Paul Crosland, Deborah A Marshall, Seyed Hossein Hosseini, Nicholas Ho, Catherine Vacher, Adam Skinner, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Frank Iorfino, Sebastian Rosenberg, Yun Ju Christine Song, Apostolos Tsiachristas, Kristen Tran, Jo-An Occhipinti, Ian B Hickie
Care as usual has failed to stem the tide of mental health challenges in children and young people. Transformed models of care and prevention are required, including targeting the social determinants of mental health. Robust economic evidence is crucial to guide investment towards prioritised interventions that are effective and cost-effective to optimise health outcomes and ensure value for money. Mental healthcare and prevention exhibit the characteristics of complex dynamic systems, yet dynamic simulation modelling has to date only rarely been used to conduct economic evaluation in this area...
October 1, 2024: PharmacoEconomics