Manuel Alejandro Mejía, Mitchell Valdés-Sosa, Maria Antonieta Bobes
In prosopagnosia, brain lesions impair overt face recognition, but not face detection, and may coexist with residual covert recognition of familiar faces. Previous studies that simulated covert recognition in healthy individuals have impaired face detection as well as recognition, thus not fully mirroring the deficits in prosopagnosia. We evaluated a model of covert recognition based on continuous flash suppression (CFS). Familiar and unfamiliar faces and houses were masked while participants performed two discrimination tasks...
July 6, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Matthew Junker, Reza Habib
Research surrounding the attentional blink phenomenon - a deficit in responding to the second of two temporally proximal stimuli when presented 150-500 ms after the first - has used a wide variety of target-defining and response features of stimuli. The typical U-shape curve for absolute performance is robust, surviving across most stimulus features, and therefore changes in performance are discussed as dynamics in an attentional system that are nonspecific a stimulus type. However, the patterns of errors participants make might not show the same robustness, and participants' confidences in these errors might differ - potentially suggesting the involvement of different attentional or perceptual mechanisms...
July 5, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Anthony Bloxham, Caroline L Horton
Empirical investigations that search for a link between dreaming and sleep-dependent memory consolidation have focused on testing for an association between dreaming of what was learned, and improved memory performance for learned material. Empirical support for this is mixed, perhaps owing to the inherent challenges presented by the nature of dreams, and methodological inconsistencies. The purpose of this paper is to address critically prevalent assumptions and practices, with the aim of clarifying and enhancing research on this topic, chiefly by providing a theoretical synthesis of existing models and evidence...
June 26, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Dmitri Filimonov, Sampo Tanskanen, Antti Revonsuo, Mika Koivisto
The level-of-processing (LoP) hypothesis postulates that transition from unaware to aware visual stimuli is either graded or dichotomous depending on the depth of stimulus processing. Humans can be progressively aware of the low-level features, such as colors or shapes, while the high-level features, such as semantic category, enter consciousness in an all-or none fashion. Unlike in vision, sounds always unfold in time, which might require mechanisms dissimilar from visual processing. We tested the LoP hypothesis in hearing for the first time by presenting participants with words of different categories, spoken in different pitches near the perceptual threshold...
June 19, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Piotr Szymanek, Marek Homan, Michiel van Elk, Mateusz Hohol
The phenomenon of "hearing voices" can be found not only in psychotic disorders, but also in the general population, with individuals across cultures reporting auditory perceptions of supernatural beings. In our preregistered study, we investigated a possible mechanism of such experiences, grounded in the predictive processing model of agency detection. We predicted that in a signal detection task, expecting less or more voices than actually present would drive the response bias toward a more conservative and liberal response strategy, respectively...
June 15, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Francesca G Magnani, Martina Cacciatore, Filippo Barbadoro, Camilla Ippoliti, Matilde Leonardi
According to the predictive coding account, the attenuation of tactile perception on the hand exposed to the visuo-tactile Rubber Hand Illusion (vtRHI) relies on a weight increase of visual information deriving from the fake hand and a weight decrease of tactile information deriving from the individual's hand. To explore if this diametrical modulation persists in the absence of vision when adopting the somatic RHI (sRHI), we recorded tactile acuity measures before and after both RHI paradigms in 31 healthy individuals, hypothesizing a weight decrease for somatosensory information deriving from the hand undergoing the illusion and a weight increase for those deriving from the contralateral hand in the sRHI...
June 12, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Alina Savina, Ilya Zverev, Nadezhda Moroshkina
This study investigates the observers' ability to monitor the ongoing cognitive processes of a partner who is implicitly learning an artificial grammar. Our hypothesis posits that learners experience metacognitive feelings as they attempt to apply their implicit knowledge, and that observers are capable of detecting and interpreting these feelings as cues of the learner's cognitive state. For instance, learners might encounter affective signals linked to cognitive conflicts and errors at different processing stages, which observers can construe as manifestations of the learner's cognitive dissonance...
May 31, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Matthew S Welhaf, Marc A Astacio, Jonathan B Banks
Previous work has established a link between executive attention ability and mind wandering propensity, these studies typically collapse thought reports into a single category of task-unrelated thoughts (TUTs). We have shown that these TUTs can be differentiated by the emotional valence of their content. Awareness of TUTs might also be an important to consider, yet little work has been done on this front. The current study conceptually replicated and extended previous work by investigating the relationship between individual differences in executive attention, emotional valence and awareness of TUTs...
May 31, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
John Balch, Rachel Raider, Joni Keith, Chanel Reed, Jordan Grafman, Patrick McNamara
Some dissociative experiences may be related, in part, to REM intrusion into waking consciousness. If so, some aspects of dream content may be associated with daytime dissociative experiences. We tested the hypothesis that some types of dream content would predict daytime dissociative symptomology. As part of a longitudinal study of the impact of dreams on everyday behavior we administered a battery of survey instruments to 219 volunteers. Assessments included the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), along with other measures known to be related to either REM intrusion effects or dissociative experiences...
May 30, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Mika Koivisto, Cypriana Pallaris
It is not clear whether personality is related to basic perceptual processes at the level of automatic bottom-up processes or controlled top-down processes. Two experiments examined how personality influences perceptual dynamics, focusing on how cognitive flexibility moderates the relationship between personality and perceptual reversals of the Necker cube. The participants viewed stimuli either passively or with the intent to either hold or switch the orientation of the Necker cube. The influence of openness was predominantly evident in conditions necessitating intentional control over perceptual reversals...
