsible for the enzymatic delivery of aminoacyl tRNA to the ribosome. Our proteomic analysis has identified eEF1A2 as one of the proteins expressed during malignant progression from adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) to early invasive lung adenocarcinoma. The expression level of eEF1A2 in 175 lung adenocarcinomas was examined by immunohistochemical staining in relation to patient prognosis and clinicopathological factors...
June 14, 2024: Pathology International
Kotaro Shibagaki, Ryoji Kushima, Tsuyoshi Mishiro, Asuka Araki, Daisuke Niino, Norihisa Ishimura, Shunji Ishihara
Reports of Helicobacter pylori (Hp)-naïve gastric neoplasm (HpNGN) cases have been rapidly increasing due to the recent increase in the Hp-naïve population in Japan. Most HpNGNs exhibit the gastric immunophenotype and a low malignant potential regardless of histological type. Especially, foveolar-type gastric adenoma (FGA) and intestinal-type gastric dysplasia (IGD) rarely progress to invasive carcinoma. FGA is a foveolar epithelial neoplasm that occurs in the fundic gland (oxyntic gland) mucosa and is classified as the flat type or raspberry type (FGA-RA)...
June 5, 2024: Pathology International
Yuji Nishikawa
Chronic liver injury induces liver cirrhosis and facilitates hepatocarcinogenesis. However, the effects of this condition on hepatocyte proliferation and differentiation are unclear. We showed that rodent hepatocytes display a ductular phenotype when they are cultured within a collagenous matrix. This process involves transdifferentiation without the emergence of hepatoblastic features and is at least partially reversible. During the ductular reaction in chronic liver diseases with progressive fibrosis, some hepatocytes, especially those adjacent to ectopic ductules, demonstrate ductular transdifferentiation, but the majority of increased ductules originate from the existing bile ductular system that undergoes extensive remodeling...
June 5, 2024: Pathology International
Li Luo, Yanping Hu
Clear cell hidradenoma is a rare benign tumor of the breast, its origin and pathogenesis are controversial. We have experienced a case of breast clear cell hidradenoma with mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2 (MAML2) gene rearrangement. The patient found a painless mass with a hard texture in the left breast areola without nipple discharge. Microscopically, the tumor was cystic and solid, locally arranged in a glandular structure, covered by single cuboidal cells; it was composed of clear cells, epidermoid cells, and basaloid cells; there were no necrosis or mitotic figures...
May 31, 2024: Pathology International
Hnin-Wint-Wint Swe, Masayoshi Fujisawa, Toshiaki Ohara, Yu Komatsubara, Teizo Yoshimura, Tadahiko Shien, Akihiro Matsukawa
Angiogenesis is considered essential for tumor progression; however, whether histological counting of blood vessel numbers, expressed as microvessel density (MVD), can be a prognostic factor in breast cancer remains controversial. It has been suggested that the specific morphology of blood vessels such as glomeruloid microvascular proliferation (GMP) is associated with clinical parameters. Here, we aimed to clarify the significance of MVD with revised immunohistochemistry and to identify new blood vessel shapes that predict prognosis in breast cancer...
May 31, 2024: Pathology International
Tomoko Norose, Nobuyuki Ohike, Daiki Nakaya, Kentaro Kamiya, Yoshiya Sugiura, Misato Takatsuki, Hirotaka Koizumi, Chie Okawa, Aya Ohya, Miyu Sasaki, Ruka Aoki, Kazunari Nakahara, Shinjiro Kobayashi, Keisuke Tateishi, Junki Koike
To improve the efficiency of pathological diagnoses, the development of automatic pathological diagnostic systems using artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing; however, problems include the low interpretability of AI technology and the need for large amounts of data. We herein report the usefulness of a general-purpose method that combines a hyperspectral camera with machine learning. As a result of analyzing bile duct biopsy and bile cytology specimens, which are especially difficult to determine as benign or malignant, using multiple machine learning models, both were able to identify benign or malignant cells with an accuracy rate of more than 80% (93...
