Journals Child and Adolescent Psychiatr...

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, Wanjikũ F M Njoroge, Tami D Benton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Paramjit T Joshi, Lisa M Cullins, Carolyn Cookson
There are few human tragedies that stir sympathy and concern more deeply than seeing children suffer secondary to war, displacement, and increasingly frequent epidemics of violence around the world. Falling witness or victim to acts of war and terrorism and subsequent fleeing of millions of children across the world stirs an array of powerful human emotions. Such circumstances by definition involve destruction, pain, and death. It is, paramount that we all work collaboratively, to provide psychological assistance, training, and education and work with various stakeholders to decrease the psychological impact of displacement secondary to war, terrorism, and other social factors...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Erin Belfort, Carlene MacMillan, Paul Weigle
Advances in Internet technologies have implications for the health and development of children and adolescents with potential for both beneficial and harmful outcomes. Similar technological advances also impact how psychiatrists deliver mental health care in clinical settings. Internet tech adds complexities to psychiatric practice in the form of electronic health records, patient portals, and virtual patient contact, which clinicians must understand and successfully incorporate into practice. Digital therapeutics and virtual mental health endeavors offer new treatment delivery options for patients and providers...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Bonnie T Zima, Juliet B Edgcomb, Lisa R Fortuna
To reduce child mental health disparities, it is imperative to improve the precision of targets and to expand our vision of social determinants of health as modifiable. Advancements in clinical research informatics and please state accurate measurement of child mental health service use and quality. Participatory action research promotes representation of underserved groups in informatics research and practice and may improve the effectiveness of interventions by informing research across all stages, including the identification of key variables, risk and protective factors, and data interpretation...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Chuan Mei Lee, Robert M Kaplan, Suzie C Nelson, Marcela Horvitz-Lennon
An increased need for child and adolescent behavioral health services compounded by a long-standing professional workforce shortage frames our discussion on how behavioral health services can be sustainably delivered and financed. This article provides an overview of different payment models, such as traditional fee-for-service and alternatives like provider salary, global payments, and pay for performance models. It discusses the advantages and drawbacks of each model, emphasizing the need to transition toward value-based care to improve health care quality and control costs...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Consuelo Cagande, Yvorn Aswad, Aateqa Ismail, C Paula Lewis-de Los Angeles, Katrina Fletcher, Jeffrey Hunt
This article reviews the existing literature related to medical training in public advocacy and provides the reader with several training examples to consider in a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship or in combined training programs. Advocacy training embedded within community, forensic, integrated care, school, and many other experiences throughout training provides the skills and tools that the trainee will use in the future when they practice in any setting. This comprehensive training approach aligns with the evolving landscape of child and adolescent mental health where a deep commitment to public health and advocacy is increasingly essential...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Myo Thwin Myint, Han Yue, Isheeta Zalpuri, Neha Sharma, Colin Stewart
The persistence of health inequity and the need for workforce diverse representation within child and adolescent psychiatry require systemic solutions. There are recommendations and strategies particularly for the training programs with "all of the above" approach to tackle these complex systemic issues. One of the ways is to think through existing and innovative training pipelines by making them less leaky, enhancing quality, expanding the type and size, and connecting them to reach children and adolescents in need...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Trisha M Calabrese, Julie Gorzkowski Hamilton, Tami D Benton, Corbin J Standley
Suicide is a complex public health issue impacting many children and adolescents-and their families-each year, and it requires a complex public health solution. Local, state, and national collaboratives that leverage evidence-based strategies, foster community engagement, and prioritize equity are necessary to holistically address this issue. Here, the authors discuss the necessary steps for fostering inclusive community partnerships and outline the rationale for partnering with schools, youth groups, faith organizations, parent-teacher organizations, clinical settings, and professional organizations, as well as collaborating with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems and working together to foster suicide prevention policy...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Emily Hochstetler, Kelly Hill
Religion and spirituality have long been known to impact both physical and mental health. Considering religion and spirituality as possible additions to social determinants of health, this article examines the current state of religion and spirituality in the United States and also discusses the ways in which they can contribute to the mental health of children and adolescents. Further, this article also discusses new approaches within religion and spirituality to address the changing needs of future generations...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, Eraka Bath, Elizabeth A Lowenhaupt, Marina Tolou-Shams
Child and adolescent psychiatrists (CAPs) play a crucial role beyond the provision of clinical care. CAPs are uniquely placed to understand and help patients navigate the fine line among psychiatric care, health and well-being, and the laws and policies supporting or impairing these processes. Focusing on vulnerable populations, such as legal system impacted youth and families, CAPs can contribute to the ongoing development of a more just and equitable world for the children of today and of tomorrow.
