Seher Unver, Semra Eyi, Zeynep Kizilcik Ozkan
UNLABELLED: Pain during negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has been reported in the literature. PURPOSE: The study was conducted to describe patients' pain experience, pain-coping skills, and the effect of NPWT-related pain on daily life activities following abdominal surgery. METHOD: Using a descriptive, qualitative design, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted between April 3, 2016 and December 26, 2016, in the surgical ward of a university hospital in Edirne, Turkey...
December 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Michelle Barakat-Johnson, Michelle Lai, Timothy Wand, Fiona Coyer, Kathryn White
Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) is a common, painful, difficult-to-treat skin condition. PURPOSE: A 2-part, quasi-experimental, post-test study was conducted to evaluate the impact of prevention initiatives on IAD prevalence and incontinence practices. METHOD: In part 1, from May 2017 to November 2017, a quasi-experimental post-test study design was conducted in a health district in Australia. Following an audit of IAD prevalence and identification of evidence practice gaps in 4 hospitals in a local health district (12 wards, 250 patients), an implementation science approach was used to implement evidence-based initiatives...
December 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Sala Abdalla, Rosaria Scarpinata
The optimal timing of loop ileostomy reversal remains largely unknown, but evidence that delayed ileostomy closure may increase postoperative complication rates is increasing. PURPOSE: Retrospective research was conducted to compare outcomes between patients who had early (<6 months) or late (>6 months) loop ileostomy closure. METHODS: Records of patients >18 years of age who underwent circumstomal reversal of a loop ileostomy over a period of 5 years in 1 hospital's colorectal unit were abstracted and analyzed...
December 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Ann N Tescher, Susan L Thompson, Heather E McCormack, Brenda A Bearden, Mark W Christopherson, Catherine L Mielke, Beth A Sievers
Preventing, identifying, and treating deep tissue injury (DTI) remains a challenge. PURPOSE: The purpose of the current research was to describe the characteristics of DTIs and patient/care variables that may affect their development and outcomes at the time of hospital discharge. METHODS: A retrospective, descriptive, single-site cohort study of electronic medical records was conducted between October 1, 2010, and September 30, 2012, to identify common demographic, intrinsic (eg, mobility status, medical comorbidities, and incontinence), extrinsic (ie, surgical and procedural events, medical devices, head-of-bed elevation), and care and treatment factors related to outcomes of hospital-acquired DTIs; additional data points related to DTI development or descriptive of the sample (Braden Scale scores and subscale scores, hospital length of stay [LOS], intensive care unit [ICU] LOS, days from admission to DTI, time in the operating room, serum albumin levels, support surfaces/specialty beds, and DTI locations) also were retrieved...
November 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Vita Boyar
Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (PIs) present a significant challenge to pediatric providers. PURPOSE: The purpose of this quality improvement program was to develop and implement a debrief protocol and to evaluate compliance with and the implementation of a comprehensive prevention bundle to decrease the overall incidence and severity of pediatric pressure ulcers (PUs)/PIs in a free-standing children's hospital. METHODS: As a member of the Children's Hospitals Solution for Patients Safety national network, a PU Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) team was created in 2013, followed by the development and implementation of a PU occurrence debrief tool and discussion guide and implementation of multiple staff educational strategies and a comprehensive prevention bundle...
November 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Latika Rohilla, Meenakshi Agnihotri, Sukhpal Kaur Trehan, Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Sandhya Ghai
The effectiveness of music therapy for relieving pain and anxiety during burn dressing changes has not been reported from India. PURPOSE: This study was conducted to assess the effect of music therapy on pain, anxiety, opioid use, and hemodynamic variables during burn dressing change. METHODS: Patients in a tertiary care burn unit who were >10 years old, conscious, able to respond, and oriented to time, place, and person participated in a 2-month, quasi-experimental, cross-over pilot study...
October 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Maarit Ahtiala, Esa Soppi, Teijo Saari
Pressure ulcer (PU) risk assessment practices in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients remain varied. PURPOSE: The authors assessed the performance of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scale and its subcategories in predicting the development of PUs. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted of all adult patients admitted to the mixed medical-surgical ICU of a Finnish tertiary referral hospital between January 2010 and December 2012. Data (diagnoses, demographics, clinical information, treatments, and instrument scores) were retrieved from the ICU database...
