Stacey Dornette, Stephen Deptola, Brianna Hemmann, Charu Venkatesan, DonnaMaria E Cortezzo
Delirium often goes unrecognized in neonates and children because of lack of experience in evaluating behavior and cognition, insufficient awareness of the prevalence, and nondistinctive symptoms in this population. Although there are increasing reports of the presence of delirium in neonates, there are few data to guide the pharmacologic treatment in this population. In this retrospective single-center case series, we present our experience using quetiapine to treat delirium in 9 medically complex neonates...
September 16, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Akshat Katyayan, Anuranjita Nayak, Gloria Diaz-Medina, Maureen Handoko, James John Riviello
BACKGROUND: Ketogenic diet is an effective therapy for patients with medically refractory epilepsy. It is generally well tolerated, with the most common side effects being gastrointestinal. Hepatic toxicity has been described as an uncommon side effect of ketogenic diet, usually with long-term use. However, there are limited data to implicate ketogenic diet in acute liver toxicity. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed all patients who underwent elective inpatient ketogenic diet initiation at our institution from June 2019 to June 2022...
September 16, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Coral J Sepulveda, Elaine Walsh, Kristen Carlin, Russell P Saneto
Objective: In this study, we assessed the usefulness of a previsit questionnaire for children who were referred for an initial evaluation in a mitochondrial subspecialty clinic. We explored the themes regarding parent's questions, concerns, and goals. We aimed to add to existing knowledge about the usefulness of previsit questionnaires in a pediatric specialty setting from the perspective of parents, the specialist, and the clinical coordinator. Method: We enrolled 25 patients and their parent(s) over 25 months...
September 13, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Prashant Jauhari, Sonali Singh, Agam Jain, Mohan S Sundaram, Gautam Kamila, Rahul Sinha, Biswaroop Chakrabarty, Atin Kumar, Sheffali Gulati
BACKGROUND: We sought to estimate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) in childhood tuberculous meningitis. METHODS: Hospital records of children (6 months to 14 years) with tuberculous meningitis were retrospectively analyzed from September 2019 through January 2022. In September 2019, the first case of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity in tuberculous meningitis was identified in our division. Since then, all admitted children with tuberculous meningitis have been screened for paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity using the Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity Assessment Measure (PSH-AM)...
September 12, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Ellen N Sutter, Janet M Legare, Melissa A Villegas, Kellie M Collins, Jens Eickhoff, Bernadette T Gillick
Evidence-based assessment pathways inform early detection of cerebral palsy and access to intervention. This study investigated the relationships between early evidence-based assessments, diagnosis timeline, and rehabilitation intervention access in a population of children with cerebral palsy who were seen between 2010 and 2022 at the University of Wisconsin Waisman Center Newborn Follow Up Clinic. Cerebral palsy-specific assessments were increasingly integrated after the publication of early detection guidelines by Novak et al...
September 12, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Amanda G Sandoval Karamian, Monika Baker, Rachel Palmquist, Jacob Wilkes, Caleb Porter, Jaxon Olsen, LeeAnn Dempsey, Timothy J Tidwell, Matthew Sweney, Joshua L Bonkowsky
Objective: To determine whether there is a correlation of genetic diagnosis/result with long-term seizure freedom in pediatric epilepsy patients. Methods: This was a prospective and retrospective cohort study of children with epilepsy referred for genetic testing at a single center. The primary outcomes were presence and type of genetic diagnosis (pathogenic, benign, or variant of uncertain significance) and patient epilepsy status (seizure free, treatment failure, uncertain). Epilepsy gene panels were the primary method of genetic testing...