May 24, 2024: Pathology International
Hiroshi Sawaguchi, Takeshi Uehara, Mai Iwaya, Shiho Asaka, Tomoyuki Nakajima, Masato Kamakura, Tadanobu Nagaya, Takahiro Yoshizawa, Hiroyoshi Ota, Takeji Umemura
Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 (LGR5), a significant cancer stem cell marker in colorectal cancer (CRC), lacks lymph node (LN) expression studies. In this study, we identified LGR5 expression by RNAscope, a highly sensitive RNA in situ method, and analyzed its association with clinicopathological characteristics. Tissue microarrays were generated from primary tumors (PTs) and LN metastases in paraffin-embedded blocks of 38 CRC surgical resection materials. LGR5 expression by RNAscope was evaluated by dividing the expression levels into negative and positive expression...
May 24, 2024: Pathology International
Hirotake Masuda
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 23, 2024: Pathology International
Yuki Yokouchi, Nanae Asakawa, Hirotaro Iwase, Takeshi Nasu, Kei Takahashi
We conducted an autopsy on a 3-month-old boy in whom Kawasaki disease (KD) was strongly suspected based on the autopsy findings. The infant had a fever and was brought to a nearby clinic, where he was prescribed antipyretics and kept under observation. However, 15 days after onset of the fever, he suddenly died in bed. He exhibited no obvious redness of the lips, tongue, or conjunctiva. Membranous desquamation was present on his distal fingers. Vasculitis was observed in the coronary arteries, renal artery, splenic artery, and pulmonary vein...
May 15, 2024: Pathology International
Susumu Suzuki, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Masato Saito, Toshihiko Ishii, Taishi Takahara, Akira Satou, Daisuke Inukai, Shunpei Yamanaka, Kazuhiro Yoshikawa, Ryuzo Ueda, Tetsuya Ogawa
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play an important role in creating an immunosuppressive microenvironment in cancer tissues. However, the mechanisms by which Tregs are activated and suppress cancer immunity remain unclear. To elucidate these mechanisms, we performed a T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis of Tregs and conventional T cells in peripheral blood, draining lymph nodes (DLNs), and cancer tissues of patients with head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). We found that the TCR repertoire was skewed in cancer tissue and metastatic DLNs (M-DLNs) compared with non-metastatic DLNs, and TCR repertoire similarities in Tregs and CD8+ T cells between M-DLNs and cancer tissue were high compared with those at other sites...
May 7, 2024: Pathology International
Takato Yamasaki, Shuhei Toba, Stephen P Sanders, Chrystalle Katte Carreon
This paper illustrates a valve-sparing cardiac dissection technique that keeps the atrioventricular and semilunar valves and other important cardiac structures intact. The technique minimizes disruption in heart specimens, so they remain suitable for teaching, demonstration, and further research. When performed following the perfusion-distension method of fixation, as our group previously described, this technique could optimize the preservation of heart specimens for teaching and digital archiving postdissection...
May 7, 2024: Pathology International
Begum Calim-Gurbuz, Tuce Soylemez-Akkurt, Basak Bekiroglu, Merve Sam Ozdemir, Mehmet Sahin
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2, 2024: Pathology International
Shinsuke Aida, Yuichi Ishikawa, Mayumi Kaneko
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2, 2024: Pathology International
Kei Ito, Naoko Honma, Hideaki Ogata, Akimitsu Yamada, Mika Miyashita, Tomio Arai, Eiichi Sasaki, Kazutoshi Shibuya, Tetuo Mikami, Masataka Sawaki
Appropriate biomarkers are required to predict the clinical outcome of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). In this study, we focused on the clinical importance of two representative tumor-associated proteins, Bcl-2 and p53. Bcl-2 expression is usually related to estrogen receptor expression and a favorable outcome in breast cancer. TNBC has been reported to show a high frequency of p53 positivity suggesting TP53 mutations. The expressions of Bcl-2 and p53 were immunohistochemically examined in TNBC involving two age groups of postmenopausal women (≥75 y/o, n = 75; 55-64 y/o, n = 47), who underwent surgery without neoadjuvant therapy...
April 24, 2024: Pathology International
Qiongzhi Yang, Tianming Zhang, Na Fang, Wenjia Sun
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 24, 2024: Pathology International
Daichi Morii, Takahiro Matsui, Taisuke Mori, Yasushi Yatabe, Eiichi Morii
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 23, 2024: Pathology International
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