Peter Phalen, Nev Jones, Beshaun Davis, Deepak Sarpal, Faith Dickerson, Crystal Vatza, Megan Jumper, Adam Kuczynski, Elizabeth Thompson, Samantha Jay, Robert Buchanan, K N R Chengappa, Richard Goldberg, Julie Kreyenbuhl, Russell Margolis, Fanghong Dong, Jessie Riggs, Alex Moxam, Elizabeth Burris, Philip Campbell, Akinyi Cooke, Arielle Ered, Mandy Fauble, Carolyn Howell, Christian Kelly, Denise Namowicz, Krissa Rouse, William Smith, Max Wolcott, Yasmine Boumaiz, Alexander Harvin, R Scheinberg, Arunadevi Saravana, Swati Nayar, Christian Kohler, Monica E Calkins, Melanie Bennett
BACKGROUND: People experiencing their first episode of psychosis have high risk of suicide, and programs specializing in early psychosis have not always achieved reduced risk. The present study analyzes patterns of suicide ideation, self-harm, and suicide attempts within the Connection Learning Healthcare System of 23 early psychosis programs in Pennsylvania and Maryland that follow the Coordinated Specialty Care treatment model. METHOD: People with first episode psychosis (n = 1101) were assessed at admission and every six months using a standardized battery that included self-reported past-month ideation and clinician-reported past-six-month ideation, self-harm, and suicide attempts...
September 18, 2024: Schizophrenia Research