September 10, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
David Arce Saez, Amalie Akulenok Berring-Uldum, Nanette Marinette Monique Debes
Objective: This systematic review aims to examine effects of nonpharmacologic treatment options for pediatric tension-type headache patients as well as evaluate current results from these treatment options. Background: Headache is a worldwide problem among both adults and children, with tension-type headache among the most common. Methods: Eighteen relevant studies were found using PubMed and evaluated in this review. These include therapy programs, biofeedback, alternative medicine, strength exercise, physical therapy, mindfulness therapy, and psychotherapy...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Yana A Wilson, Natasha Garrity, Hayley Smithers-Sheedy, Shona Goldsmith, Tasneem Karim, Georgina Henry, Simon Paget, Maria Kyriagis, Nadia Badawi, Gareth Baynam, Jozef Gecz, Sarah McIntyre
A growing number of genes have been identified in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP); however, many of these studies have poor compliance with the cerebral palsy clinical description. This systematic review aimed to assess the quality of the cerebral palsy clinical description/phenotype in cerebral palsy genetic studies published between 2010 and 2024 and report clinically relevant genes based on the quality of the cerebral palsy phenotype. An expert panel developed 6 criteria to review the reported cerebral palsy phenotype/description for each included study...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Lauren E Schopman, Megan E Land, Jaskaran Rakkar, Brian L Appavu, Sandra D W Buttram
INTRODUCTION: Studies suggest disparities in outcomes in minoritized children after severe traumatic brain injury. We aimed to evaluate for disparities in intracranial pressure-directed therapies and outcomes after pediatric severe traumatic brain injury. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of the Approaches and Decisions for Acute Pediatric TBI (ADAPT) Trial, which enrolled pediatric severe traumatic brain injury patients (Glasgow Coma Scale score  ≤8) with an intracranial pressure monitor from 2014 to 2018...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Sana Ahsan, Saba Jafarpour, Mellad M Khoshnood, Deepti Nagesh, Eugenia Ho, Nusrat Ahsan, Jonathan D Santoro
Epstein-Barr virus meningoencephalitis is a rare central nervous system infection that lacks standardized treatment. Immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals with this condition frequently have poor prognostic outcomes, making the need to identify therapeutic interventions high. Here, we report 2 pediatric cases of severe Epstein-Barr virus meningoencephalitis, both unresponsive to immunoglobulin and corticosteroid therapy, who demonstrated rapid clinical recovery following rituximab administration...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Zekiye Altun, Metin Ceyhan, Hongling Yuan, Deniz Kızmazoğlu, Safiye Aktaş, Nur Olgun
The aim of study was to investigate whether CASP8 (CASPASE8) could be a biomarker for prognosis in neuroblastoma. The prognostic value of CASP8 was determined by analyzing CASP8 methylation status and gene expressions in the tumor tissues of 37 neuroblastoma patients. Bisulfite and quantitative multiplex-methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to identify the methylation status. CASP8 messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA) expression levels were determined using reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Xinyi Zhu, Peijun Li
Epilepsy is identified in individuals who experienced 2 or more unprovoked seizures occurring over 24 hours apart, which can have a profound impact on a person's neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social well-being. Epilepsy is considerably diverse, with classifications such as genetic epilepsy that result directly from a known or presumed genetic variant with the core symptoms of seizures. The GABAA receptor primarily functions as a heteropentamer, containing 3 of 8 subunit types: α, β, γ, δ, ε, π, θ, and ρ...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Alexia M Perez, Danna P Garcia-Guaqueta, Bindu N Setty, Caitlin Neri, Alcy R Torres
INTRODUCTION: Skull infarction is an uncommonly reported complication of sickle cell disease. We aimed to characterize the clinical and imaging features of skull infarction in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease. METHODS: We searched the PubMed database for case reports on skull bone infarction in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease. Out of 67 records retrieved, 15 met inclusion criteria, and a 16th case reported by the senior author was included...
