Marco Falcone, Mirko Preto, Murat Gül, Ali Şahin, Martina Scavone, Lorenzo Cirigliano, Federica Peretti, Ilaria Ferro, Natalia Plamadeala, Paolo Gontero
The first-line treatment of penile cancer confined to the glans (Tis-T2) is based on organ-sparing approaches. Our aim is to report functional outcomes of total glans resurfacing (TGR), wide local excision (WLE) and glansectomy. A retrospective analysis was conducted from January 2013 to October 2022. Ninety-nine patients were enrolled (22 TGR, 29 WLE, and 48 glansectomy). Sexual and urinary outcomes were explored using ad hoc and validated questionnaires (IIEF-15 and IPSS). The mean follow-up was 25.28 ± 24...
August 26, 2024: International Journal of Impotence Research