Journals Journal of Head Trauma Rehabil...

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Daniel M Logan, Devan Parrott, Irwin M Altman, Vicki Eicher, Claire McGrath, David B Salisbury, G Joseph Walters, James F Malec
OBJECTIVES: (1) To determine the proportion of participants admitted to supported community living (SCL) programs over the course of 5 years who improve, decline, or maintain functioning and community integration and (2) to examine the associations of time since injury, time in program, and age to their functional trajectory. SETTING: Data from SCL programs serving individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). PARTICIPANTS: 104 individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, or other ABI...
September 13, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Jennifer S Albrecht, Jennifer Kirk, Kathleen A Ryan, Jason R Falvey
OBJECTIVE: Understanding the extent to which neighborhood impacts recovery following traumatic brain injury (TBI) among older adults could spur targeting of rehabilitation and other services to those living in more disadvantaged areas. The objective of the present study was to determine the extent to which neighborhood disadvantage influences recovery following TBI among older adults. UNLABELLED: Setting and Participants: Community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries aged ≥65 years hospitalized with TBI 2010-2018...
September 13, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Amy M Kemp, Kim Love, Katy H O'Brien
OBJECTIVE: Changes in health behavior are key to maintaining health, safety, and independence of older adults. The purpose of this study was to explore factors impacting training in self-management and behavior change in older adults with and without traumatic brain injury (TBI), informing efforts to improve safety and independent function. METHODS: Forty-one older adults, 19 with TBI, completed a self-regulation intervention (mental contrasting with implementation intentions; MCII) to promote fall prevention behavior change...
September 11, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Loretta Tsu, Maureen Varty, Desiree Reinken, Heather Coats
OBJECTIVE: A qualitative meta-synthesis was conducted to answer the following question-What barriers are experienced by survivors of intimate partner violence and service providers when seeking or providing resources or care after experiencing brain injury (BI)? SETTING: This approach was completed through 2 main phases-a systematic search and literature appraisal and reciprocal translation with interpretive triangulation of the extracted data. The databases searched were PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycInfo...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
David Ripley, Kelly Krese, Joshua M Rosenow, Vijaya Patil, Stephan Schuele, Marilyn S Pacheco, Eliot Roth, Sandra Kletzel, Sherri Livengood, Alexandra Aaronson, Amy Herrold, Brett Blabas, Runa Bhaumik, Ann Guernon, Catherine Burress Kestner, Elyse Walsh, Dulal Bhaumik, Theresa L Bender Pape
OBJECTIVE: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is emerging as a promising treatment for persons with disorder of consciousness (DoC) following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Clinically, however, there are concerns about rTMS exacerbating baseline seizure risk. To advance understanding of risks, this article reports evidence of DoC-TBI rTMS-related seizure risk. SETTING: Acute and sub-acute hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: Persons in states of DoC 6...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Vicki Eicher, David B Salisbury, Thomas F Murphy, Jean A Shelton, Irwin M Altman, James F Malec
OBJECTIVE: To describe the history, organization, goals, and data management procedures of the Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation (FABR). SETTING: Postacute brain injury rehabilitation following acute inpatient care. KEY POINTS: FABR was incorporated in 2019 with a primary mission to advance brain rehabilitation through scientific and strategic analysis of industry-wide data. Contributing FABR member organizations include Bancroft NeuroRehab, Collage Rehabilitation Partners, On With Life, Pate NeuroRehabilitation, and Shepherd Center...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Kathryn S G Collazos, Gemayaret Alvarez, Arsham Alamian, Victoria Behar-Zusman, Charles A Downs
BACKGROUND: Neuroinflammation is an important feature of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that remains poorly understood in the 3- to 12-month period post-TBI. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our pilot study was to examine the relationships between biomarkers of neuroinflammation and functional outcomes in TBI patients 3 to 12 months postinjury. METHODS: TBI patients (n = 36) 3 to 12 months post-TBI were recruited from a South Florida TBI clinic from May 2022 to June 2023...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Maria Kajankova, Theodore Tsaousides, Emily Dudek, Teresa Ashman
OBJECTIVE: To identify barriers and facilitators to implementation of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention (Short-Term Executive Plus [STEP]) into routine clinical practice using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) by comparing high (HI) and low implementation (LI) sites. SETTING: Qualitative interviews conducted with professionals who work with people who have sustained brain injuries at various rehabilitations sites across the United States...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Dawn Neumann, Flora M Hammond, Angelle M Sander, Jennifer Bogner, Tamara Bushnik, Jacob A Finn, Joyce S Chung, Daniel W Klyce, Mitch Sevigny, Jessica M Ketchum
OBJECTIVES: Alexithymia an emotional processing deficit that interferes with a person's ability to recognize, express, and differentiate emotional states. Study objectives were to (1) determine rates of elevated alexithymia among people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) 1-year post-injury, (2) identify demographic and injury-related variables associated with high versus low-average levels of alexithymia, and (3) examine associations among alexithymia with other aspects of emotional functioning and life satisfaction...
