Juan José Valenzuela-Fuenzalida, Constanza Avalos-Díaz, Antonia Droguett-Utreras, Javier Guerra-Loyola, Pablo Nova-Baeza, Mathias Orellana-Donoso, Alejandra Suazo-Santibañez, Gustavo Oyanedel-Amaro, Juan Sanchis-Gimeno, Alejandro Bruna-Mejias, Gkionoul Nteli Chatzioglou
INTRODUCTION: Knowledge of anatomical variants that affect the hepatic duct (HD) are of particular clinical relevance during hepatobiliary surgical procedures. More specifically, the aberrant anatomy of the common HD is the most common anatomical variation affecting the biliary tree. Below, we describe different classifications of anatomical variants that affect this canal. According to Huang's classification, variations are determined depending on the insertion of the right posterior hepatic duct (RPHD)...
September 27, 2024: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy: SRA