October 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Deniz Harputlu, Süheyla A Özsoy
Home care services are effective in many patient groups. PURPOSE: The authors examined the effect of specialized ostomy care in the home on peristomal skin complications and patient quality of life (QOL). METHOD: A prospective, experimental study was conducted among 35 people >18 years old with a colostomy or ileostomy and peristomal skin complications who were listed in 2 ostomy supplier databases. Participants were alternatively allocated to 6 home care visits (intervention [IG], n = 18) or 2 outpatient/clinic care [CG] visits (control, n = 17)...
October 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Lucia Michailidis, Shan M Bergin, Terry P Haines, Cylie M Williams
Management of diabetes-related foot ulcers often involves debridement of devitalized tissue, but evidence regarding the most effective debridement method is limited. PURPOSE: A systematic review was conducted to determine the effectiveness of nonsurgical sharp debridement (NSSD) versus low-frequency ultrasonic debridement (LFUD) for diabetes-related foot ulceration in adults. METHOD: Published studies (earliest date available to April 2017) comparing healing outcomes of LFUD- and NSSD-treated foot ulcers in adults were considered...
September 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Fang Shao, Wen-Jie Ren, Wei-Zheng Meng, Gui-Zhi Wang, Tian-Yun Wang
PURPOSE: Because infection can thwart burn healing, microorganisms, their susceptibility patterns, and the effect of tangential excision timing on outcomes of burn patients were examined. METHODS: A prospective, observational study was conducted that involved 318 patients with deep second-degree burns from a gas explosion treated in Xinxiang, Henan, China between January 2009 and December 2016. Patient demographic data, culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test results, and outcome variables (resuscitation fluid volume, signs of shock, body temperature, heart rate, and time to wound healing) were analyzed...
September 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Amit Gefen, Steven Gershon
Pressure ulcers (PUs) are detected by visual skin assessment (VSA). Evidence suggests ultrasound (US) and subepidermal moisture (SEM) scanner technology can measure tissue damage before it is visible. PURPOSE: A pilot study was conducted to evaluate consistency between SEM and US examinations of suspected deep tissue injury (sDTI). METHOD: Using an observational, prospective cohort study design, patients >55 years of age were recruited. VSA, SEM, and US assessments were performed daily for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 10 consecutive days following enrollment...
September 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Katherine Zimnicki, Barbara Pieper
Care of the patient with an ostomy is included in the curriculum of prelicensure nursing programs, but no studies examining student nurses' knowledge about stoma care have been published. The purpose of this project was to examine the ostomy knowledge, experiences, and confidence of nursing students in order to assess and improve the curriculum. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, students enrolled in 3 separate nursing courses in an undergraduate program were asked to participate in a project to examine students' ostomy knowledge, their experiences, and their confidence in providing care...
August 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Mina Mirnezami, Hoda Rahimi, Hamidreza Ebrahimi Fakhar, Kourosh Rezaei
Many recent studies have focused on the potential role of topical agents in the wound healing process. To compare the time to healing of full-thickness wounds treated with topical estrogen, phenytoin, or silver sulfadiazine (SSD), an in vivo study was conducted using 32 male Wistar rats. Animals were housed individually in standard cages in similar environmental conditions, and a single, circular (4 mm in diameter), full-thickness skin wound was created on the dorsum of each rat. Animals were randomly divided into 4 groups of 8 rats each and treated with topical phenytoin, SSD, estrogen cream, or no treatment/control...
August 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Rosemary Hill, Monique Y Rennie, Joshua Douglas
The urgent need to eliminate unnecessary use of antibiotics in wound patients has been hampered by diagnostic uncertainty and the time required to obtain culture results. The authors evaluated bedside use of a handheld bacterial fluorescence imaging device for real-time visualization of bacteria within and around wounds, used in addition to monitoring of clinical signs and symptoms of infection, in a series of 7 patients (5 women, 2 men; age range 57-93 years) with varying comorbidities who were referred to the wound ostomy continence clinician for wound assessment...
