Yuki Cui, Ryan G Hackett, Jhalen Ascue, Vinona Muralidaran, Digvijay Patil, Jiman Kang, Stuart S Kaufman, Khalid Khan, Alexander Kroemer
Intestinal transplantation is a life-saving procedure utilized for patients failing total parenteral nutrition. However, intestinal transplantattion remains plagued with low survival rates and high risk of allograft rejection. The authors explore roles of innate (macrophages, natural killer cells, innate lymphoid cells) and adaptive immune cells (Th1, Th2, Th17, Tregs) in inflammatory responses, particularly inflammatory bowel disease and graft versus host disease, and correlate these findings to intestinal allograft rejection, highlighting which effectors exacerbate or suppress intestinal rejection...
September 2024: Gastroenterology Clinics of North America