Takahiro Uchida, Toshio Soma, Motoki Kanda, Fumitsugu Kawakami, Seiko Kawahara, Noriko Ikeda, Isao Matsushita
BACKGROUND: In walking in healthy adults, rotation of the hip joint affects stride length and shifts the center of gravity, but these are not seen in hip osteoarthritis which affects gait. In gait of total hip arthroplasty, there are few reports on changes in the horizontal plane. This study clarified the preoperative and early postoperative gait characteristics of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. METHODS: The analysis included 12 females who underwent initial total hip arthroplasty using a posterolateral approach...
August 22, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Anastasia Topalidou, Lauren Haworth, Inderjeet Kaur, Maimoona Ahmed, Ambreen Chohan
BACKGROUND: Childbirth, a multifaceted physiological event, undergoes dynamic changes influenced significantly by the chosen birthing position, impacting comfort and maternal and neonatal outcomes among other factors. This study aimed to investigate the bed-body interface pressure across five commonly adopted birthing positions, particularly focusing on their influence on pelvic expansion biomechanics during labour. METHODS: Twenty healthy participants, aged between 18 and 49 years, were evaluated...
August 19, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Naokazu Miyamoto, Eri Miyamoto-Mikami, Mayuko Kinoshita, Takuto Akazawa, Noriko Kimura, Hirofumi Nishio, Yohei Kobayashi, Masashi Nagao, Yuji Takazawa
BACKGROUND: The semitendinosus tendon is one of the most used autografts in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Although recent evidence indicates that young patients, especially in females, may experience high rates of revision and residual instability, the reasons for the inferior outcomes in these patients remain unclear. To address this issue, we aimed to compare the mechanical properties of the semitendinosus tendon used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in male and female patients of various ages...
August 17, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Asmaa Mahmoud, Marco Romanato, Giulia Squartini, Antonio Ruggiero, Francesco Spigarelli, Antonello Morgantini, Antonio De Tanti, Chiara Spagnuolo, Zimi Sawacha
BACKGROUND: Covid-19 has dramatically increased the number of admissions in intensive care units due to respiratory complications. In some cases, the arousal of neurological impairments, such as peripheral neuropathies, have been revealed. The purpose of this research was to characterize the gait pattern and muscle activity changes in Covid-19 survivors compared to physiological gait. METHODS: Twelve post-Covid-19 participants admitted to intensive care units and twelve non-disabled controls were considered...
August 6, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Wataru Kawakami, Yoshitaka Iwamoto, Mitsuhiro Ota, Yosuke Ishii, Makoto Takahashi
BACKGROUND: A flatfoot has been believed to be closely associated with the development of hallux valgus; however, the association is still controversial. Abnormal foot kinematics has been identified as a possible risk factor for the development of hallux valgus, but it remains unclear whether foot posture contributes to abnormal foot kinematics. This is the first study to investigate the differences in foot kinematics during gait between individuals with and without hallux valgus, while controlling for foot posture...
August 2, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Shinichi Ueki, Takeshi Shoji, Hiroki Kaneta, Hideki Shozen, Nobuo Adachi
BACKGROUND: Iliopsoas impingement after total hip arthroplasty can result not only from acetabular cup but also from cup fixation screw. However, research addressing this screw impingement is scarce, leaving the details undetermined. This study aimed to elucidate the incidence and threshold of symptomatic iliopsoas impingement attributable to protrusion of the cup fixation screw into the iliopsoas muscle and to evaluate its impact on postoperative radiographic imaging findings and patient-reported outcome measures...
July 26, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Ria P Rao, Lauren K Sara, Zoe E Perkins, Maureen K Dwyer, Cara L Lewis
BACKGROUND: Females with acetabular dysplasia and/or labral tears (hip pain) exhibit altered walking kinematics, with studies reporting mixed results in sagittal and frontal planes compared to pain-free controls, often conducting only discrete analyses and warranting further investigation. The objective of this study was to investigate discrete and continuous hip and pelvic kinematics between females with and without hip pain in two walking conditions. METHODS: We collected kinematic walking data from 69 females (35 with hip pain, 34 controls) using motion capture and an instrumented treadmill in two conditions: preferred and fast (125% preferred)...
