Journals Clinical Psychology & Psychoth...

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Giovanna Esposito, Angela Di Maro, Raffaella Passeggia
Treatment integrity is defined as the extent to which the treatment has been implemented according to a specific theoretical model. It consists of two components: adherence, that is, the degree to which the therapist implements the techniques prescribed by the theoretical model, and competence, that is, the degree to which the therapist skilfully and appropriately implements the techniques prescribed by the model. Recently, the issue of integrity is gaining increasing importance in psychotherapy research, especially in an attempt to clarify its role in influencing the effectiveness of treatments...
January 13, 2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Richard Vuijk, Wesley Turner, David Zimmerman, Hugh Walker, Brechje Dandachi-FitzGerald
BACKGROUND: Schema therapy (ST) in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have gained increasing interest in clinical practice and research. However, to date, there has been no synthesis of the literature on ST as treatment for adults with ASD. Through a scoping review, we aim to summarize the emerging research and literature on ST for adults with ASD. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search of three electronic databases was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines...
January 12, 2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Jens C Thimm, Pål Kristensen, Ingebjørg Fossberg Aulie, Ida Marie Larsen, Iren Johnsen
After the sudden and violent death of a loved one, many bereaved experience symptoms of prolonged grief (PG) and posttraumatic stress (PTS). The present study investigated the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of grief-related rumination with PG and PTS symptoms among bereaved parents and siblings after the Utøya terror attack in Norway on 22 July 2011 (N = 110, Mage  = 43.2 years, 59.1% female). Participants' responses on the Rumination Scale, the Inventory of Complicated Grief and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised 28, 40 and 102 months after the loss were analysed...
January 11, 2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Lorie A Ritschel, Kirk D Mochrie, Becca Edwards-Powell, Kathryn Byars
The advent of multiple transdiagnostic treatments in recent decades has advanced the field of clinical psychology while also raising questions for clinicians and patients about how to decide between treatments and how to best deliver a chosen treatment. The purpose of this paper is to review two prominent transdiagnostic treatments that target emotion dysregulation: dialectical behaviour therapy and the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment for emotional disorders. First, we review the theoretical underpinnings, research support and proposed mechanisms of action for these treatments...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Seydavi, Elahe Zamani, Shiva Jamshidi, Mark H Freeston
BACKGROUND: Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is widely accepted as a transdiagnostic vulnerability factor for a range of mental health problems. It is considered a transsituational vulnerability factor associated with a range of responses to different stressful life situations. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to examine the association between IU and specific psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the moderators of this relationship drawn from IU research and other studies on COVID-19...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
K C van den Berg, E Ten Bloemendal, A T Hendrickson, M Di Simplicio, M Voncken, G Aalbers, G P J Keijsers
INTRODUCTION: Bipolar disorder is a severe mental health problem with limited treatment success. There is a call for improving interventions, requiring an increased understanding of factors driving mood instability. One promising avenue is to study temporal associations between factors that appear relevant according to the emotional amplifier model of Holmes are changes in mood, anxiety and mental imagery. METHODS: The current study used data from a recent RCT for a secondary analysis which applied a network analysis approach to explore temporal associations between weekly measurements of mania, depression, anxiety and mental imagery measured during 32 weeks in two randomised groups (N = 55) receiving either imagery-focused cognitive therapy (ImCT) or group psychoeducation (PE)...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Sarah J Horne, Siyu Liu, Katie Aafjes-van Doorn
Previous reviews have examined empirical evidence of the relationship between therapists' internalized relational models, including therapists' attachment styles and Sullivan's notion of introject, and the therapeutic relationship. This review expands upon previous reviews by examining the effect of therapists' internalized relational models on the treatment process (e.g., therapeutic alliance and countertransference) and treatment outcomes (e.g., symptoms and functioning) more broadly. Our systematic search identified 42 empirical studies measuring therapist's internalized relational models, defined as therapist attachment style (i...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Christina Madsen, Nina Reinholt, Mikkel Arendt, Anita Eskildsen, Anne Bryde, Morten Hvenegaard, Stig Poulsen, Sidse Arnfred
INTRODUCTION: In psychotherapy, having a reliable tracking tool is vital for effective treatment. We have validated the Danish version of the 'Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale' (ODSIS), which is used in the Unified Protocol for Emotional Disorders (UP) and other cognitive behavioural therapies. This five-item self-rating scale is expected to correspond closely to the gold-standard Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), but also to self-rating scales addressing daily functioning and well-being...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Chris Hoeboer, Laura Wienen, Mary Smiddy, Steven van der Werff, Marija Maric, Edith Tjoa, Lucie Timmers, Maartje Schoorl
BACKGROUND: Narrative exposure therapy (NET) has shown promising outcomes for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees and veterans. Its effectiveness in patients with PTSD following childhood trauma is, however, still unknown. AIMS: We investigated whether NET is an effective treatment for patients with PTSD following childhood trauma. METHOD: We studied treatment outcomes of nine adult patients in an outpatient setting. An AB single-case series design was used with a baseline of 4 weeks prior to treatment...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Priscillia Improvisato, Raphaël Trouillet, Sophie Schuldiner, Amandine Luquiens, Tristan Hamonnière, Hélène Donnadieu, Pascal Perney
INTRODUCTION: According to the self-medication hypothesis, worriers use substances to cope with their symptoms; however, some published results have challenged this hypothesis. The aim of this study is to show if worry increases the risk of SUD when it is negatively appraised by negative metacognitive beliefs. METHOD: We recruited three samples: 68 patients with a severe AUD, 27 patients dependent on eating and 42 control participants. We used the Yale Food Addiction Scale-2, the Metacognitions Questionnaire-65, the UPPS-P Impulsive Behaviour Scale and the Anxiety Thoughts Inventory...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Banafsheh Mohajerin, Alireza Shamsi, Richard Howard