August 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Po-Kuei Wu, Yu-Chung Shih, Chao-Ming Chen, Geng Chen, Wei-Ming Chen, Li-Ying Huang, Yu-Cheng Hung, Te-Han Wang, Wen-Chan Yu, Chin-Kang Chang, Bao-Chi Chang, Pei-Hsin Lin, Shyh-Jen Wang
Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology can generate objects in almost any shape and geometry. This technique also has clinical applications, such as the fabrication of specific devices based on a patient's anatomy. A demonstration study is presented of a 54-year-old man who needed a thermoplastic splint to limit arm movement while a dehisced left shoulder wound healed. The patient's upper extremity was scanned using the appropriate noncontact scanner and 3D technology software, and the polylactic acid splint was printed over the course of 66 hours...
July 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Dafna Schwartz, Ayelet Levy, Amit Gefen
The sacral area is the most common site for pressure injuries (PIs) associated with prolonged supine bedrest. In previous studies, an anisotropic multilayer prophylactic dressing was found to reduce the incidence of PIs and redistribute pressure. The purpose of the current study was to further investigate relationships between design features and biomechanical efficacy of sacral prophylactic dressings. Using computer modeling, the anisotropic multilayer dressing and a hypothetical dressing with different mechanical properties were tested under dry and 3 levels of moist/wet conditions...
July 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Hongtao Xian, Yu Zhang, Yang Yang, Xiaoxue Zhang, Xinran Wang
Physiological, psychological, and social problems may affect adaptation to living with a stoma. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted between March 2017 and June 2017 among patients culled from a manufacturer's database to identify factors that influence psychosocial adjustment in Chinese patients with an enterostoma. Patients with a history of ostomy surgery ≥1 month prior and who were ≥18 years of age, completed a primary school education, and able to communicate in Chinese were eligible to participate unless they had a history of psychosis, cognitive impairment, or participation in other research programs...
July 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Samuel D James, Alexander T Hawkins, Amosy E M'Koma
Adenocarcinoma that occurs at the ileostomy site after proctocolectomy (TPC) with an end ileostomy for ulcerative colitis (UC) and/or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a late and uncommon complication. To ascertain the rate of adenocarcinoma at the empirical ileostomy site following TPC, a review of the literature was conducted. PubMed, MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, Google search engine, and the Cochrane Database were investigated for research published between January 1975 and December 2016...
June 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Deborah Tolulope Esan, Ayodeji Akinwande Fasoro, Elizabeth Funmilayo Ojo, Brenda Obialor
Globally, higher-than-expected pressure ulcer rates generally are considered a quality-of-care indicator. Nigeria currently has no national guidelines for pressure ulcer risk assessment, prevention, and treatment. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the pressure ulcer knowledge and the attitude of nurses regarding pressure ulcer prevention in a tertiary health institution in Nigeria. During a period of 2 months, nurses were recruited to complete a 25-item paper/pencil survey that included participant demographic information (6 items), pressure ulcer knowledge questions (11 items), and statements on participants' attitude toward pressure ulcer prevention (8 items)...
June 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
Jeanette Fingren, Elisabet Lindholm, Charlotta Petersén, Anne-Marie Hallén, Eva Carlsson
Having ostomy surgery changes a person's life. To assess adjustment to life with an ostomy and quality of life (QOL) 1 year after ostomy surgery, a prospective, explorative study was conducted among patients of a stoma clinic at a university hospital in Sweden. All consecutive patients who had undergone nonemergent or emergency surgery involving formation of an ostomy and who received regular follow-up at the ward and at the outpatient clinic during the first year by an enterostomal therapist (ET) were prospectively included in the study; their demographic information (including age, gender, diagnosis/reason for an ostomy, nonemergent or emergency surgery, ostomy type, preoperative counselling/siting [Yes/No], self-sufficiency in stoma care, professional activity, and whether they lived with a spouse/partner) was recorded upon admission to the study...
June 2018: Ostomy/wound Management
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