July 22, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Rebecca Ban, Jiyun Ahn, Caroline Simpkins, Joash Lazarus, Feng Yang
BACKGROUND: Falls are a serious health threat for people with Parkinson's disease. Dynamic gait stability has been associated with fall risk. Developing effective fall prevention interventions requires a sound understanding of how Parkinson's disease affects dynamic gait stability. This study compared dynamic gait stability within the Feasible Stability Region framework between people with and without Parkinson's disease during level walking at a self-selected speed. METHODS: Twenty adults with Parkinson's disease and twenty age- and gender-matched healthy individuals were recruited...
July 20, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Nicholas L Hunt, Matthew V Robinett, Tyler N Brown
BACKGROUND: Strength and neuromuscular decrements following knee musculoskeletal injury may accelerate knee osteoarthritis development. This study assessed isometric knee extensor and flexor strength and steadiness between individuals with knee injury, i.e., ligament reconstruction, and knee osteoarthritis to healthy age-matched controls. METHODS: Four cohorts (1: knee injury and 2: age-matched controls, and 3: radiographic knee osteoarthritis and 4: age-matched controls) were recruited...
October 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Nicholas Ryan, Paul Bruno
BACKGROUND: The prone hip extension test is used as a clinical tool to diagnose specific motor control impairments that have been identified in individuals with chronic low back pain. However, conventional protocols for performing the test are subjective and lack evidence for their effectiveness. The objective of the current study was to quantify lumbopelvic motion and muscle activation during this test and identify which motor control patterns best distinguish individuals with low back pain from asymptomatic controls...
August 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Rie Tanabe, Hiroyuki Seki, Kenichiro Takeshima, Yasunori Suda
BACKGROUND: Patients with hallux valgus are known to alter lower limb joint kinematics during gait. However, little information is available about gait changes following hallux valgus surgery. We aimed to longitudinally investigate lower limb kinematic changes at the mid and terminal stances of gait after hallux valgus surgery. METHODS: This prospective observational study included 11 female patients (17 feet), who underwent first metatarsal osteotomy. Gait analyses were performed preoperatively and 1- and 2-year postoperatively using a three-dimensional motion capture system...
August 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Sean Renfree, Hamed Malakoutikhah, Mark Borgstrom, Leonard Daniel Latt
BACKGROUND: The ligaments implicated in the earliest stages of developing a progressive collapsing foot deformity are poorly understood. Commonly employed cadaveric flatfoot models are created from simultaneous transection of multiple ligaments, making it difficult to assess early changes in pressure distribution from ligaments critical for maintaining load distribution. A serial transection of ligaments may provide insight into changes in pressure distribution under the foot to identify a potential combination of ligaments that may be involved in early deformities...
July 6, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Shuyang Han, Zackary Byrd, Sabir K Ismaily, Luis E Delgadillo, Adam M Freedhand, David Rodriguze-Quintana, Philip C Noble
BACKGROUND: In total hip arthroplasty via the direct anterior approach, appropriate exposure is critical to allow preparation of the femur. The objective of this study was to explore the optimal soft tissue releases needed to allow broaching of the femur through a combination of experimental tests and computer simulations. METHODS: Fourteen full-body cadaveric specimens were included in this study. Total hip arthroplasty was performed via the direct anterior approach with the femur at 20° adduction and 20°extension...
July 5, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
David Péron, Sébastien Leteneur, Bruno Lenne, Ghassan Ido, Cécile Donzé, Franck Barbier, Caroline Massot
BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis can cause locomotor and cognitive impairments even at lower levels of disability, which can impact daily life. The cognitive-motor dual task is commonly used to assess everyday locomotion. Thus, this study aimed to examine the effect of cognitive-motor dual tasks on gait parameters among patients with multiple sclerosis in the early disease stages and to determine whether dual tasks could be used as a clinical test to detect locomotion impairments. METHODS: A systematic search of five databases was conducted in May 2024...