September 3, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Raffaele Falsaperla, Vincenzo Sortino, Valentina Giacchi, Marco Andrea Nicola Saporito, Silvia Marino, Lucia Giovanna Tardino, Lidia Marino, Alessia Gennaro, Martino Ruggieri, Chiara Barberi, Agata Polizzi
Hyperekplexia is a neurologic disorder characterized by an exaggerated startle reflex in response to different types of stimuli. Hyperekplexia is defined by the triad of neonatal hypertonia, excessive startle reflexes, and generalized stiffness following the startle. Although uncommon, hyperekplexia can lead to serious consequences such as falls, brain injury, or sudden infant death syndrome.Aim of this study was to identify cases of neonatal hyperekplexia with a confirmed genetic diagnosis and to establish the genotype-phenotype correlation at onset...
September 2, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Joseph Vithayathil, Akash Virupakshaiah, Geraldine Liu, Sanjeev K Swami, Robert A Avery, Grant T Liu, Jennifer L McGuire
OBJECTIVE: Describe the clinical characteristics, treatment strategies, and outcome data of children with papilledema associated with Lyme disease at a large tertiary care pediatric hospital. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of children 1-18 years old who received care at our institution between 1995 and 2019 with concurrent diagnoses of papilledema and Lyme disease. Data were abstracted from records and prospective family surveys. RESULTS: Among 44 children included (median age 9...
September 2, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Bethany Murphy, Julissa Veras, Sindhura Kolli, Brielle Formanowski, Patricia Greenberg, Lawrence Kleinman, Amisha Malhotra, Vikram Bhise
This retrospective chart review examined children with documented Lyme disease serology in New Jersey aged <21 years presenting with facial nerve palsy. The presence of symptoms including tick bite, fever, headache, and arthritis was recorded. Data were categorized based on demographic factors, and multivariate regression was employed. We enrolled 122 children, 54% female (mean age of 11.4 ± 5.1 years); 22.1% had Lyme disease. Fever was a significant predictor of Lyme disease ( P  = ...
August 28, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Rafael Coelho Magalhães, Roberta da Silva Filha, Érica Leandro Marciano Vieira, Antônio Lúcio Teixeira, Janaina Matos Moreira, Ana Cristina Simões E Silva
AIM: To evaluate the effects of systematic rehabilitation on both the neuropsychomotor development, and on the peripheral response from immunological and neuroplastic mediators in children with cerebral palsy. METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study with 90 children with cerebral palsy at 18 months of age. Sixty children received rehabilitation for 6 months, and they were compared to 30 children that were placed in the waiting list. Peripheral biomarkers and neuropsychomotor parameters were compared between the Rehab vs the Nonrehab groups at baseline and at 6 months...
August 28, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Dana B Harrar, Ilyse Genser, Mejdi Najjar, Emily Davies, Sangeeta Sule, Birte Wistinghausen, Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky, Elizabeth Wells
Here we describe a pediatric patient with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome with a good functional and neurologic outcome after treatment with early and aggressive cytokine-directed immunomodulatory therapy and a seizure management strategy that intentionally avoided a barbiturate coma. A 5-year-old previously healthy male presented with staring, behavioral arrest, and encephalopathy evolving to super-refractory status epilepticus. He had had onset of fever 5 days prior. He was treated with early and aggressive immunomodulatory therapy targeted to his evolving cytokine profile...
August 28, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Chethan K Rao, Rachel Kuperman
Childhood absence epilepsy is one of the most prevalent pediatric epilepsy syndromes, but diagnostic delay is common and consequential. Childhood absence epilepsy is diagnosed by history and physical examination including hyperventilation with electroencephalography (EEG) used to confirm the diagnosis. Hyperventilation produces generalized spike-wave discharges on EEG in >90% of patients with childhood absence epilepsy and provokes clinical absence seizures consisting of brief loss of consciousness typically within 90 seconds...
August 23, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
Kristen M Yang, Mekka R Garcia, Devorah Segal
Cases of isolated spinal cord ischemia resulting in symptoms in neonates are rare, and there are even fewer reported cases in atraumatic births. We present a case of a presumed isolated cervical cord ischemic injury, discuss differentials to consider when evaluating a neonatal spinal cord injury, and highlight the difficulties of diagnosing a spinal cord infarction.
August 23, 2024: Journal of Child Neurology
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