V Leanza, M M Monteleone, L Ciotta, M A Palumbo, R Vecchio, G Zanghì, G Leanza
Uterine fibroid is an estrogen-dependent mass growing during pregnancy. Caesarean myomectomy (CM) is a controversial procedure. A 35-year-old obese (106 Kg) patient gravida 2 para1 (caesarean section), undergoing caesarean section, had two myomas occupying the whole uterine fundus (104.2 mm and 50 mm respectively). Intracesarean myomectomy was carried out after extraction foetus (Apgar score: 9/10). Postoperative course was uneventful and patient was discharged after four days.
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
Angela Giordano, G Alemanno, K Bici, P Prosperi, R Viligiardi, D Bisogni, V Iacopini, A Dibella, A Valeri
AIM: The purpose of this study is to analyze a rare and under-reported complication of abdominal liposuction and the role of laparoscopy. CLINICAL CASE: We report a case of bowel perforation after 7 days of abdominal liposuction and bilateral mastopexy. The patient presented clinical and radiological findings of bowel obstructive syndrome and bilateral peripheral pulmonary embolism. An emergency diagnostic laparoscopy was performed and confirmed the diagnosis of bowel perforation...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
G Querini, S Zonta, T Dominioni
Skin metastases from colorectal cancer are a rare phenomenon that occurs only in 4,4% of cases. The presence of a cutaneous lesion at the Romatime of diagnosis is even more uncommon (0,05% of cases), and represents a sign of widespread, poor prognosis and terminal disease. Skin involvement by colorectal cancer can occur in four different pathways: lymphatic, hematogenous, direct invasion of contiguous tissues or iatrogenic implantation. We describe a case of a 68-year-old patient affected by a pT4b pN1 M1 sigma carcinoma with a head lesion that, at the time of diagnosis, mimics a lipoma at the head CT scan...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
M I Rizzo, M Alessi, C Monarca, M Zama
The processing techniques of the adipose tissue represents one of the most debated topics. There are different processing techniques. As of today, the standard considered procedure is the centri1Romafugaton according to Coleman. In addition, other procedures include decantation/sedimentation, filtration and water jet force, which offer the specialist valid alternatives. In the present review, the clinical evidence of the techniques of centrifugation and decantation will be evaluated by studying histological data; maintenance of tropism and the maintenance of mesenchymal cells...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
A Lombardi, S Maggi, G Stanzani, V Vitale, L Bersigotti, C Romano, J Vittori, E Pastore, C Amanti
Oncoplastic surgery is a well-acknowledged technique that combines conserving treatment in breast cancer with plastic surgery reconstruction. The aim of our analysis is to evaluate the safety of this surgical procedure in the setting of invasive primary breast cancer, and then compare breast oncoplastic surgery with the Veronesi quadrantectomy.We have analyzed 1541 patients who underwent breast surgery for primary breast tumor between October 2004 and May 2018 at Sant'Andrea University Hospital in Rome: 880 women experienced the breast oncoplastic approach, while 660 patients received conservative surgery alone...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
G Florio, P Carnì, G D'Amata, M Crovaro, L Musmeci, L Manzi, M Del Papa
AIM: For long time the traditional surgical treatment for lower limb varicose veins has been high ligation of sapheno-femoral junction and stripping of great saphenous vein. Surgery, however, has been frustrated by postoperative pains, discomfort and recurrences so that it has been challenged by minimally invasive endovenous techniques such as laser treatment and radiofrequency ablation. The aim of the article is to assess the feasibility of a combined approach to greater saphenous vein reflux: high ligation of sapheno-femoral junction and thermal treatment of the great saphenous vein...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
A Lauro, P Sapienza, S Vaccari, M Cervellera, A Mingoli, E Tartaglia, A Canavese, A Canavese, F Caputo, L Falvo, Giuseppina Casella, E Isaj, F M Di Matteo, V D'Andrea, V Tonini
BACKGROUND: This is a multicenter study performed in two Italian tertiary care centers: General Emergency Surgery Unit at St. Orsola University Teaching Hospital - Bologna and Department of Surgical Sciences at Umberto I University Teaching Hospital - Rome. The aim was to compare the results of different approaches among elderly patients with acute bowel ischemia. METHODS: Sixty-three patients were divided in two groups: 1) DSgroup- 28 patients treated in Vascular Unit and 2) GEgroup- 35 patients treated in Emergency Surgery Unit...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
