Keisuke Yano, Mitsuru Muto, Koshiro Sugita, Masakazu Murakami, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri
PURPOSE: To identify the prognostic factors for pediatric severe intestinal motility disorder (IMD). METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of patients with severe IMD, who required total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for ≥ 60 days at our institution between April, 1984 and March, 2023, examining their characteristics to identify prognostic factors. RESULTS: The types of IMD in the 14 patients enrolled in this study were as follows: isolated hypoganglionosis (IHG, n = 6), extensive aganglionosis (EAG: n = 6), and chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIIP, n = 2)...
August 7, 2024: Surgery Today