Journals Neurosurgery Clinics of North ...

Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Robert J Dempsey, Michael M Haglund
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Anthony T Fuller, Michael M Haglund
This article delves into academic global neurosurgeons' role in addressing the inequities in neurosurgical care globally. It outlines a comprehensive training framework incorporating global health education, research, and leadership development into neurosurgery residency programs. The article highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural humility, and sustainable partnerships and advocates for a holistic approach to global neurosurgery. It underscores the necessity of integrating global health principles into neurosurgical training and practice, aiming to cultivate a new generation of neurosurgeons equipped to tackle the complex health challenges of our interconnected world...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Ignatius N Esene, Juliet Sekabunga, Robert J Dempsey
Neurosurgical education and training are the essential tenets for the development of a sustainable workforce. However, opportunities for training are limited in most parts of the world due to socioeconomic constraints and an inadequate workforce. This global deficit has triggered a huge drive to expand training opportunities. Although training programs are increasing numerically, most of these programs focus on basic residency training with no opportunities for fellowships and continuing education. Herein, we use the Foundation of International Education in Neurological Surgery as a global success model to elucidate on the role of fellowships, distant continuing education, and funding in neurosurgery...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Saksham Gupta, Martina Gonzalez Gomez, James M Johnston, Kee B Park
The field of global neurosurgery seeks to improve access to neurosurgery and reduce health disparities worldwide. This process depends on intensive collaboration between partners in high-income and low-to-middle income country (LMIC) settings. Several such collaborations have propelled global neurosurgery forward, and long-standing partnerships in particular have brought subspecialty care and training to new locations. Recently, there have been more reports of collaborations between LMICs themselves. In this narrative study, we summarize the state of collaboration in global neurosurgery and discuss how the field is likely to change moving forward...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Joshua R Harper, Steven J Schiff
Medical technology plays a significant role in the reduction of disability and mortality due to the global burden of disease. The lack of diagnostic technology has been identified as the largest gap in the global health care pathway, and the cost of this technology is a driving factor for its lack of proliferation. Technology developed in high-income countries is often focused on producing high-quality, patient-specific data at a cost high-income markets can pay. While machine learning plays an important role in this process, great care must be taken to ensure appropriate translation to clinical practice...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Joyce Koueik, Lars Meisner, Brandon G Rocque, Richard Moser, Robert J Dempsey
Health care disparities between high-income countries (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are well established. The focus of the surgical aspect of health was identified in the early twenty-first century, and efforts to provide safe surgical intervention require the shift of resources from HICs to LMICs with specialized surgeons, anesthesiologists, and equipment. This intervention may make a difference on the short run; however, to achieve a long-term self-sustaining surgical service in the region of need, education and training of local physicians is key...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Radzi Hamzah, Kate Bunch, Moody Qureshi, Kee B Park, Michael M Haglund, Robert J Dempsey
This article provides a thorough analysis of the evolution and current state of global neurosurgery, emphasizing the transformative power of partnerships between various stakeholders to address the stark inequities in neurosurgical care, especially in LMICs. It discusses the transition from reliance on short-term medical missions to the development of sustainable, locally led neurosurgical programs through education, training, and infrastructure development. The article highlights the importance of long-term educational exchanges, innovative digital learning platforms, and strategic collaborations with foundations, philanthropic organizations, and academic institutions to build local capacities, enhance global neurosurgical competency, and promote self-sufficiency in neurosurgical care across different regions...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Abdullah Keles, Garret P Greeneway, Robert J Dempsey, Mustafa K Baskaya
Microneurosurgical techniques remain crucial for managing neurosurgical diseases, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where other advanced treatment modalities are not available. The global distribution of these techniques is uneven due to disparities in infrastructure, equipment, and training. Medical professionals from LMICs face barriers in reaching training centers in high-income countries, as well as in accessing microsurgical techniques. To address these disparities in microsurgery training, we offer free and accessible microsurgery training model by combining the donations of microsurgery kits with a comprehensive support system that includes live-streamed, offline, and in-person assistance within LMICs...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Julie Woodfield, Jared Reese, Roger Hartl, Jack Rock
Neurosurgeons require post-graduate training to deliver safe, effective, and evidence-based care; to continually improve and adapt their methods through assessing the effect of their care and patient outcomes; and to train the future neurosurgeons of tomorrow to surpass current standards of care. We describe methods used by global collaborations to address these training needs on a worldwide scale, their risks, and their perceived benefits.