D Bisogni, A Valeri, L Talamucci, R Manetti, A B F Giordano, M Ardu, R Naspetti, P Prosperi
Hiatal hernias (HHs) are usually divided into two main groups: sliding and para-esophageal (torsional) ones. Sometimes patients presenting HHs experience progressive anemia, whereas rarely an acute anemia with melena or hematemesis can occur. In such cases a Cameron ulcer should be suspected and a careful esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGDS) with a meticulous inspection of the mucosal folds along the neck of the hernia is the best examination in order to find out the ulcer itself. In front of massive hemorrhage due to a Cameron erosion, the first aim should be the control of the bleeding itself, in order to ree1Romastablish hemodynamic stability...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
G Scerrino, G Melfa, C Raspanti, A Attard, S Mazzola, C Porrello, R Tutino, T Fontana, N C Paladino, E Gulotta, G Salamone, G Cocorullo
BACKGROUND: Quality of care and provider's experience seem to be strictly connected in any field of surgery. Aim of this study is to identify a method to classify the centers on the basis of the number of thyroidectomies and parathyroidectomies performed. METHODS: We listed 666 centers performing endocrine neck surgery in 2015, from the database of the Italian Health Ministry. We performed a descriptive statistic analysis with a dedicated software. We identified the outliers, according to a previous literature review, in those centers performing >1000 and < 10 thyroidectomies, >100 and < 3 parathyroidectomies and we excluded them to our analysis...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
A Morgante, M Di Bartolo
A concurrent carotid and cardiac disease is the paradigmatic expression of a multidistrictal vasculopathy related to an atherosclerotic burden, that shares the same risk factors and onset pathophysiological mechanisms. The absolute incidence of a stroke after open heart surgery (OHS) is about 2%, higher in case of combined cardiac procedures, with a negative prognostic impact in terms of in-hospital mortality and neurological morbidity. Heterogenous and interlinked risk factors contribute to the genesis of cerebral injuries after OHS outlining patient general features, vascular risk parameters and severity indeces of cardiac disease; a model stroke for patients undergoing cardiac surgery may be helpful so as to identify subsets of patients at high risk and select the most appropriate strategy...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
M Di Muzio, N Giannetta, M Figura, M Salducci, F Di Muzio, A Cianciulli, F Malandra, L Sacco, S Dionisi, E Di Simone, P Chirletti
Traditionally, overnight fasting before elective surgery has been Romathe routine in medical practice for risk reduction of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. Several original study and international societies recommend a 2h preoperative fast for clear fluids and a 6h fast for solids in most elective patients. We conducted a narrative review of the literature, searching electronic databases (Medline and CINAHL). We used PICO approach. The results of our review suggest that nutrition support in the perioperative period is very important to reduce length of hospital stay and reduced postoperative complication...
September 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
V Leanza, V Lo Presti, F Di Guardo, G Leanza, M Palumbo
We report a case of a 32-year old woman with severe pelvic abscess formation who was readmitted to the hospital after ten days of postoperative caesarean course. The patient had undergone emergency caesarean section (CS) for acute foetal sufferance during expulsive period and following three days had been discharged regularly. Enterococcus Faecalis was isolated from purulent material. A prompt antibiotic therapy was carried out, therefore clinic condition did not improve. A percutaneous Computed Tomography (CT)-guided drainage of the abscess was planned...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
S Mancini, L Solinas, L Leone, B Battaglia, M G Notarangelo, R Hassan, C Di Cosimo, R Angeloni, A Belardi, L Cosentino, A Bakacs, A Sagnotta
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) of the skin is a rare but aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine-derived malignancy that predominantly affects elderly white males. The presence of distant nodal metastases significantly impacts survival. Typical metastatic sites of MCC are liver, bone, brain and skin. Gastrointestinal metastases are uncommon and small bowel is the most common site followed by stomach. We report a case of symptomatic MCC jejunal metastasis.
