Veronika I Müller, Edna C Cieslik, Linda Ficco, Sandra Tyralla, Amir Ali Sepehry, Taraneh Aziz-Safaie, Chunliang Feng, Simon B Eickhoff, Robert Langner
The Stroop effect is one of the most often studied examples of cognitive conflict processing. Over time, many variants of the classic Stroop task were used, including versions with different stimulus material, control conditions, presentation design, and combinations with additional cognitive demands. The neural and behavioral impact of this experimental variety, however, has never been systematically assessed. We used activation likelihood meta-analysis to summarize neuroimaging findings with Stroop-type tasks and to investigate whether involvement of the multiple-demand network (anterior insula, lateral frontal cortex, intraparietal sulcus, superior/inferior parietal lobules, midcingulate cortex, and pre-supplementary motor area) can be attributed to resolving some higher-order conflict that all of the tasks have in common, or if aspects that vary between task versions lead to specialization within this network...
September 12, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Chen Zhu, Shalini Arunogiri, Qi Li, Elizabeth H X Thomas, Caroline Gurvich
Midlife has been suggested to be a crucial time to introduce interventions for improving cognitive functions. The effects of cognitive training (CT) in healthy middle-aged populations and more specifically during the menopausal transition have not been systematically investigated. To investigate the effects of CT on cognition in healthy middle-aged adults and specifically in females during the menopause transition, literature was searched inception to July 2023 and studies were included that examined the effects of CT on a defined cognitive outcome...
September 5, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Sabrina Beber, Giorgia Bontempi, Gabriele Miceli, Marco Tettamanti
Lesion-symptom studies in persons with aphasia showed that left temporoparietal damage, but surprisingly not prefrontal damage, correlates with impaired ability to process thematic roles in the comprehension of semantically reversible sentences (The child is hugged by the mother). This result has led to challenge the time-honored view that left prefrontal regions are critical for sentence comprehension. However, most studies focused on thematic role assignment and failed to consider morphosyntactic processes that are also critical for sentence processing...
August 31, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Francisco José Lobato-Camacho, Luís Faísca
Object recognition memory allows us to identify previously seen objects. This type of declarative memory is a primary process for learning. Despite its crucial role in everyday life, object recognition has received far less attention in ADHD research compared to verbal recognition memory. In addition to the existence of a small number of published studies, the results have been inconsistent, possibly due to the diversity of tasks used to assess recognition memory. In the present meta-analysis, we have collected studies from Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases up to May 2023...
June 22, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Vahid Nejati, Aida Peyvandi, Nasim Nazari, Mahshid Dehghan
This meta-analytic study aims to investigate the cognitive correlates of risky decision-making in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and typically developing (TD) individuals. A systematic analysis of existing literature was conducted, encompassing 38 studies (496 ADHD and 1493 TD). Findings revealed a consistent propensity for riskier decision-making in individuals with ADHD, supported by significant correlations with attention, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, time perception, and working memory...
June 21, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
David E Vance, Rebecca Billings, Crystal Chapman Lambert, Pariya L Fazeli, Burel R Goodin, Mirjam-Colette Kempf, Leah H Rubin, Bulent Turan, Jenni Wise, Gerhard Hellemann, Junghee Lee
Social cognition-the complex mental ability to perceive social stimuli and negotiate the social environment-has emerged as an important cognitive ability needed for social functioning, everyday functioning, and quality of life. Deficits in social cognition have been well documented in those with severe mental illness including schizophrenia and depression, those along the autism spectrum, and those with other brain disorders where such deficits profoundly impact everyday life. Moreover, subtle deficits in social cognition have been observed in other clinical populations, especially those that may have compromised non-social cognition (i...
June 13, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Ignacio Pezoa-Peña, Teresa Julio-Ramos, Igor Cigarroa, Diana Martella, Daniel Solomons, David Toloza-Ramirez
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been found to be promising in the neurorehabilitation of post-stroke patients. Aphasia and cognitive impairment (CI) are prevalent post-stroke; however, there is still a lack of consensus about the characteristics of interventions based on TMS and its neuropsychological and anatomical-functional benefits. Therefore, studies that contribute to creating TMS protocols for these neurological conditions are necessary. To analyze the evidence of the neuropsychological and anatomical-functional TMS effects in post-stroke patients with CI and aphasia and determine the characteristics of the most used TMS in research practice...
June 13, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Tara A Austin, Michael L Thomas, Min Lu, Cooper B Hodges, Emily S Darowski, Rachel Bergmans, Sarah Parr, Delaney Pickell, Mikayla Catazaro, Crystal Lantrip, Elizabeth W Twamley
To effectively diagnose and treat subjective cognitive symptoms in post-acute sequalae of COVID-19 (PASC), it is important to understand objective cognitive impairment across the range of acute COVID-19 severity. Despite the importance of this area of research, to our knowledge, there are no current meta-analyses of objective cognitive functioning following non-severe initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim of this meta-analysis is to describe objective cognitive impairment in individuals with non-severe (mild or moderate) SARS-CoV-2 cases in the post-acute stage of infection...