July 2, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Nathan J Robey, Otto Buchholz, Shane P Murphy, Gary D Heise
BACKGROUND: Those who undergo ACL reconstruction are at an increased risk of suffering a second ACL injury. A suggested rationale for the increased injury risk is sensory reweighting to the visual system to compensate for a lack of somatosensory information from the knee. Understanding this proposed visual reliance may help clinicians improve return to sport outcomes and reduce the risk of a subsequent ACL injury. METHODS: Thirteen ACL reconstructed individuals and thirteen matched controls completed two common static postural control assessments under three different visual conditions; eyes open, low visual disruption, and high visual disruption...
July 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Naoaki Ito, Jacob J Capin, Elanna K Arhos, Elizabeth Wellsandt, Ryan T Pohlig, Thomas S Buchanan, Lynn Snyder-Mackler
BACKGROUND: The purpose was to explore quadriceps electromechanical function (quadriceps latency) during gait after anterior cruciate ligament injury as a predictor for radiographic knee osteoarthritis 6-years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Change in latency after preoperative physical therapy was also examined. METHODS: Quadriceps latency (time between peak knee moment and quadriceps electromyography) was calculated before preoperative physical therapy (2...
June 27, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Jérôme Bouchard-Tremblay, Michael Théberge, Tamami Ayoub, Gabrielle Martel-Brosseau, Marie-Pier Levasseur-Ouellet, Maxim Tremblay, Alexandra Houde-Thibeault, Enafa Anais Wotto, Fernando Rezende Carezolli, Luc J Hébert, Rubens A da Silva
BACKGROUND: Poor postural control has been reported in people with Parkinson's disease, which could be explained by the changes in muscular activation patterns related to antigravitational muscles. This study aims to measure the muscle activation of antigravitational muscles during balance tasks in individuals, with and without Parkinson's. METHODS: Sixteen (16) participants (9 with Parkinson's), aged ≥65 yrs., performed 2 × 30-s trials of 4 balance tasks (bipodal and semi-tandem opened eyes and closed eyes) on a force platform (center of pressure measurement); while surface electromyography measurements were obtained bilaterally on the multifidus at L5, biceps femoris and medialis gastrocnemius...
June 23, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Kazutaka Otani, Takashi Sato, Koichi Kobayashi, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Osamu Tanifuji, Ryota Katsumi, Hiroyuki Kawashima
BACKGROUND: Long-leg frontal radiographs of the lower extremities are used to assess knee osteoarthritis. Given the three-dimensional (3D) nature of alignment changes in osteoarthritis, postural alterations in the femur and tibia extend beyond the coronal plane (in-plane) to include the transverse and sagittal planes (out-of-plane). This study investigates the impact of these out-of-plane factors on in-plane knee alignment parameters observed in frontal radiographs. METHODS: A total of 97 osteoarthritic knees in women were examined...
June 22, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Pawel Brzozowski, Clayton Inculet, Emil H Schemitsch, Radovan Zdero
BACKGROUND: This study experimentally validated a computationally optimized screw number and screw distribution far cortical locking distal femur fracture plate and compared the results to traditional implants. METHODS: 24 artificial femurs were osteotomized with a 10 mm fracture gap 60 mm proximal to the intercondylar notch. Three fixation constructs were used. (i) Standard locking plates secured with three far cortical locking screws inserted according to a previously optimized distribution in the femur shaft (n = 8)...
June 21, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Toshihiro Maemichi, Masatomo Matsumoto, Takumi Okunuki, Tsukasa Kumai
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate age-related changes in the heel fat pad's microchamber and macrochamber layers, particularly focusing on load-induced alterations. Understanding these changes is crucial for elucidating age-related differences in foot mechanics and their potential implications for mobility and comfort. METHODS: Fifty-five healthy individuals were divided into three age groups: young adults (≤29 years), middle-aged adults (30-44 years), and elderly individuals (≥45 years)...
June 17, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
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