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Nathan A Shlobin, Yosef Ellenbogen, Mojgan Hodaie, Gail Rosseau
Education is a sustainable long-term measure to address the global burden of neurosurgical disease. Neurosurgery residencies in high-income countries are accredited by a regional governing body and incorporate various educational activities. Few opportunities for training may be present in low-income and middle-income countries due to a lack of neurosurgery residency programs, tuition, and health care workforce reductions. Core components of a neurosurgical training curriculum include operative room experience, clinical rounds, managing inpatients, and educational conferences...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Anthony T Fuller, Michael M Haglund
This article explores the transformative partnership between Duke Global Neurosurgery and Neurology (DGNN) and Uganda, emphasizing the power of dyads in international collaboration. It details the partnership's focus on service, research, and training, highlighting key accomplishments like the establishment of a neurosurgery residency program, expansion of services, and an epilepsy clinic. Challenges such as resource constraints and cross-cultural collaboration are addressed. Recommendations are provided for developing similar partnerships, underlining the importance of mutual respect, shared goals, and long-term commitment...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Nathan A Shlobin, Kemel A Ghotme, Anastasia Arynchyna-Smith, Martina Gonzalez Gomez, Sarah Woodrow, Jeffrey Blount, Gail Rosseau
The G4 Alliance and its member organizations formed a delegation that participated in the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) in 2023, which unanimously adopted the resolution to address micronutrient deficiencies through safe, effective food fortification to prevent congenital disorders such as spina bifida and anencephaly, the first neurosurgery-led resolution since the founding of the World Health Organization. The WHA included other resolutions and side events by the G4 Alliance and other organizations relevant to neurosurgery...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Faith C Robertson, Kee B Park, Walter D Johnson
There have been tremendous strides over the past decade to institute strong policy as means to facilitate alignment on goals and strategies for global neurosurgical systems strengthening. In this chapter, we highlight key historic policy milestones in the global neurosurgery movement. We discuss the role of international organizations in neurosurgery, and the incorporation of neurosurgery into global health agendas. We then delve into specific examples of policies that have been established (such as comprehensive recommendations for neurotrauma, spina bifida, and hydrocephalus), highlight the role of international organizations in shaping neurosurgical policies, emphasize the importance of advocacy, and explore future directions...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Joseline Haizel-Cobbina, James A Balogun, Kee B Park, Michael M Haglund, Robert J Dempsey, Michael C Dewan
Until recently, surgery had been passed over in the domain of global health, historically being described as "the neglected stepchild of global health." Knowledge of the existing global disparities in neurosurgical care has led to neurosurgery capacity-building efforts especially in low-income and middle-income countries. While many global collaborative projects are currently undertaken with philanthropic support, sustainability and scalability are not likely without governmental adoption of neurosurgery-inclusive national surgical plans...
October 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Shahid M Nimjee
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Adel M Malek, Brandon M Beneduce, Carl B Heilman
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathing the central nervous system is produced by brain and choroid plexus within the ventricles for re-absorption into the venous circulation through arachnoid granulations (AG). Communicating hydrocephalus results from disruption of the absorptive process, necessitating surgical catheter-based shunt placement to relieve excess pressure from CSF buildup. Adjustable valve designs and antibiotic impregnation have minimally impacted persistent failure rates and postoperative complications...
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Kurt Yaeger, J Mocco
Transvenous treatment of paralysis is a concept less than a decade old. The Stentrode (Synchron, Inc, New York, USA) is a novel electrode on stent device intended to be implanted in the superior sagittal sinus adjacent to the motor cortex. Initial animal studies in sheep demonstrated the safety of the implant as well as its accuracy in detecting neural signals at both short and long term. Early human trials have shown the safety of the device and demonstrated the use of the Stentrode system in facilitating patients with paralysis to carry out daily activities such as texting, email, and personal finance...
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Alex Devarajan, Daryl Goldman, Tomoyoshi Shigematsu, Alejandro Berenstein, Johanna T Fifi
Significant efforts have been made over the last few decades to improve the diagnosis and management of patients with vein of Galen malformations (VOGMs). The mainstays of treatment remain focused on primary endovascular management by staged transarterial embolizations with adjunctive use of transvenous embolization, medical therapy, and neurosurgical intervention for symptom control in select patients. Innovation in endovascular technology and techniques as well as promising new genomic research elucidating potential therapeutic targets hold significant promise for the future of VOGM treatment...
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Li Ma, Samer S Hoz, Jonathan A Grossberg, Michael J Lang, Bradley A Gross
Developmental venous anomalies (DVAs) are the most common vascular malformation detected on intracranial cross-sectional imaging. They are generally benign lesions thought to drain normal parenchyma. Spontaneous hemorrhages attributed to DVAs are rare and should be ascribed to associated cerebral cavernous malformations, flow-related shunts, or venous outflow obstruction. Contrast-enhanced MRI, susceptibility-weighted imaging, and high-field MRI are ideal tools for visualizing vessel connectivity and associated lesions...
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
Vincent N Nguyen, Alexandra N Demetriou, Jonathan Dallas, William J Mack
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare type of stroke indicated by the formation of blood clots within the dural venous sinuses. These are large venous conduits that are situated between the 2 layers of the dura mater which are responsible for draining blood from the brain and returning it to the systemic circulation. Cortical venous thrombosis refers to the blockage of veins on the brain's cortical surface. Cerebral venous thrombosis encompasses both dural and cortical vein occlusions.
July 2024: Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
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