David W Polly, Jason J Haselhuhn, Paul Brian O Soriano, Kari Odland, Kristen E Jones
The Meyerding classification grades the degree of slippage in the sagittal plane on lateral standing neutral imaging: 0% to 25% Grade I, 25% to 50% Grade II, 50% to 75% Grade III, 75% to 100% Grade IV, and greater than 100% Grade V (Spondyloptosis). Grades I and II are considered low-grade and Grades III-V are considered high-grade. There are several etiologies of spondylolisthesis. A classification system of the most common causes: Type I - Dysplastic, Type II - Isthmic (including subtypes: A - Lytic, B - Elongation, and C - Acute fracture), Type III - Degenerative, Type IV - Traumatic, Type V - Pathologic, and Type VI - Iatrogenic...
October 2023: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America