May 22, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Hyun-Woong Kim, Minsun Park, Yune Sang Lee, Chai-Youn Kim
Conscious visual experiences are enriched by concurrent auditory information, implying audiovisual interactions. In the present study, we investigated how prior conscious experience of auditory and visual information influences the subsequent audiovisual temporal integration under the surface of awareness. We used continuous flash suppression (CFS) to render perceptually invisible a ball-shaped object constantly moving and bouncing inside a square frame window. To examine whether audiovisual temporal correspondence facilitates the ball stimulus to enter awareness, the visual motion was accompanied by click sounds temporally congruent or incongruent with the bounces of the ball...
May 22, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Deanne M Green, Ella K Moeck, Melanie K T Takarangi
People's memory for scenes has consequences, including for eyewitness testimony. Negative scenes may lead to a particular memory error, where narrowed scene boundaries lead people to recall being closer to a scene than they were. But boundary restriction-including attenuation of the opposite phenomenon boundary extension-has been difficult to replicate, perhaps because heightened arousal accompanying negative scenes, rather than negative valence itself, drives the effect. Indeed, in Green et al. (2019) arousal alone, conditioned to a particular neutral image category, increased boundary restriction for images in that category...
May 17, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Hans-Erik Scharfen, Daniel Memmert
The isolated approaching of physical, neural and mental states and the binary classification into stable traits and fluctuating states previously lead to a limited understanding concerning underlying processes and possibilities to explain, measure and regulate neural and mental performance along with the interaction of mental states and neurocognitive traits. In this article these states are integrated by i) differentiating the model of the brain as a complex, self-organizing system, ii) showing possibilities to measure this model, iii) offering a classification of mental states and iv) presenting a holistic operationalization of state regulations and trait trainings to enhance neural and mental high-performance on a macro- and micro scale...
May 14, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Stephan F Dahm, Markus Martini, Pierre Sachse
A serial reaction time task was used to test whether the representations of a probabilistic second-order sequence structure are (i) stored in an effector-dependent, effector-independent intrinsic or effector-independent visuospatial code and (ii) are inter-manually accessible. Participants were trained either with the dominant or non-dominant hand. Tests were performed with both hands in the practice sequence, a random sequence, and a mirror sequence. Learning did not differ significantly between left and right-hand practice, suggesting symmetric intermanual transfer from the dominant to the non-dominant hand and vice versa...
May 3, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Lachlan Kay, Rebecca Keogh, Joel Pearson
Mental rotation tasks are frequently used as standard measures of mental imagery. However, aphantasia research has brought such use into question. Here, we assessed a large group of individuals who lack visual imagery (aphantasia) on two mental rotation tasks: a three-dimensional block-shape, and a human manikin rotation task. In both tasks, those with aphantasia had slower, but more accurate responses than controls. Both groups demonstrated classic linear increases in response time and error-rate as functions of angular disparity...
April 23, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Fabian Kiepe, Guido Hesselmann
To what degree human cognition is influenced by subliminal stimuli is a controversial empirical question. One striking example was reported by Linser and Goschke (2007): participants overestimated how much control they had over objectively uncontrollable stimuli when masked congruent primes were presented immediately before the action. Critically, however, unawareness of the masked primes was established by post hoc data selection. In our preregistered study we sought to explore these findings while adjusting prime visibility based on individual thresholds, so that each participant underwent both visible and non-visible conditions...
April 12, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Zhonglu Zhang, Yizhu Li, Yuxin Zeng, Jiamin Deng, Qiang Xing, Jing Luo
Decomposition of chunks has been widely accepted as a critical proxy of restructuring, but the role of composition in forming new representations has been largely neglected. This study aims to investigate the roles of both decomposition and composition processes in chunk restructuring, as well as their relationships with "aha" experiences during problem-solving. Participants were asked to move a part of a character to another character to create two new characters. Across three experiments, the characters to be decomposed or composed were varied in terms of tight or loose chunks...
April 9, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Raquel Krempel, Merlin Monzel
Aphantasia is a condition that is often characterized as the impaired ability to create voluntary mental images. Aphantasia is assumed to selectively affect voluntary imagery mainly because even though aphantasics report being unable to visualize something at will, many report having visual dreams. We argue that this common characterization of aphantasia is incorrect. Studies on aphantasia are often not clear about whether they are assessing voluntary or involuntary imagery, but some studies show that several forms of involuntary imagery are also affected in aphantasia (including imagery in dreams)...
April 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Yiheng Chen, Qiwei Zhao, Yueyi Ding, Yingzhi Lu
The congruency judgments in action understanding helps individuals make timely adjustments to unexpected occurrence, and this process may be influenced by emotion. Previous research has showed contradictory effect of emotion on conflict processing, possibly due to the degree of relevance between emotion and task. However, to date, no study has systematically manipulated the relevance to explore how emotion affects congruency judgments in action understanding. We employed a cue-target paradigm and controlled the way emotional stimuli were presented on the target interface, setting up three experiments: emotion served as task-irrelevant distractor, task-irrelevant target and task-relevant target...
March 29, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
Maria Arioli, Chiara Ferrari, Lotfi B Merabet, Zaira Cattaneo
This study addresses the effects of blindness on trust. Using an auditory version of the multi-round Trust Game, we investigated the effect of reputation and reciprocity on trust decisions in early blind and sighted participants. During each round of the game, participants were endowed with a sum of money and had to decide how much they wanted to invest in their partners, who were manipulated as a function of their good or bad reputation and individualistic or cooperative behavior. The data showed that negative first impression about the partner (bad reputation and/or selfish behavior) impacted more blind participants than sighted ones...
March 28, 2024: Consciousness and Cognition
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