Jarett D Jones, Mason A Hill, Simanjit K Mand, Craig Tschautscher, Andrew D Cathers, Hani I Kuttab
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has been shown to be a valuable tool in the management of acutely ill patients in the prehospital setting. POCUS not only has utility from a diagnostic perspective but also has been shown to reduce the rate of complications from otherwise traditionally "blind" procedures, such as pericardiocentesis. This case report highlights the utility of POCUS in the prehospital setting to guide emergent pericardiocentesis to treat cardiac tamponade. The applicability of various approaches to ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis is also discussed...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Mason A Hill, Jarett D Jones, Simanjit K Mand, Craig Tschautscher, Andrew D Cathers, Hani I Kuttab
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is a safe diagnostic tool that clinicians use to rapidly evaluate critically ill patients.1 POCUS has expanded into the prehospital setting and has been demonstrated to be accurate, feasible, and helpful in guiding clinical decision making.2-4 Additionally, the American College of Emergency Physicians recommends the use of echocardiography to evaluate for ventricular activity in the setting of cardiac arrest.5 There is minimal evidence regarding the use of POCUS to confirm mechanical capture in patients undergoing transcutaneous pacing...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Michael P McCartin, Geoffrey D Wool, Sarah A Thomas, Meaghan Panfil, David Schoenfeld, Ira J Blumen, Katie L Tataris, Stephen H Thomas
Recent years have seen increased discussion surrounding the benefits of damage control resuscitation, prehospital transfusion (PHT) of blood products, and the use of whole blood over component therapy. Concurrent shortages of blood products with the desire to provide PHT during air medical transport have prompted reconsideration of the traditional approach of administering RhD-negative red cell-containing blood products first-line to females of childbearing potential (FCPs). Given that only 7% of the US population has blood type O negative and 38% has O positive, some programs may be limited to offering RhD-positive blood products to FCPs...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Harmony Osborn, Aileen Newmyer, William Krebs
In the prehospital, transport, and resource-limited setting, patients with traumatic hemothorax, pneumothorax, or cardiac arrest require emergency tube thoracostomy for stabilization and transport. With the possibility of multiple patients, limited providers, and inability to commit a 1:1 provider-to-patient ratio for safe tubeless thoracostomies, a chest tube is often the safest option. Mercy Health Life Flight Air Medical program has developed practice over decades using towel clamps and tape to achieve securement rapidly and reliably...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Lauren M Maloney, R Jonathan Robitsek, Katherine McKenzie, Edder Peralta, Julie Y Valenzuela
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the psychological impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the self-reported rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among emergency medical services (EMS) clinicians in urban and suburban settings that were one of the primary epicenters during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Anonymous surveys containing the PTSD Checklist-Specific (PCL-S) were sent electronically between November 2020 and April 2021 to EMS clinicians working in 2 EMS agencies...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Lauren M Maloney, Jason Hoffman, Edder Peralta, Rudolph Princi, Henry C Thode, Christopher DiDonato, Anthony LaBarbera, Sarah Williams
OBJECTIVE: Emergency medical services (EMS) Code Lavender was developed to support EMS clinicians after stressful events via consistent recognition of events, informal peer support, and intentional acts of kindness. This study evaluated changes in burnout screening tool responses of EMS clinicians in response to program implementation and the coincidental start of coronavirus disease 2019. METHODS: Anonymous surveys with demographic questions and 2 burnout screening tools were distributed before program implementation (spring 2020) and 20 months later (fall 2021)...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Alyson M Esteves, Kalle J Fjeld, Andre S Yonan, Matthew A Roginski
OBJECTIVE: Variable indications exist for neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in the critical care transport setting beyond facilitation of intubation. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included adult patients (≥ 18 years) who underwent critical care transport from July 1, 2020, to May 2, 2023, and received NMBAs during transport that was not associated with intubation. The primary outcome was the indication for NMBA administration. Secondary outcomes included the characterization of NMBA use, mean Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale score before NMBA administration, sedation strategy used, and continuation of NMBAs within 48 hours of hospital admission...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Dimitrios Koniaris, Constantin Suciu, Silvia Nica
OBJECTIVE: This observational study provides an overview of the implementation and impact of the helipad at the Bucharest Emergency University Hospital, Romania. The helipad, established in April 2019, is the only rooftop medical helipad in Bucharest authorized for day and night flights. Its influence extends beyond the local region, enabling the hospital to receive patients from various cities across Romania. The helipad has particularly strengthened the hospital's capabilities in cardiology, neurovascular emergencies, and neonatal care...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Lauren M Maloney, Jason Hoffman, Edder Peralta, Rudolph Princi, Henry C Thode, Mark Tomlin, Christopher DiDonato, Anthony LaBarbera, Erin Lambert, James King, Daniel G Johnson, Shawn Edouard, Sarah Williams
