Shutian Wu, Biaohu Liu, Haiyun Fan, Yuxin Zhong, You Yang, Aling Yao
OBJECTIVE: Exploring the performance of ultrasound-based radiomics in forecasting major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) within 1 year following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. METHODS: In this research, 161 ACS patients who underwent PCI were included (114 patients were randomly assigned to the training set and 47 patients to the validation set). Every patient received echocardiography 3-7 days after PCI and followed up for 1 year...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Peter L M Kerkhof, Elena Osto, Neal Handly
Cardiac compartmental size depends on sex, with smaller values found in (healthy) women compared to a matched group of men. Various types of heart disease may cause dilation of the affected chamber. For example, atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with enlarged left atrial (LA) size, often also implying increased left ventricular (LV) size. Sex-specific differences appear to persist during disease states. Thus, chamber volumes depend on both sex and the severity of the underlying disorder, and require quantification to evaluate the effect of interventions...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Ricky Patil, Camille Yongue, Les James, Fang Zhou, Muhamed Saric, Mikhail Vaynblat
Marantic endocarditis is defined as a sterile endocarditis that is rarely encountered in clinical practice. This case series illustrates five cases of marantic endocarditis. All cases were diagnosed on trans thoracic echocardiography and verified on transesophageal echocardiography. The first three cases occur in the setting of antiphospholipid syndrome; the last two occur in the setting of advanced malignancy. Two cases were treated successfully with anticoagulation, while two others required valvular surgery...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Luca Dell'Angela, Gian Luigi Nicolosi
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Mauro Riccardi, Dario S Cani, Matteo Pagnesi, Carlo M Lombardi, Marco Metra, Riccardo M Inciardi
PURPOSE: Cardiogenic shock still has a high mortality. In order to correctly manage these patients, it is useful to have available haemodynamic parameters, invasive and non-invasive. The aim of this review is to show the current evidence on the use of echocardiographic aortic flow assessment by left ventricular outflow tract - velocity time integral. METHODS: Publications relevant to the discussion of echocardiographic aortic flow assessment by left ventricular outflow tract - velocity time integral and cardiogenic shock, were retrieved from PubMed®...
August 2024: Echocardiography
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Patrick Meimoun, Vanessa Kacy, Agathe Vernier, Valentin Stracchi, Frederic Elmkies, Thierry Botoro, Jerome Clerc, Christophe Tribouilloy
BACKGROUND/AIM: Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction related to systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve is a common complication of dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE). However, the mechanisms underlying SAM have not been fully characterized. The objective of the present study was to use three-dimensional echocardiography to identify anatomic features of the mitral valve that predispose to SAM during DSE. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated consecutive patients included prospectively in our database and who had undergone 3D echocardiography (including an assessment of the mitral valve) before DSE...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Francesco Mangini, Maria Scarcia, Robert W W Biederman, Roberto Calbi, Francesco Spinelli, Grazia Casavecchia, Natale Daniele Brunetti, Matteo Gravina, Corrado Fiore, Sergio Suma, Maria Milo, Cristiano Turchetti, Ernesto Pesce, Remo Caramia, Francesca Lombardi, Massimo Grimaldi
Mitral valve prolapse is a common valve disorder that usually has a benign prognosis unless there is significant regurgitation or LV impairment. However, a subset of patients are at an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death, which has led to the recognition of "arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse" as a clinical entity. Emerging risk factors include mitral annular disjunction and myocardial fibrosis. While echocardiography remains the primary method of evaluation, cardiac magnetic resonance has become crucial in managing this condition...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Hiroyuki Iwano
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Lian-di Liu, Mao Deng, Shuang Zheng, Fang Peng, Bin Xiao, Ran Chen
Malignant melanoma (MM) is notorious for its high metastatic potential, with cardiac metastasis being particularly severe as it involves cardiac structures and can lead to significant cardiac functional issues. While there is no standardized treatment approach, early detection and intervention can improve prognosis.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Ruizhong Liu, Yajuan Yang
