Journals Journal of Intellectual Disabi...

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research : JIDR
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September 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
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July 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
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June 9, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
K R McVilly, A Buchanan, C Adnams, T Heller
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June 7, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
R Khalili, Z Asgari, A Kamrani, D Morin
BACKGROUND: Attitudes toward individuals with intellectual disability (ID) are the most important factor affecting their social integration and can cause them to experience a sense of achievement or discrimination. The present study aimed to evaluate the latent factor structure and validity of the Persian version of the Attitudes toward Intellectual Disability (ATTID) Short-Form questionnaire. METHODS: The latent factor structure of the Persian version of the ATTID Short-Form was established in a convenient sample of the general population (N = 280) in Iran...
May 30, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
M P Kranak, G Rooker, C Smith-Hicks
BACKGROUND: SYNGAP1- related intellectual disability (SYNGAP1-ID) is a rare genetic disorder presenting with intellectual disability (ID), epilepsy, maladaptive behaviours and communication challenges. To date, few studies have assessed the context in which these maladaptive behaviours occur. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of problem behaviours, characterise the behavioural phenotype and use well-validated measures to explore variables that maintain the behaviours. METHODS: Our sample includes 19 individuals diagnosed with SYNGAP1-ID and their parents...
May 23, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
I O Lee, J Wolstencroft, H Housby, M B M van den Bree, S J R A Chawner, J Hall, D H Skuse
BACKGROUND: Children and young people (CYP) with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) have significant additional educational needs compared with the general population. In England, the government has established a system of education, health and care plans (EHCPs) to support children with special educational needs and disabilities, but disparities exist between the degree of need and the availability of support. We conducted a prospective UK national cohort study (IMAGINE) of children with rare pathogenic genomic variants, all of which are associated with IDD, to investigate associated neuropsychiatric risk...
May 22, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
S Marquis, N E Marquis, Y Lunsky, K M McGrail, J Baumbusch
BACKGROUND: People with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) are known to have high rates of prescription drug use, particularly for psychotropic medications. This is of concern due to the many side effects associated with these medications and because of the risks of polypharmacy. In this paper we compare the most commonly dispensed drugs and all psychotropic medications for youth with IDD compared with youth without IDD. METHODS: Using population-level administrative health data over a 10-year period, this study examined medications dispensed to youth with an IDD aged 15-24 years compared with youth without an IDD...
May 21, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
G Nuebling, O Wagemann, S Deb, E Wlasich, S V Loosli, K Sandkühler, A Stockbauer, C Prix, J Levin
BACKGROUND: People with Down's syndrome (DS) are at high risk of developing Alzheimer dementia (DS-AD) due to a triplication of the amyloid precursor protein gene. While several tools to diagnose and screen for DS-AD, such as the dementia screening questionnaire for individuals with intellectual disabilities (DSQIID), are available in English, validated German versions of such instruments are scarce. METHODS: A German version of the DSQIID questionnaire (DSQIID-G) was completed by caregivers before attending our specialist outpatient department for DS-AD...
May 17, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
A Bacherini, P Anselmi, S M Havercamp, G Balboni
BACKGROUND: Physicians' erroneous assumptions about individuals with intellectual disability (ID) negatively impact the quality of care provided to this population. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Beliefs About Adults with ID (BAID), an instrument we developed for measuring physicians' erroneous assumptions about adults with ID. METHODS: Two hundred ninety-two American physicians participated. Classical test theory and Rasch measurement theory were used to refine the scale (through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, infit and outfit mean-squares statistics, and differential item functioning) and investigate its psychometric properties (functioning of the response scale, reliability, and validity)...
May 13, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
M C R S Genovesio, L S Monteiro, A V da Silva, P R M Rodrigues, A P Baumblatt, S A Ribas
BACKGROUND: Studies investigating the quality of the diet and dietary intake of children with Down syndrome (DS) are required because the features attributed to the syndrome can affect growth, development and quality of life. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 77 Brazilian children with DS between 5 and 36 months of age receiving care at the multidisciplinary outpatient clinic of the University Hospital. Participants' sociodemographic, dietary and anthropometric data were collected from the care protocols...
May 13, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
K R Lemay, C S Kogan, T Rebello, J W Keeley, R Bhargava, S Buono, S Cooray, P Ginige, M T Kishore, J V S Kommu, M Recupero, A Roy, P Sharan, G M Reed
BACKGROUND: The classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (ICD-11) includes a comprehensive set of behavioural indicators (BIs) within the neurodevelopmental disorders grouping. BIs can be used to assess the severity of disorders of intellectual development in situations in which standardised measures of intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviours are not available or feasible...
