Juliana Machado Portela, Alessandra Ferreira Dales Nava, Helder Ribeiro Batista, Thiago F Martins, Sebastian Muñoz-Leal, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da Silva, Salatiel Ribeiro Dias, Marcelo B Labruna, Antonio Humberto Hamad Minervino
There is limited knowledge about tick diversity in the Amazon region. Here, we survey small terrestrial mammals for tick infestation at the Rio Pardo settlement, Amazonas State, Brazil. Sampling included rainy and dry seasons and four ecotones (primary forest, forest in regeneration, field crops and households). Each animal was inspected for ticks, which, if present, were placed in 70% alcohol and identified. Parasitological indexes were calculated and the presence/absence of ticks on hosts was tested for possible associations with independent variables (ecotone, host sex, host order, host family, host age and season)...
August 1, 2024: Experimental & Applied Acarology