Journals Diabetes Spectrum : a Publicat...

Diabetes Spectrum : a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Erin N Gordon, Blair Dykeman, Kimberly F Greco, Enju Liu, Erinn T Rhodes, Katharine C Garvey
Many children with type 1 diabetes do not meet nutritional guidelines. Little is known about how caregivers perceive the necessity of registered dietitian (RD) visits or how satisfied they are with nutrition care. This study aimed to evaluate nutrition experiences and perceptions of care among caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes at an academic medical center. We analyzed 159 survey responses. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed factors associated with the perception of need for annual nutrition visits, satisfaction with RD care, and encouragement from a nurse or doctor to meet with an RD...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
G Todd Alonso, Andrea Houk, Pamela Brunner Nii, Dianne Chorny, Kathleen Patrick, Leah Wyckoff
Since 2005, a group of stakeholders in Colorado has collaborated to improve diabetes management in schools and childcare centers by standardizing care and embedding local expertise to support school personnel in this task. This effort has included the development of toolkits for parents, school nurses, and other health care providers; the establishment of a diabetes resource nurses program; and annually updated guidelines titled Standards of Care for Diabetes Management in the School Setting & Licensed Child Care Facilities ...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
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2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Ryan J McDonough
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2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Rebecca E Luethy, Renee C Lipinski, Jennifer L West
OBJECTIVE: Using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) improves diabetes-related outcomes in the community, yet the fingerstick blood glucose monitoring (BGM) method is the norm in prisons. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and patient perceptions of CGM in the carceral environment, quantify changes in A1C after initiating CGM, and investigate rates of emergency department (ED) visits for diabetes-related complications comparing CGM users to patients using BGM. STUDY DESIGN: This pragmatic longitudinal analysis was conducted in two parts...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Michael Vallis, Susie Jin, Agnieszka Klimek-Abercrombie, Ginnie Ng, Noah M Ivers
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to better understand the challenges related to type 2 diabetes medication-taking through Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF)-guided interviews with people with type 2 diabetes with varying degrees of medication-taking. METHODS: One-on-one qualitative interviews following a semistructured discussion guide informed by the TDF were conducted. Thirty people with type 2 diabetes in Canada were interviewed, with representation from across the country, of both sexes (47% female), of people with various diabetes durations (mean 12...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Amanda L Olinger, Shilpa Sachdeva, Ann M Manzardo, Sharon E Cain
Individuals with diabetes are at increased risk for psychological, behavioral, and social problems. Comorbid mental illness and diabetes present a unique set of challenges for people with diabetes and their health care providers, particularly in an inpatient setting. Psychiatric symptoms before admission may affect type 1 diabetes management, and mental status and behavior can affect individuals' ability to cooperate with treatment while they are inpatients. This article describes a clinical protocol to manage type 1 diabetes and maximize patient safety in an acute inpatient child psychiatric unit...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Jennifer L West, Rebecca A Ballard, John P May
Diabetes care within prison walls offers challenges and opportunities for both health care providers and individuals living with diabetes. To meet the challenges, providers and patients work together to manage diabetes within the limitations imposed by imprisonment. Upon release, patients face new challenges, as they transition from incarceration into the community.
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Lowell R Schmeltz, Nader Kasim
Attending summer camp can be a rewarding experience for children with type 1 diabetes and an opportunity for them to build their confidence and diabetes self-management skills. Diabetes camps are built to cater to the medical needs of children with diabetes. With proper communication, education, and resources, traditional summer camps can provide the same benefits.
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Christopher L Greer, Joshua J Neumiller
People with diabetes receiving inpatient rehabilitation have multiple unique care needs. Although the condition, event, or disability resulting in admission to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) may not have a causal relationship with chronic conditions such as diabetes, the condition precipitating referral to IRF care may increase a person's risk for worsening cardiometabolic disease. Furthermore, diabetes management in the IRF setting may be complicated by stress hyperglycemia from illness and/or drug-induced hyperglycemia from the use of glucocorticoids or other offending medications...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Mason A Pitts, Ryanne H Griggs, Macey R Hall, McKinley S Tankersley, Jeremy L Johnson
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2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Matthew Verdone, Jonathan Bauman, Esben Iversen, Rifka Schulman-Rosenbaum, Anthony Antonacci, Sabatino Leffe, Joseph Simpson, Yael Tobi Harris, Joseph Marino
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2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Andrew S Dhanoo, Sterling K Ramroach, Felicia Hill-Briggs, Brian N Cockburn
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to develop ANcam, a novel method for identifying acanthosis nigricans (AN) using a smartphone camera and computer-aided color analysis for noninvasive screening of people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Adult and juvenile participants with or without diagnosed type 2 diabetes were recruited in Trinidad and Tobago. After obtaining informed consent, participants' history, demographics, anthropometrics, and A1C were collected and recorded...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Ashley N Shtoyko, Meaghan B Murphy, Jenna L Harris, Caitlin Toomey, Elizabeth M Phillips
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2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Erin C Cobry, Tim Vigers, Cari Berget, Laurel H Messer, R Paul Wadwa, Laura Pyle, Gregory P Forlenza
BACKGROUND: Meeting glycemic recommendations is challenging for youth with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes technology, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and hybrid closed-loop (HCL) automated insulin delivery systems, significantly increase achievement of glycemic targets; however, many youth struggle to sustain use of early HCL systems. Nocturnal alarm fatigue contributes to disrupted sleep and device discontinuation. METHODS: We examined the frequency and causes of nocturnal (10:00 p...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Michael B Goldstein, Shahidul Islam, Sophie Nicolich-Henkin, Lauren Bellavia, Stanislaw Klek
OBJECTIVE: The ideal inpatient insulin regimen efficiently attains the target blood glucose range, effectively treats hyperglycemia, and minimizes the risk of hypoglycemia. The objective of this study was to compare glycemic targets achieved by using correctional monotherapy (CM) and basal-bolus therapy (BBT) in insulin-naive patients in the inpatient setting to determine optimal blood glucose management for these patients. DESIGN: This was a retrospective observational cohort study of 792 patients with diabetes not on home insulin therapy who were admitted to an academic hospital over a 5...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Janet Brown-Friday
This article is adapted from a speech Ms. Brown-Friday delivered in June 2023 as President, Health Care & Education, of the American Diabetes Association. She delivered her address at the Association's 83rd Scientific Sessions in San Diego, CA. A webcast of this speech is available for viewing on the DiabetesPro website (
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Jeannine C Leverenz, Brianna Leverenz, Priya Prahalad, Franziska K Bishop, Piper Sagan, Anjoli Martinez-Singh, Barry Conrad, Annette Chmielewski, Julianne Senaldi, David Scheinker, David M Maahs
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Deasiah Hogue, Jennifer Clements, Adrienne Wright
BACKGROUND: Insulin is the treatment of choice for diabetes care in the hospital. There is some debate regarding the efficacy and safety of once-daily versus twice-daily insulin glargine in the hospital, particularly in the critically ill population. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of insulin glargine administered as a once-daily versus twice-daily regimen in the noncritically ill population. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
Judith Nir, Alon Liberman, Michal Yackobovitch-Gavan, Drora Fraser, Moshe Phillip, Tal Oron
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the extent of nondisclosure of type 1 diabetes in adolescents and investigate its association with several psychosocial parameters and clinical outcomes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study based on data collected from 69 adolescents with type 1 diabetes who were 12-18 years of age and followed at our diabetes clinic. The degree of disclosure, demographics, diabetes management, and psychosocial issues were assessed via questionnaires...
2024: Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association
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