OBJECTIVE: Given the recommendations against the use of critical incident stress debriefing, the emergency medical services (EMS) Code Lavender program was created as a mechanism to consistently recognize and reach out to EMS clinicians after acute crisis events, offer nonintrusive informal peer support and acts of kindness, and provide stepwise support via mental health professionals as needed. The study aimed to assess program utilization and evaluate the program's impact on EMS clinicians' perceptions of support and resources available to them after an acute crisis event...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Christiaan H Koster, Robert F Verheul, Patrick Schober, Lothar A Schwarte
OBJECTIVE: Intoxicated patients are often encountered by emergency medical services (eg, in cases of recreational drug use, accidental ingestion, or inhalation of toxic substances or [attempted] suicide). Earlier research showed that a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service (P-HEMS) is regularly dispatched for intoxicated patients. However, it is still unclear if there is added value of P-HEMS compared with standard care provided by an ambulance crew. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution of additional expertise and equipment that P-HEMS brings to the prehospital scene...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Brendan O'Hare, Nathan White, Renee Bolot, Lynton Hargrave, Clinton Gibbs, John Glasheen
OBJECTIVE: Bariatric anatomy and physiology present added clinical challenges to the provision of safe critical care and patient transport. LifeFlight Retrieval Medicine provides air medical retrieval services in Queensland, Australia, and performs over 6,000 retrieval missions annually using rotary wing, fixed wing, and ground ambulance platforms. METHODS: Bariatric patient retrievals were identified from the LifeFlight Retrieval Medicine electronic patient database...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Quincy K Tran, Anastasia Ternovskaia, Nelson Chen, Manal Faisal, Isha Yardi, Nikki Emamian, Abigail Kim, Taylor Kowansky, Erin Niles, Iana Sahadzic, Rose Chasm, Lucas Sjeklocha, Daniel J Haase, Jessica Downing
OBJECTIVE: Critically ill patients requiring urgent interventions or subspecialty care often require transport over significant distances to tertiary care centers. The optimal method of transportation (air vs. ground) is unknown. We investigated whether air transport was associated with lower mortality for patients being transferred to a specialized critical care resuscitation unit (CCRU). METHODS: This was a retrospective study of all adult patients transferred to the CCRU at the University of Maryland Medical Center in 2018...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Victoria Myers, Meagan Slack, Mahvareh Ahghari, Brodie Nolan
OBJECTIVE: Simulation education and assessment are increasingly used in prehospital curriculums. The objective of this study was to assess the challenges and feasibility of correlating evaluation data from an airway management simulation assessment with clinical performance. METHODS: This study was undertaken in Ontario, the most populous province in Canada, where 13 bases are distributed in geographically diverse areas, from urban to rural and remote locations...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Sean Bryan
REVA, INC (Air Ambulance) is an Air Ambulance company headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company was formed in 2012 after the merger of two air ambulance companies, Aero Jet International and Air Ambulance Professionals. REVA completes around 1,300 medical transports a year, primarily international. It has always been a goal to provide more support to the Bahamas and hard to reach islands, which led to REVA launching its Seaplane Medevac Operation in December of 2022. The development of this program allows them to have a medical equipped seaplane available 365 days a year to service the Bahamas and hard to reach areas...
2024: Air Medical Journal
(no author information available yet)
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2024: Air Medical Journal
Ryan Newberry, Craig Tschautscher, Brittney Bernardoni, Andrew Cathers, James Price, Ed B G Barnard
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Air Medical Journal
Nicholas J Larson, Frederick B Rogers, Jennifer L Feeken, Benoit Blondeau, David J Dries
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Air Medical Journal
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Drawing from a comprehensive Japan-based literature review and the author's personal experience, this article presents findings that highlight potential improvements in clinical outcomes, such as reduced mortality rates, by optimizing the current resuscitation procedure for cardiopulmonary arrest. Many countries have adopted similar procedures for cardiopulmonary arrest. This article presents a prioritized resuscitation method based on scientific evidence, aiming to improve survival rates. The study, which was conducted in Japan, revealed inconsistencies in the current resuscitation procedure for cardiopulmonary arrest...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Tanner Smida, Remle P Crowe, Patrick W Merrill, James F Scheidler
OBJECTIVE: The i-gel supraglottic airway device (Intersurgical, Berkshire, UK) is commonly used in the United States and worldwide for prehospital airway management. Previous research has suggested that a sex-based method of size selection (4.0 for female patients and 5.0 for male patients) is superior to a weight-based method in patients undergoing elective anesthesia. Our objective was to compare a sex-based i-gel size selection strategy with a weight-based strategy using real-world prehospital data...
2024: Air Medical Journal
Alberto Gabrieli, Caterina Barberi, Caterina Compostella, Michela Azzolini, Andrea Butturini, Gabriele Larger, Lara Boldo, Matteo Paganini, Roberta Levato, Andrea Ventura
Local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) is a potentially life-threatening complication that may occur after local anesthetic injection. After reaching the systemic circulation, cardiovascular and central nervous system derangements may appear, with potentially fatal complications if left untreated. The pillars for LAST treatment are advanced life support measures, airway and seizure management, and a 20% lipid emulsion intravenous administration. When occurring in the prehospital setting, LAST is difficult to recognize, mostly because of its features overlapping with other acute conditions...
2024: Air Medical Journal
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