BACKGROUND: Those with cooccurring antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are reported to be highly psychopathic and to represent a severe challenge to treatment efforts. In a sample of such individuals, the effects of two treatments, mentalization-based therapy (MBT) and the unified protocol (UP), were investigated on three outcomes: (i) the psychopathy trait domains of meanness, boldness and disinhibition proposed by the triarchic psychopathy model (TPM); (ii) antisocial and borderline symptom severity; and (iii) the severity of their common features including impulsivity, anger expression and self-harm...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Anton Hafkenscheid
The Impact Message Inventory-Circumplex (IMI-C) is a two-dimensional measure of patient-induced countertransference. Surprisingly, in a replication study of its circumplex structure, Hafkenscheid and Timmerman could retrieve a third dimension, in addition to the basic dimensions of Affiliation and Control. They tentatively interpreted this preliminary third dimension as representing 'reactance' (oppositional and uncooperative patient behaviours), with 'active' and 'passive' as polarities. This provisional interpretation was no more than plausible and was partly speculative...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Marc Molendijk, Charlotte Baart, Jan Schaffeld, Zeynep Akçakaya, Charlotte Rönnau, Marike Kooistra, Rianne de Kleine, Celina Strater, Louise Mooshammer
OBJECTIVE: The number of forced migrants has been rising for years. Many forced migrants suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and/or anxiety and need treatment. Here, we evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions (CBT, EMDR, expressive/art, mindfulness, mixed elements, NET and psychoeducation) in reducing symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety in forced migrants. DESIGN AND DATA SOURCES: Systematic searches in PubMed and Web of Science and searches of preprint servers and grey literature were performed (final search date: 1 September 2023)...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Michiel Boog, Mette C Visser, Loes Clarijs, Ingmar H A Franken, Arnoud Arntz
This article describes the 1-year follow-up of a study into the effectiveness of Schema Therapy (ST) for borderline personality disorder (BPD) and comorbid alcohol use disorder (AUD). In the original study, 20 of these patients participated in a multiple baseline case series design study. The results of the original study were promising (a significant decrease of BPD and AUD symptoms). The present study is aimed at examining the longer term benefits of ST for BPD and comorbid AUD. One year after the cessation of the investigational therapy, 17 of the original participants agreed to participate in this follow-up study...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Hannah Maynard, James D Gregory, Andrea Davies, John Fox
OBJECTIVE: Suicide rates in older adults are often the highest of any age group, particularly among high income countries. However, there is a limited understanding of the factors that could protect against suicidality in older age. This systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate the psychological factors that protect against suicidality in older age. METHOD: An a priori protocol was established and registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022343694). EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Scopus were searched...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Christina Seery, Feride Rushiti, Sebahate Pacolli Krasniqi, Selvi Izeti Çarkaxhiu, Vjosa Devaja Xhemaili, Dafina Arifaj Limani, Qëndresa Prapashtica, Vesa Turjaka, Nebahate Zekaj, Mimoza Salihu, Line Hjort, Joanne Ryan, Sara Helene Kaas-Petersen, Shr-Jie Sharlenna Wang
Women who have experienced conflict-related sexual violence report significant long-term effects, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and relationship difficulties. Research has demonstrated that maternal trauma is associated with children's behavioural difficulties and challenges in family functioning, such as impaired communication and harsh parenting. This pilot study is aimed at evaluating the preliminary effectiveness of family therapy for Kosovar mothers who experienced conflict-related sexual violence in 1998-1999 and later developed PTSD and their children in improving family functioning and reducing behavioural difficulties in postwar times...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Eyal Levi, Galit Peysachov, Roee Admon, Sigal Zilcha-Mano
INTRODUCTION: Accumulating research emphasizes the role of interpersonal coordination in arousal levels, which may manifest as cortisol synchrony, in interpersonal interactions. While the role of cortisol has been investigated in psychotherapy, cortisol synchrony and its characteristics and effect on treatment progress remain a relatively unexplored area. This study aims to explore the existence of distinct patterns of cortisol coordination throughout psychotherapy and test the associations of different coordination patterns with patients' pre-treatment characteristics and treatment progress measures...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Georgina A Maddox, Glen E Bodner, Matthew W Christian, Paul Williamson
Arts therapy is a popular intervention used to work through the effects of traumatic experience. We evaluate previous reviews and report a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of arts therapy following trauma for reducing symptoms of PTSD, enhancing positive outcomes (e.g., quality of life) and decreasing negative outcomes (e.g., depression). Database searches identified 21 (N = 868) randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Outcomes were categorised as PTSD specific, positive non-PTSD specific and negative non-PTSD specific...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Alessia Caffieri, Rosa Fabbricatore, Giorgia Margherita
INTRODUCTION: Psychological distress in pregnant and postpartum women increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic in perinatal women at the end of the health emergency has been rarely studied. This study is aimed at investigating the psychological health of pregnant and postpartum women at the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, hypothesizing that the COVID-19-related fears influence perinatal psychological distress via the mediation of the COVID-19-related posttraumatic impact and loneliness...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Ruth Middlehurst, Nima Moghaddam, David L Dawson, Andy Reeve
PURPOSE: To synthesise qualitative research on individuals diagnosed with (or reportedly showing traits of) borderline pattern personality disorder who underwent dialectical behaviour therapy, aiming to comprehend their perceptions of change processes and the therapy's effects. METHOD: A comprehensive literature search was conducted across multiple online databases and grey literature sources. Papers were quality appraised using an adapted version of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool...
2024: Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
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