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Chao Xie, Chujun Wang, Xiuqiang Guo, Hanyu Zhang, Zifeng Li, Wenjun Zhang
Congenitally correct transposition of the great arteries (cc-TGA) is an extremely rare congenital cardiac malposition. It can be detected antenatally by echocardiography. This case report describes a 58-year-old female patient who presented with tachycardia. The combination of cc-TGA and isolated levocardia is incidentally diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Malika R Karimi, Adrianne R Bischoff, Emily Riley, Luke Zerwic, Patrick J McNamara, Rachael M Hyland, Ravi Ashwath
PURPOSE: Left atrium to aortic root ratio (LA/Ao) is an echocardiographic marker of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Since 2-dimensional measurement of the ratio is geometrically limited, left atrial volume (LAV) which has 3-dimensional characteristics was investigated. The aim of this study was to determine a correlation between LA/Ao ratio and LAV as well as holodiastolic flow reversal in preterm neonates with and without a PDA. METHODS: A retrospective evaluation of neonates with and without PDA was performed...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Jacqueline Saw, Vivian Vij, Roberto Galea, Kerstin Piayda, Dominik Nelles, Lara Vogt, Steffen Gloekler, Monika Fürholz, Bernhard Meier, Lorenz Räber, Gilles O'Hara, Dabit Arzamendi, Victor Agudelo, Lluis Asmarats, Xavier Freixa, Eduardo Flores-Umanzor, Ole De Backer, Lars Sondergaard, Luis Nombela-Franco, Pablo Salinas, Kasper Korsholm, Jens Erik Nielsen-Kudsk, Tobias Zeus, Felix Operhalski, Boris Schmidt, Gilles Montalescot, Paul Guedeney, Xavier Iriart, Noelie Miton, Thomas Gilhofer, Laurent Fauchier, Egzon Veliqi, Felix Meincke, Nils Petri, Peter Nordbeck, Rocio Gonzalez-Ferreiro, Ignacio Cruz-González, Deepak L Bhatt, Alessandra Laricchia, Antonio Mangieri, Heyder Omran, Jan Wilko Schrickel, Thomas Beiert, Josep Rodes-Cabau, Georg Nickenig, Horst Sievert, Alexander Sedaghat, Shazia Afzal
BACKGROUND: Device-related thrombosis (DRT) is a common finding after left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) and is associated with worse outcomes. As women are underrepresented in clinical studies, further understanding of sex differences in DRT patients is warranted. METHODS AND RESULTS: This sub-analysis from the EUROC-DRT-registry compromises 176 patients with diagnosis of DRT after LAAC. Women, who accounted for 34.7% (61/176) of patients, were older (78.0 ± 6...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Hirokazu Onishi, Masaki Izumo, Yusuke Watanabe, Masaaki Okutsu, Koji Hozawa, Tatsuro Shoji, Yukio Sato, Shingo Kuwata, Yoshihiro J Akashi
PURPOSE: The extraaortic-valvular cardiac damage (EVCD) Stage has shown potential for risk stratification for patients with aortic stenosis (AS). This study aimed to examine the usefulness of the EVCD Stage in risk stratification of patients with moderate AS and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). METHODS: Clinical data from patients with moderate AS (aortic valve area, .60-.85 cm2 /m2 ; peak aortic valve velocity, 2.0-4.0 m/s) and reduced LVEF (LVEF 20%-50%) were analyzed during 2010-2019...
August 2024: Echocardiography
Cosimo Marco Campanale, Patrizio Moras, Marco Masci, Flavia Cobianchi Bellisari, Maria Carolina Colucci, Luciano Pasquini, Alessandra Toscano
ARCAPA echocardiographic diagnosis. A network of small multiple coronary vessels, a systo-diastolic jet of flow into the pulmonary artery and a retrograde inverted «blue» flow into the RCA are the key signs. CT-scan confirms the diagnosis .
August 2024: Echocardiography
Xiaohui Peng, Panpan Zhang, Mei Pan, Shanshan Hui, Tingting Shen, Liyi You, Bowen Zhao
Type III redundancy of the foramen ovale flap (RFOF) mimics hemodynamic changes of mitral stenosis(MS), which has not been particularly highlighted in previous literature but carries a favorable prognosis.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Matthias Schneider-Reigbert, Henryk Dreger
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Cesare Cuspidi, Elisa Gherbesi, Andrea Faggiano
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2024: Echocardiography
Ruohan Zhao, Wei Sun, Yuman Li, Anjun Wu, Xin Chen, Jie Lou, Siyi Zhang, Yuting Tan, Li Zhang, Mingxing Xie, Qing Lv
BACKGROUND: Due to insufficient near-field resolution and artifacts, it is challenging to evaluate the left ventricular apical perfusion with phased-array probes. By combining high-frequency linear probe and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), imaging of apical myocardial perfusion could be improved. The study aims to evaluate the preliminary application of CEUS by high-frequency linear probes to assess the apical perfusion. METHODS: The study enrolled retrospectively 91 patients to test the feasibility of the novel method...
August 2024: Echocardiography
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