August 12, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Aimee E Miley, Jamie Patronick, Nanhua Zhang, Rachel L Bode, Anthony Fabio, Amery Treble-Barna, Ranjit S Chima, Anna-Lynne R Adlam, Michael J Bell, Stephen R Wisniewski, Sue R Beers, Shari L Wade, Brad G Kurowski
OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of home and neighborhood environment with neurobehavioral outcomes after severe pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: Domestic and international children's medical centers. PARTICIPANTS: Participants enrolled in the study were 18 years or younger at the time of their severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] ≤ 8), admitted to the intensive care unit, and underwent placement of an intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor...
August 12, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Sara M Lippa, Kelly C Gillow, Lars D Hungerford, Jason M Bailie, Louis M French, Tracey A Brickell, Rael T Lange
OBJECTIVE: The recently updated American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine diagnostic criteria for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) removed retrograde amnesia (RA) as a main criterion for mTBI, recommending it be included as a substitute criterion only when posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) cannot be reliably assessed. This study aimed to investigate the evidence base for this recommendation. SETTING: Military treatment facility. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 752 US military service members/veterans (mean age = 36...
August 12, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Lulu Lian, Rachael Coupland, Thaisa Tylinski Sant'Ana, Angela Colantonio, Tatyana Mollayeva
OBJECTIVE: To investigate community integration (CI) challenges following traumatic brain injury (TBI) through a gender lens. SETTING: Rehabilitation research-teaching hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Adult participants (22 men and 20 women) with a primary diagnosis of mild or moderate-severe TBI, in the acute or chronic stages after injury, were recruited using purposive sampling. DESIGN: Qualitative study. Data were collected through semistructured interviews, and thematic analysis was used to identify themes of CI challenges...
August 8, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Raj G Kumar, Andrew Delgado, John D Corrigan, C B Eagye, Gale G Whiteneck, Shannon B Juengst, Librada Callender, Jennifer A Bogner, Shanti M Pinto, Amanda R Rabinowitz, Paul B Perrin, Umesh M Venkatesan, Amanda L Botticello, Anthony H Lequerica, Shameeke Taylor, Ross D Zafonte, Kristen Dams-O'Connor
OBJECTIVE: To create a census-based composite neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation index (NSDI) from geocoded residential addresses and to quantify how NSDI aligns with individual-level socioeconomic factors among people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: Community. PARTICIPANTS: People enrolled in the TBI Model Systems National Database (TBIMS NDB). DESIGN: Secondary analysis of a longitudinal cohort study...