May 11, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
Cristhiane Olivia Ferreira do Amaral, Kamila Rosamilia Kantovitiz, V C de Araújo, T Marega, L N Teixeira, E F Martinez
INTRODUCTION: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of hereditary genetic disorder in a single gene characterised by intellectual disability. Behavioural features such as autism, hyperactivity and anxiety disorder may be present. Biofilm development and pathogenicity of Streptococcus mutans may be altered because FXS renders the dental approach and oral hygiene more complex. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of transcripts for VicRK and CovR of S...
May 8, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
I Hamouda, K Baumstarck, M-A Aim, A Beltran Anzola, A Loundou, T Billette de Villemeur, L Boyer, P Auquier, M-C Rousseau
BACKGROUND: In recent decades, progress has been made in the care of people with polyhandicap/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) through a better understanding of the pathophysiology and the development of new care management and rehabilitation strategies adapted to these extreme pathologies. Although there is a lack of knowledge about the health status and care management of the oldest people, a better understanding of the natural course of life of people with polyhandicap/PIMD would consequently allow the optimisation of preventive and curative care management strategies...
May 1, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
J Verbesselt, L K Walsh, M W Mitchel, C M Taylor, B M Finucane, J Breckpot, I Zink, A Swillen
BACKGROUND: Despite the established knowledge that recurrent copy number variants (CNVs) at the 16p11.2 locus BP4-BP5 confer risk for behavioural and language difficulties, limited research has been conducted on the association between behavioural and social-communicative profiles. The current study aims to further delineate the prevalence, nature and severity of, and the association between, behavioural and social-communicative features of school-aged children with 16p11.2 deletion syndrome (16p11...
April 24, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
D Bridi, N C Valentini, A C Deslandes, F Copetti
BACKGROUND: Children with Down syndrome (DS) demonstrate poorer performance in locomotor and ball skills than children with typical development. During motor assessment, keeping children's attention and motivation is challenging, especially for children with DS, which may affect the test outcomes. This study aimed first to examine the impact of examiner and App-animation demonstrations during the assessment on the performance of fundamental motor skills, focus of attention and intrinsic motivation for children with DS and neurotypical development (NTD)...
April 21, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
T I M Hilgenkamp, V D Y Beck, F Azar, M Maloy-Robertson, A Matthews, M Shahani, X Goodman, A Oppewal
This systematic review aimed to provide an overview of test protocols used to measure peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) in adults with Down syndrome (DS) and to determine how generalisable the outcomes are for the entire population of adults with DS by describing the sample characteristics of these studies and their impact on VO2 peak. A literature search (PROSPERO CRD42022309560) was performed (18 July 2023) using the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, APA PsycINFO, Web of Science, Embase and SPORTDiscus. For articles to be included, they had to be peer-reviewed pubications, reporting VO2 peak or VO2 max for individuals with DS separately, with a sample of n ≥ 5 and a mean age ≥18 years...
April 10, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
B F Barrett, M Wehmeyer, J Kolb, T Ostermann, T Sappok
BACKGROUND: Compared with the general population, adults with an intellectual developmental disorder (IDD) are more likely to develop mental health problems and to receive high levels of psychotropic medication, particularly antipsychotics. The emotional development (ED) approach may help to better understand the nature of challenging behaviour (CB) and tailor treatment and support accordingly. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the impact of the ED approach on the prescription of psychotropic medication during inpatient psychiatric treatment...
March 28, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
E Fucà, F Costanzo, P Galassi, L Celestini, D Valentini, S Vicari
BACKGROUND: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit higher risk for celiac disease (CD) than general population. Although literature suggests CD could be associated with behavioural problems in both paediatric and adult age, such association has been poorly explored in children and adolescents DS. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate differences in emotional/behavioural difficulties, adaptive skills and sleep problems between children with DS with and without CD. METHODS: Data were retrospectively collected from a database including data from 381 individuals with DS (3-18 years)...
March 20, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
K Cummings, R P Dias, R Hart, A Welham
BACKGROUND: PTEN is primarily known as a tumour suppressor gene. However, research describes higher rates of difficulties including intellectual disability and difficulties relating to autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) in people with germline PTEN mutations. Other psychological characteristics/experiences are less often reported and are explored in this study. METHODS: The parents of 20 children with PTEN mutations completed an online survey exploring adaptive behaviour, ASC-associated behaviours, anxiety, mood, hypermobility, behaviours that challenge, sensory experiences, quality of life and parental wellbeing...
March 20, 2024: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR
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