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
D Schizas, I Katsaros, N Koliakos, V Ntomi, D I Tsilimigras, D Moris, E P Misiakos, N Zavras, A Bakopoulos
AIM: We present a novel approach to a Littré hernia case. CASE REPORT: A 62-year old male presented at our department with a painless mass in the inguinal area and was successfully treated for an inguinal Littré hernia. A Lichtenstein tension-free mesh repair was used without performing simultaneous diverticulectomy. DISCUSSION: Resection of an asymptomatic Meckel's diverticulum remains a controversial issue. In adult population, leaving an accidentally found silent Meckel's diverticula in situ could reduce the risk of postoperative complications without increasing late complications...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
A Wafa, A Ghellai, A Aboshnaf, M Elfagieh, A Juwid
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the standard management of benign adrenal tumors. Open adrenalectomy is still the gold standard surgical treatment for adrenocortical carcinoma and malignant pheochromocytoma, while the role of minimal invasive surgery is still controversial. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is associated with low morbidity rate, short hospital stay and rapid recovery to work. The aim of the study is identifying the advantages of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in comparison to open adrenalectomy...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
E Sinagra, F Buscaglia, A Iacoponelli, C Sciumè
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by an acquired, inflammatory fibrocollagenous membrane encasing the small intestine, resulting in symptoms of bowel obstruction. It is still unclear whether early surgical intervention has an advantage over conservative management, but, in most reviewed case reports, it is preferred to preserve the surgical management in patients not responding to conservative measures, or when bowel ischaemia is occurring. We report a case of a 58-year old patients, affected by chronic renal failure, on treatment with peritoneal dialysis, in which a late diagnosis of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis was made, and where surgical intervention was not sufficient to guarantee survival due to the late diagnosis...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
V Bilali, S Bilali, A Mitrushi, R Pirushi, H Nina, E Ktona
A mass formed around a cotton matrix left within the body is termed gossypiboma or textiloma. It is a rare complication of surgery most commonly seen after abdominal surgery. The time of presentation may range from early post-operative period to several decades later. We herein report on a case of gossypiboma. A 42-year old woman admitted to our hospital with abdominal mass. She had undergone a caesarean operation 2 years previously. The mass in the right quadrant was suspected by abdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
V Leanza, V Nobile, C Galvagno, F M Di Grazia, M Palumbo, G Leanza
Trichilemmal ovarian carcinoma is very rare. A 52-years-old woman was admitted to University Hospital Department suffering from pain in the left iliaca fossa lasting for three months. Uterus was normal in size, painless as well as right adnexum. On the left site ovary was increased in volume and slightly sore. Transvaginal ultrasounds showed a 97x65x86 mm mixed vascularized unilocular mass. CT scan detected a pelvic expansion with a heterogeneous density due to the presence of different structures varying from fat to bone tissue...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
L Ossola, J Galafassi
We present a case where a toothpick perforation in both the large and small bowel was intra-operatively diagnosed. A 45-years-old man presented with 48 hours abdominal pain associated with fever. The abdomen was tender at the McBurney point with signs of localized peritonitis. We suspected an acute appendicitis. The patient underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy. During the operation we exposed a toothpick perforating both sigmoid and small bowel. The toothpick was removed and a direct suture of the two perforations was performed...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
S Georgoulis, C Koutserimpas
Overuse myositis ossificans is considered an extremely rare diagnosis, with only a few cases reported so far. A case of a 54-year-old firefighter, involved regularly in training exercises, with bilateral myositis ossificans of the triceps, is presented. The patient had a 4 year history of painful masses at the posterior region of both arms. He never experienced any traumatic event, while physical examination revealed firm masses extending longitudinally within the lateral head of the triceps, bilaterally. The patient had painful restricted range of motion at both sides...
July 2019: Il Giornale di Chirurgia
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