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Kristie Ladegard, Shirley Alleyne, Jeylan Close, Maura Dunfey Hwang
This article highlights the key role of schools in addressing rising mental health disorders among youth. It champions collaboration between health and educational sectors, emphasizing child and adolescent psychiatrists' significant contribution to school-based mental health literacy and interventions. This article encourages for child and adolescent psychiatrists' involvement in policy advocacy for accessible and inclusive mental health care, championing sustainable mental health services through advocating for funding, training, and policy support...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Ruth Gerson, David L Corwin, Lisa Durette
Children and adolescents in foster care include many of the most severely traumatized victims of child abuse and neglect. They deserve the best possible care and treatment, yet their outcomes remain poor. The persistence of poor outcomes for youth in foster care reflects challenges of psychiatric diagnostic formulation and of service system design/access, both areas in which child and adolescent psychiatrists have a key role to improve care and outcomes.
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Ruth Gerson, Pravesh Sharma, William David Lohr, Justine Larson
Effective partnerships can profoundly impact outcomes for youth with behavioral health concerns. Partnerships occur at multiple levels - at the individual, organizational, state, and national levels. The Systems of Care (SOC) framework helps to conceptualize and articulate the skills necessary for forming partnerships in youth's mental health. This article explores values in the SOC framework and makes the case that the framework can help develop a "road map" to develop the skills needed to achieve successful partnerships...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Yolanda Graham, Andrea E Spencer, German E Velez, Kayla Herbell
Promoting active participation of families and youth in mental health systems of care is the cornerstone of creating a more inclusive, effective, and responsive care network. This article focuses on the inclusion of parent and youth voice in transforming our mental health care system to promote increased engagement at all levels of service delivery. Youth and parent peer support delivery models, digital innovation, and technology not only empower the individuals involved, but also have the potential to enhance the overall efficacy of the mental health care system...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Emily Aron, Amalia Londoño Tobón, Julianna Finelli, Magdalena Romanowicz
This article underscores the critical importance of addressing mental health during infancy and early childhood through a multigenerational, multicultural, community-centered approach. It highlights the unique vulnerability of this period to environmental factors and emphasizes the interconnectedness of caregiver and child mental health. The article advocates for interventions that extend beyond clinical settings, recognizing the value of community involvement and the need to address social determinants of health...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Laura Willing, Justin Schreiber
Children and youth in the United States are experiencing a mental health crisis that predates the COVID-19 pandemic. Child and adolescent psychiatrists have the knowledge and skillset to advocate for improving the pediatric mental health care system at the local, state, and federal levels. Child psychiatrists can use their knowledge and expertise to advocate legislatively or through regulatory advocacy to improve access to mental health care for youth. Further, including advocacy education in psychiatry and child psychiatry graduate medical education would help empower child psychiatrists to make an impact through their advocacy efforts...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Deepika Shaligram, Sarah H Arshad, Kenneth Rogers, Angel Adolfo Caraballo, Rameshwari V Tumuluru
We provide an overview of the systems of care and the barriers faced by minoritized youth. We discuss ways to address barriers by forging alliances, improving communication with cultural humility, and a nonjudgmental approach. We underscore the importance of a holistic evaluation of minoritized children while leveraging their resilience to create a comprehensive and multipronged plan of action.
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
David C Rettew, Matthew G Biel
The majority of a psychiatrist's training and clinical attention is devoted to mental illness rather than mental health. This article suggests a broader understanding and application of mental well-being that can benefit both those already struggling with mental health challenges and those trying to stay well. Recommendations for being a well-being-oriented psychiatrist include increasing one's knowledge about well-being and health promotion and adjusting one's practice to incorporate these principles. Recommendations at the level of the field of psychiatry include revising the definition of a psychiatrist, increasing research on well-being and health promotion, improving financial incentives, expanding efforts in schools and community settings, and providing additional training...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Tami D Benton, Lee Beers, Gaye Carlson, Warren Yiu Kee Ng
Recognition of the high prevalence of children's mental health conditions and challenges to accessing needed care faced by children and their families have been long-standing concerns, emerging well before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global data examining the prevalence of at least one mental health and/or substance-use disorder for 2516 million people aged 5 to 24 years in 2019 found that at least 293 million people were affected by at least one mental health disorder and 31 million affected by a substance-use disorder...
July 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
V Karina Anaya, Joshua D Feder
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
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