August 7, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Jaclyn B Caccese, Carly R Smith, Nathan A Edwards, Angela M Emerson, Enora Le Flao, Jeffrey J Wing, Joshua Hagen, Scott Paur, Joshua Walters, James A Onate
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of head injuries (HIs), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depressive symptoms in law enforcement officers (LEOs) and (2) the association between HIs and psychological health conditions. SETTING: County-level survey administered via Research Electronic Data Capture. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 381 LEOs completed the survey (age = 43 ± 11 years; 40 [11%] females; time as LEO = 1-50 years, median = 15 years)...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Devan Parrott, David B Salisbury, Irwin M Altman, Daniel M Logan, Claire McGrath, G Joseph Walters, James F Malec
OBJECTIVE: To further evaluate, using quasi-experimental methodologies, posthospital brain injury rehabilitation outcomes described in an accompanying report of a large observational study (n = 2120). SETTING: Data from Intensive Rehabilitation (IR: Residential Neurobehavioral, Residential Neurorehabilitation, Home and Community Neurorehabilitation, Day Treatment, Outpatient Neurorehabilitation) and Supported Living (SL) programs serving individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI)...
August 5, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Thomas A Novack, Yue Zhang, Richard Kennedy, Jennifer Marwitz, Lisa J Rapport, Elaine Mahoney, Thomas Bergquist, Charles Bombardier, Candy Tefertiller, William Walker, Thomas K Watanabe, Robert Brunner
OBJECTIVE: To examine longitudinal patterns of return to driving (RTD), driving habits, and crash rates associated with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: Eight TBI Model System sites. PARTICIPANTS: Adults (N = 334) with TBI that required inpatient acute rehabilitation with follow-up of 197 and 218 at 1 and 2 years post-injury, respectively. Data collection at 2 years occurred almost exclusively during the pandemic, which may have affected results...
July 31, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Ekaterina Dobryakova, Tien T Tong, Olesya Iosipchuk, Anthony Lequerica, Veronica Schneider, Nancy Chiaravalloti, Joshua Sandry
OBJECTIVE: Feedback facilitates learning by guiding and modifying behaviors through an action-outcome contingency. As the majority of existing studies have focused on the immediate presentation of feedback, the impact of delayed feedback on learning is understudied. Prior work demonstrated that learning from immediate and delayed feedback employed distinct brain regions in healthy individuals, and compared to healthy individuals, individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are impaired in learning from immediate feedback...
July 24, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Jill Daugherty, Alexis Peterson, Lindsey Black, Dana Waltzman
OBJECTIVE: Surveillance of traumatic brain injury (TBI), including concussion, in the United States has historically relied on healthcare administrative datasets, but these methods likely underestimate the true burden of TBI. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently added TBI prevalence questions to several national surveys. The objective of this article is to summarize their recent efforts and report TBI prevalence estimates. SETTING: Surveys...
July 22, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Jolie N Haun, Christine Melillo, Tali Schneider, Justin McDaniel, Julie McMahon-Grenz, Rachel C Benzinger, Risa Nakase-Richardson, Mary Jo V Pugh, Karen M Skop, Yvonne Friedman, Roberto Sandoval, Jerome Sabangan, Kimberly Samson, Linda M Picon, Jacob Kean
BACKGROUND: A partnered evaluation project with Veterans Health Administration Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation program office uses a partner-engaged approach to characterize and evaluate the national implementation of traumatic brain injury (TBI)Intensive Evaluation and Treatment Program (IETP). OBJECTIVE: This paper illustrates a partner-engaged approach to contextualizing the IETP within an implementation research logic model (IRLM) to inform program sustainment and spread...
July 9, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Stacey Zalanowski, Erin Riley, Abigail Spaulding, Elizabeth Hansen, Debra Clooney, Caitriona Modoono, Emily Evans
OBJECTIVE: To describe a quality improvement project aimed at increasing collection of a "Core Set" of functional outcome measures in an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF), characterize implementation strategies used across 4 study phases, and evaluate program adoption and maintenance. SETTING: A 30-bed brain injury unit of a 132-bed IRF. PARTICIPANTS: Participants included physical therapists (5 full-time, 2 part-time, and 30 hourly as needed) and 764 individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) who received care during the project period...
July 9, 2024: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
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