June 12, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Akke-Marij D Ariesen, Roosa E Tuomainen, Peter P De Deyn, Oliver Tucha, Janneke Koerts
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) form a heterogeneous, widespread group of disorders, generally characterized by progressive cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric disturbances. One of the abilities that seems particularly vulnerable to the impairments in neurodegenerative diseases is the capability to manage one's personal finances. Indeed, people living with neurodegenerative diseases were shown to consistently present with more problems on performance-based financial tasks than healthy individuals. While objective, performance-based tasks provide insight into the financial competence of people living with neurodegenerative diseases in a controlled, standardized setting; relatively little can be said, based on these tasks, about their degree of success in dealing with the financial demands, issues, or questions of everyday life (i...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Belinda J Poole, Natalie L Phillips, Brittany L Killer, Camilla Gilmore, Suncica Lah
Mathematics incorporates a broad range of skills, which includes basic early numeracy skills, such as subitizing and basic counting to more advanced secondary skills including mathematics calculation and reasoning. The aim of this review was to undertake a detailed investigation of the severity and pattern of early numeracy and secondary mathematics skills in people with epilepsy. Searches were guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Twenty adult studies and 67 child studies were included in this review...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Julieta Sabates, Wei-Hsuan Chiu, Samantha Loi, Amit Lampit, Hanna M Gavelin, Terence Chong, Nathalie Launder, Anita M Y Goh, Amy Brodtmann, Nicola Lautenschlager, Alex Bahar-Fuchs
Most people with dementia experience neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS), including anxiety, depression or disinhibition. There is growing interest in the relationship between NPS and cognitive impairment, but data is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the specific associations between NPS and cognition in people with dementia. MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO were searched for published, peer-reviewed studies of associations between at least one NPS and one cognitive ability in people with dementia. The quality of the studies was assessed with the NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's quality assessment tools...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Giulia Gilardone, Chiara Longo, Costanza Papagno
The role of either short-term memory (STM) or working memory (WM) in sentence comprehension is a matter of debate. Although it is commonly accepted that memory resources are necessary for sentence comprehension, there is no agreement regarding the nature of their role. The aim of this review is to investigate and synthesize assessment tools and correlation data between STM or WM and sentence comprehension in probable Alzheimer's disease (AD). To this aim, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Marije W Derks-Dijkman, Rebecca S Schaefer, Roy P C Kessels
Based on the idea that music acts as a mnemonic aid, musical mnemonics (i.e., sung presentation of information, also referred to as 'music as a structural prompt'), are being used in educational and therapeutic settings. However, evidence in general and patient populations is still scarce. We investigated whether musical mnemonics affect working and episodic memory performance in cognitively unimpaired individuals and persons with Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Furthermore, we examined the possible contribution of musical expertise...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Chunchen Xiang, Yumei Zhang
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June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Chunchen Xiang, Yumei Zhang
Accumulating evidence has shown the effectiveness of cognitive interventions, which can be divided into cognitive training (CT), cognitive stimulation (CS), cognitive rehabilitation (CR), and combined interventions (i.e., cognitive interventions combined with other non-pharmacological interventions such as physical exercise), in individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the effectiveness of cognitive interventions varies greatly among studies and more comprehensive studies are required. We aimed to evaluate whether the current evidence shows that cognitive interventions are effective at improving cognition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression, quality of life, and basic activities of daily living among individuals with possible or probable AD...
June 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Bianca C Bondi, Vanessa K Tassone, Oana Bucsea, Mary Desrocher, Debra J Pepler
The first 6 years of life are when 90% of brain development occurs, setting the foundation for lifelong neurodevelopment. The field of infant and early childhood neurodevelopment has made marginal advancements since introduced in 1988. There remains a gap in knowledge around early neurodevelopmental domains and trajectories given that there are few established assessment procedures for infants and young children and controversies around reserving assessments until school age. Throughout this systematic review, we (1) identified neurodevelopmental assessment measures employed in the literature by domain and age of assessment, (2) compiled a repository of 608 domain-specific neurodevelopmental assessment measures, and (3) established a preliminary conceptual framework for cross-domain neurodevelopmental assessments across infancy and early childhood...
May 1, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Lorna Pembroke, Kerry A Sherman, Heather Francis, Haryana M Dhillon, Howard Gurney, David Gillatt
Hormonal treatments (HT) for prostate cancer (e.g., androgen deprivation therapy) yield clinical and survival benefits, yet adverse cognitive changes may be a side effect. Since psychosocial factors are largely modifiable, interventions targeting these factors may help mitigate these adverse cognitive effects. This systematic review aimed to identify a range of psychosocial factors associated with cognitive function in individuals with prostate cancer undergoing HT and to determine whether these factors mitigate or exacerbate this effect...
April 20, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Rubén López-Nicolás, Miriam Tortajada, José Antonio López-López, Julio Sánchez-Meca
Meta-analyses often present flexibility regarding their inclusion criteria, outcomes of interest, statistical analyses, and assessments of the primary studies. For this reason, it is necessary to transparently report all the information that could impact the results. In this meta-review, we aimed to assess the transparency of meta-analyses that examined the benefits of cognitive training, given the ongoing controversy that exists in this field. Ninety-seven meta-analytic reviews were included, which examined a wide range of populations with different clinical conditions and ages...
April 19, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
S Tol, G A de Haan, E M J L Postuma, J L Jansen, J Heutink
Reading difficulties are amongst the most commonly reported problems in individuals with homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs). To be able to provide guidance for healthcare professionals considering offering reading training, researchers in this field and interested individuals with HVFDs, this systematic review aims to (1) provide an overview of the contextual and intervention characteristics of all published HVFD interventions and (2) generate insights into the different reading outcome measures that these studies adopted...
April 19, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
Wendy Wu, Heather Francis, Abbie Lucien, Tyler-Ann Wheeler, Milena Gandy
It is increasingly recognized that cognitive symptoms are a common sequelae of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and are associated with adverse functional consequences. However, estimates of cognitive impairment (CIm) prevalence vary widely. This study aimed to determine the pooled prevalence of CIm among adults with RRMS and investigate moderators of prevalence rates. Following prospective registration (PROSPERO; CRD42021281815), electronic databases (Embase, Scopus, Medline, and PsycINFO) were searched from inception until March 2023...
April 8, 2024: Neuropsychology Review
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